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Bug Reports

Discussion in 'Groups' started by Aphelion, Jul 1, 2014.

  1. Aphelion

    Aphelion Wunderkind Donator
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Run forceupdate.bat in your KAG directory.
  2. lare290

    lare290 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Still wont work even after that.

    Edit: pls I need help ;_; I was thinking about donating, but if you can't even help if I have big bug in game, I'm gonna use my money better.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jan 28, 2015, Original Post Date: Jan 26, 2015 ---
    Dammit, can't u even respond? :QQ:
  3. Duke_Jordan

    Duke_Jordan King Arthur's Knight Donator
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Aphelions busy, don't take it personal if he can't respond. I'm no coder or modder but try joining a CTF server then Aphelions.
  4. lare290

    lare290 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I have tried Ctf-servers, deleting mod folder and forcepatching. Nothing works.
  5. PinXviiN

    PinXviiN Haxor

    Just try to uninstall the game and delete the KAG folder, if it is still there. Then reinstall.
  6. master-chief

    master-chief Arsonist

    Summary:can not join, it joins for a split second and i hear some sound then it crashes instantly
    it also only does this on roleplay
    How to recreate:i do not know how it just suddenly happend
    Media:i wouldent be able to give much sooo yea
  7. PinXviiN

    PinXviiN Haxor

    This has been happening quite often lately. The only way to fix it is to wait for the players to vote for next map.
  8. master-chief

    master-chief Arsonist

    thats not the problem i waited for 2 days and it dident work but stabby helped me fix it. i hade to reinstall kag and it worked.
  9. rynardt_sieberhagen

    rynardt_sieberhagen Builder Stabber

    that moment when ur head disappears: "AARGH!!! HALP":spam:hope this gets fixed soon:hammer::hammer::hammer:
  10. lare290

    lare290 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Done reinstall also.
  11. Atreides6262

    Atreides6262 Bison Rider

    I have a problem. Most of the Admins (I think), including me can't join the undead race. I don't know if something is wrong or just "no permission". Thanks for help. Anakin.
  12. Aphelion

    Aphelion Wunderkind Donator
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Admins don't get free access to Undead.
  13. master-chief

    master-chief Arsonist

    as a sponser i can join it just fine must be a admin only thing
  14. Sasquash

    Sasquash Zicronium Merchant Donator

    Summary: Bug list 1; Blacksmithing-- smelting works, smithing doesnt; 2: The area detection on the spawn and the blacksmith is way too far out

    How to recreate:
    1; Blacksmithing-- on attempt to use the anvil it will not let you, not matter how close or far you are.
    2; As undead, research all the way out.
    3; As undead, sit on an unoccupied base
    4; stand at spawn and go to change class
    1: screen-15-05-27-06-13-23.png
    2: screen-15-05-27-06-12-48.png screen-15-05-27-06-12-52.png

    Edit: removed things I retested after a map reset/rejoin

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2015
  15. WuppieF

    WuppieF Shipwright

    Hey I bought a tome of teleportation being a angel and it seems you cant use it in the sky islands while it works just fine on the normal world.
    looks like its the same with tome of telekinesis.
    [tome of invisibility and tome of returning work just fine ::D::thumbs_up:]
  16. rynardt_sieberhagen

    rynardt_sieberhagen Builder Stabber

    sometimes u don't take fall damage as a elven archer, is that a bug? or intended???:bow::flex:
  17. WuppieF

    WuppieF Shipwright

    you might have landed on a small tree when almost hitting the ground.
  18. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    I think I've found a bug.

    I was playing a farmer, and had quite a few chickens and fishes, which I kept in a tank and a coop, each about twice the size of a regular wood or stone workshop.

    After a while, I noticed that the wood logs I had been cutting dissapeared.
    Pressing C still outlined them in white, and they could be harvested, so that wasn't really a big deal, but when I returned to my farm, my animals were gone.
    I could still see the coop and the tank from where I chopped wood, but I didn't really notice anything happened until I got back.
    The animals didn't die, because there weren't any corpses.
    They also didn't dissapear, like the logs, because pressing C didn't do anything.
    It wasn't a glitch either; I dug around under the farm, and found a mine.
    If they had glitched throught the floor they'd be there.

    How to recreate:
    This happens every so often, about once an hour.

    I don't have any media, because there's not really anything to show but two empty rooms, one of which filled with water,
    but I might have a solution:

    Getting the chickens back wasn't a problem; buy eggs, and wait.
    The fish, however, were gone forever.
    I'd suggest changing the merchant's wares slightly, changing cooked fishes to uncooked ones, so that one may just buy some if they've become extinct.
    Maybe even increase the rates chickens lay eggs and fishes spawn, to keep farming them viable. (the odds of finding a chicken egg are ridiculously low; I had five chickens, and rarely ever got any eggs )

    I know that there aren't going to be any new updates, but this change should not take too much difficulty, and would be huge improvement.
    Basically, I'd change cooked fish to live fish in the merchant's wares, and make spawn chances for eggs and new fish a bit higher.
  19. king-george

    king-george Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    That is not a bug, the server sometimes clears blobs to reduce lag.
  20. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    That explains a lot. Thanks!