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Devlog BUILD 1537 - Quality of Life

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Geti, Jul 6, 2015.

  1. makmoud98

    makmoud98 You are already DEAD Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester

    why do u object
  2. blackjoker77777

    blackjoker77777 Haxor Tester
    1. Zen Laboratories

    because he knows that it will mean that every team will spam lots of saws so that enemies will get instakilled if they jump to their area.While their team will have the possibility to survive their own saws.Like that KAG will be more like "The More Saws you have, the more your chance of winning will grow up".
    EDIT: And yeah I agree with norill.
    makmoud98 and Blue_Tiger like this.
  3. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    people wouldnt even use trap blocks anymore lmao. pits with saws in it will be the new meta
    icemusher and blackjoker77777 like this.
  4. Blue_Tiger

    Blue_Tiger Haxor Tester

    Make it so saws don't turn off when a team mate falls in them.
  5. blackjoker77777

    blackjoker77777 Haxor Tester
    1. Zen Laboratories

    they were made to turn off when killing a teammate as a protection in the first place, let's say that you dropped the saw in an unreachable place and you jump to get the saw so if it kills you then it will automatically turn off to protect you (or other teammates) if you jump again to get it back (to avoid being killed in every second).
    But maybe you're right, I mean it could be used to avoid the broken saw traps (due to some issues in trap blocks).
    EDIT: maybe if we can test our suggestions before asking developers to add them to KAG Vanilla then that could be better, so here is an edited saw script (a saw that doesn't turn off if it hits a teammate).
    If we can test it in pub and get some of the players feedback and see how they find it, we can then decide if it would do the trick or not. But the question is how we can get enough number of players to try it and give a 'mature' responsible feedback that could be taken to consideration?
    I honestly like the idea of saws not being turned off due to some teammates, at least to avoid complains about "saw traps are no longer as efficient as they used to be".

    Attached Files:

    • saw.zip
      File size:
      2.1 KB
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2015
    Blue_Tiger likes this.
  6. bru-jaz

    bru-jaz Haxor

    what's exactly the point of the teamkilling droped spikes ? yesterday ive been killed 2 times by different trolls in the building time. they left before get kicked. it's not the same as saws. there is no disadvantage in making the droped spikes no longer team kill if either bombs and arrows doesnt
    norill likes this.
  7. Blue_Tiger

    Blue_Tiger Haxor Tester

    Because then people will be able to drop spikes in massive battles with no teamkilling consequence. If people are dropping spikes on you, votekick them, and if they leave, then they're not going to be TKing anymore.
  8. Fuzzle

    Fuzzle Grand Grumbler

    Cunt-ass-shizz' update as expected.
    Yakuza, fuck me up, please.
  9. makmoud98

    makmoud98 You are already DEAD Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester

  10. bru-jaz

    bru-jaz Haxor

    sadly, id expect that kind of argument that breaks every discusion in the forum :S.
    Builders dont use droping spike that often even when its a good strategy (i mean, they do, but not as knights use bobms i.e) , you need some skills and the materials to do so (in the middle of a match you must use those 30 stone wisely). And even when they do, they dont kill that much teammates.
    Really, i can think same amount or even a few more times that i saw team killing by spikes in the building time or so by trolls than pro builders droping spikes in tramps, for example.
    what ive just said: if you "be able to throw bombs/arrows in massive battles with no tk consequence", why not spikes? I dont want to spike spam in battles, in fact, i never use builder after the beggining of the match. My problem is when those idiots kill you or kill your teammates and the other's voting reaction its too slow (what happen most the times), your team run with disadvantage because you wasnt able to build at the start.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2015
  11. heX_

    heX_ Bison Rider

    Builders don't use spike drops that often because they're best against multiple enemies and when there's multiple enemies, there's usually a teammate there too (also because they cost precious stone). Make spikes non-harmful to teammates and guys like RA, Amin, Shen and the likes will become OP as fuck. As builders.
    As for bombs, they're (hopefully) getting nerfed (smaller radius) soon.

    Keep spikes the way they are imo.
    Blue_Tiger and makmoud98 like this.
  12. bru-jaz

    bru-jaz Haxor

    but you think there's more amount of pro builders than builders who tk on pruporse?


    But you say it, builders dont do it so often. And the bombs getting nerfed doesnt change the fact that they dont harm teammates.
    I get more annoyed of people ruining the game griefing or tking than people killing me playing within the law :P
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2015
  13. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    @Shen2 is a baddie at builder.........anyway can we get back onto the topic of shitty trapblocks?
    icemusher and blackjoker77777 like this.
  14. heX_

    heX_ Bison Rider

    I understand, it's annoyed to gte TKd by spikes (or in general), but I don't think you should change the main game just to prevent a bit of griefing. TK griefing is much easier to report anyway since it shows up in the killfeed.
    Blue_Tiger and bru-jaz like this.
  15. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    i mean spikes only get real kills at the top of towers and if knights are slash camping doors, then i do not see why spikes should kill teammates. It could be a tiny op at first but i think players will adjust
    bru-jaz likes this.
  16. bru-jaz

    bru-jaz Haxor

    but dont you need video recording for a valid report?

    hm so you kinda agree with the idea?
  17. Blue_Tiger

    Blue_Tiger Haxor Tester

    Spikes should go back to how they were before their nerf.
    PUNK123 likes this.
  18. calm down bad boy, this isn't your hardcore Danish ghetto
    Yagger, PanduhsFTW, Vampire and 2 others like this.
  19. Thiamor

    Thiamor Horde Gibber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I never drop spikes down unless it's to kill sharks or a bison since it's the quickest way, but wouldn't it be better (for mechanics) if you could put spikes into the dispenser so that you can just load it up and push it with a button to shoot it out?
    PinXviiN likes this.
  20. makmoud98

    makmoud98 You are already DEAD Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester

    no, that shit was OP, its not fun to get rekt by one spike that is like an inch off of your face. It feels pretty balanced the way it is right now.
    Vampire, Mazey and blackjoker77777 like this.