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Build 200 released!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by MM, Nov 4, 2011.

  1. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester


    You must do either huge improvements to the new system or reverse back to the old one.. :(
  2. Bandwagonman

    Bandwagonman Shopkeep Stealer

    Everything about the new combat is unreliable. Attacks parry against people being launched through the air or not even facing you. Shields sometimes block power slashes and other times they don't block jabs. Shield bashing trajectories are unpredictable and overhead skull crushing sometimes does 3 hearts of damage when you fall from 3 blocks, or a half heart when falling from 20.

    Do power slashes not have a hit box above and below the knight, following the slash's animation? I've tried swatting people out of the air as they try and jump over me and I miss. It does the same when I try and fall-slash at people directly below me.

    I'm totally going to make a shako if we get the ability to make our own heads.
    SpitfireXero likes this.
  3. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Im doing overall much better as a knight (i think its just practice), but I agree I keep getting into situations where NOTHING gets through. I dont even see the other guy swing and hes not shielded yet I still get a clash. Most of my success has been epic bombings.

    Also some people with same ping as me are teleporting, like their position is only updating every few seconds.

    EDIT: Also successful slashes now launch the enemy too far away to even hit them again, even with a second slash following the first. Basically my slash breaks their shield and they fly out of range only to shield again.
  4. Bandwagonman

    Bandwagonman Shopkeep Stealer

    I've played tons of matches since the update and I'm still just as bad. I can honestly say that knight combat is ruined for me, and because I'm an awful archer and find building boring, the game just isn't fun anymore.

    But, I love the game and I'll continue to play it, albeit I'll usually be in a rage-quitty mood.
  5. InFerNos1

    InFerNos1 Shipwright

    I want mine back too.
    I got the game a few days ago, and now I'm not premium.
    It says 'Premium account verified' or something, and when I join games I'm not premium.
  6. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Post a thread in the help forum.
  7. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Eh you really shouldn't make the bottomless pit like this:


    It has made many maps buggy.
  8. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Dunno I its been reported yet, but my TAB keeps breaking and the scoreboard no longer shows until I reconnect.
  9. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    We'll be looking into the issues this week but I'm quite disturbed about the stunlocking considering jabs (and weak arrow hits) don't stun any more, they just reduce your charge.

    Fwiw the clashing is very likely hackily put together (thus clashing when one unit is facing in the other direction) but I honestly haven't been having many of the issues in this thread in the game's I've played. I've found them to play out very balanced albeit with occasional massive bridge spam.
    To all those (3 or so) that're complaining about the way bridges have worked out "They just get spammed with no thought" - does this really matter in the short term? The giant blocks of bridges don't help those player's teams (they're about as useful as slabs of stone except more permeable to units and easier to take down with a builder). I realise it's broken the whole endless bridgeladder upwards with spikes in between strategy, but I don't really care as that seems unimaginative and spammy. We'll see what we can do about the bridgeblocks (or bridgebushes as I've heard them called) (perhaps bridges shouldn't give any vertical support to blocks...) in the longterm but I much prefer a two way platform and the structures it makes possible.
    The fact that such structures aren't built commonly is uninteresting to me - the ideal structures of basic blocks doors and background are rarely built in public games. We realise that many players simply don't think too much about what they're building or thoroughly test or update their designs (I saw someone building a trap with spikes layered on bridges yesterday. That hasn't worked since B120 or so) but seriously - why should I care about how stupid someone can be when making structures if adding something like this makes more interesting buildings feasible to build?
    If you've got a derp on your team building idiot traps that harm your team only, tell them they're being stupid and why or consider going to another server. And if you want to prone on the end of your skybridge attach some goddamn stone.

    Also spoilers: ducking as a builder does jack all and doesn't save you from arrows.

    Re: class specific heads for each head: you have a choice. You can have 5 total heads with variation for each class or you can have 15 heads with no variation and pick one which matches the classes you play most often. I'm most likely to go for the latter option regardless because as we add more classes there's no way in hell I'm keeping a specific class variation per head anyway, but currently there's more than 90 frames of heads as is. This way I can add more head types without fretting about exponential growth of the number of frames I have to draw as the class tree expands. It's honestly not very likely to happen unless you can give me a bloody compelling reason for it (read: $100,000+ AUD upfront cash).

    @BUGS: I'll read through and collate tomorrow for everything to put on the list. We'll likely do a quick hotfix before working on zombies to fix as many issues as we can fit into one very very boring monday night. Michal's off for the weekend and I've got an exam tomorrow morning (12 hours from now) so no changes are coming tonight.

    @Asterix: perhaps, though we might need to hire more moderators or limit the number of times you were allowed to change your head per month. That kind of validation certainly seems like it'd be a pain to set up and monitor though.

    @Jab spamming: seems to vary which way you look at it. If you swap to shield after a parry you're often able to jump over your enemy or backpedal for a slash.

    More replies to come later, I'm getting an early night for this exam.
    Wyeth and Noburu like this.
  10. Wyeth

    Wyeth KAG Guard Donator Tester

    Well except that you are not stunlocked, you should be able to walk away from it, I think you should be able to block though after being hit, I mean why not? Would mean you can get hit once and then the fight continues normally.
    From my experience though right now if you spam JAB you will be able to jab (and parry) while the enemy is jab spamming at you after the first hit, may be due to bug. I think if you don't block/backup you should be able to be stabbed to death without counter attacking inbetween incoming stabs. That would also make stab spamming harder as if you are just spamming the jab you will get hacked to pieces -> you gotta block and play defensively for a moment instead and then attack.

    I noticed aswell that you can get parried AND hit at the same time, your attack gets parried while he hits you, which is really weird and shouldn't be possible.

    The last one is a big one, I tried this out with Wonka, he didn't attack at all while I was stabbing him, we both seen that I hit him repeatedly and I got parried without him blocking OR attacking.

    I think parrying (clashing) is a pretty random addition and only served to make the combat more convolouted and confusing. A lot of it is due to bugs or lags I am sure, but that is something we have to live with right now :/

    Needs some serious fixing.
    Neat and Monsteri like this.
  11. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    To be honest what's the point in keeping parry/clashes in when they just cause problems? Well, for most people i've spoken to anyway. Some seem to find it okay. Still, it was better without them IMO, and jab spam nor stun lock would happen without them, if you get hit once you should be unable to attack BUT still able to shield and move, so being hit once is the max you're going to get, so long as you actually react. Lag will dictate probably if you get hit again but at least you won't get killed by 3 hits like you were when stuns were in, cause you'd be continually stunned on each jab. If you can really fix clashes so that they're reliable, so that they respond reasonably to lag and so that knight combat is at least a bit more predictable, then i'll shutup, but if you ask me i'd say your job is easier if you just remove it. Just sayin'
  12. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    Yeah, I can still do okay, but combat seems much less ordered. I cant predict the possibility of a favourable outcome for any given meelee, unlike before. Damn this is all just whining. You'll either fix it or revert it, and either is ok, I guess.
  13. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    My server is unplayable for me because my client crashes 80% of match ends.
    Most people aren't experiencing this though. Strange.
  14. ilaks

    ilaks Bison Rider Donator

    You still don't get it. We don't want specific heads locked to a specific class.
    As I wrote it before, see it as Team Fortress 2 hats. I can have #1 hat on sniper, die, respawn as pyro and have hat #2.
    Currently in KAG, when i have a pumpkin on my builder and go and change to knight, he has a pumkin too.
    It's just a matter of changing the code and allowing to customize a class without affecting the others.

    Boromir, Contrary and Foxodi like this.
  15. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Oh nono, I meant that you would be able to choose a head for each class from the same custom head menu.
    Some heads just look better on other classes, the big, closed helmet that looks so badass on knights but crap on archers and builders being a good example.

    The menu would work like this:



    Boromir and Noburu like this.
  16. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester


    Epic drawing skills :D

    You should all just rock the tophat like me.
  17. dnmr

    dnmr Ministry of ban Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    dont even need extra menus, just bind each head sprite to each class for that account.

    Spawn as builder, choose head #1. Switch to knight, choose head #2. Next time you switch to builder you'll automatically get head #1 because that's your builder head for your account.
    Boromir and ilaks like this.
  18. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Mmyeah, that'd work too.
  19. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    What these guys are saying about heads-per-class - this is a good idea :)
  20. Jakkarra

    Jakkarra Shipwright

    You could probably save yourself some work by parenting the hat itself to the default head, Geti, on certain hats this would work, because they don't change the sprite between Idle/Action/Death.

    On others, you'd need the current system, but it allows implementation of further hats with less work.