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Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by bout, Jun 9, 2013.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. Raelian

    Raelian Bison Rider

    Things like tornadoes and such seem to be a bit too overkill... it' bad enough that we're destroying each other's buildings let alone the map trying to wreck them. :p

    If biomes are to be added I would suggest making each one change the battlefield in a unique way which is easy to identify without having to add game breaking features. A few ideas that come from the top of my head would be:

    - diverse wildlife depending on the biome: bison for plains, tigers for jungles, wolves for conifer forests etc.
    - more foliage and plants that can be used for cover (jungles and conifer forests offering more foliage than plains or a tundra biome)
    - dynamic water, and no I don't mean terraria type water (the finite kind) but having the water level re-adjust itself every x minutes depending on the biome ( Ex: wetlands biome would have a 10 minute timer where the water level would raise to 3-5 blocks and after another 10 minutes it will go down to it's original level, the cycle repeating itself)
    - rough terrain, make biomes like desert or wetlands have a small penalty to travelling speed when controlling a catapult or ballista (basically their wheels would get stuck in the sand or muck every now and then)
    - natural traps such as quicksand in desert biomes, if a player falls in he starts to move more and more slowly until they are immobile (similar to the drowning effect a few patches ago) and then drown, unless of course they get out in time

    On a side note. Now that I look back at this, I can imagine biomes would more than probably be a big thing to implement so for the sake of not wasting so much time on all this crap, just add random events! :p Doesn't matter what kind of events (meteor rain, tornadoes, bunny avalanche or a big bad dragon swooping around and setting fire to everything) aslong as they spice up the match, whether good or bad, it should definitely be a welcomed addition after watching your mates charge the blue hall and fail only to realize that the match had been in a stand-still for 30 minutes.
    SlyStalker likes this.
  2. SlyStalker

    SlyStalker Shopkeep Stealer

    More animals would definitely be great. BATS! :D
  3. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    Not for the ones who don't need to see very far.
  4. M00SHAK

    M00SHAK Haxor

    Sounds painful... (Thunderstorms, Tornadoes, Floods, etc.)
Mods: Rainbows