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Devlog KAG Build 2020 - Fixes and Player Marking

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Geti, Oct 28, 2016.

  1. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Hey everyone,

    A more minor build this time, just cleaning up the rough edges of the last one.

    A few bugs and cosmetic issues have been fixed. Check the changelog to see if any issues you had with 2019 are still outstanding, and please report them in the build thread. We'll get to them as soon as we can.

    There is one new feature from @norill, which is the ability to "mark" players as special - to keep an eye on them (friend or foe!). They will show up as a little golden arrow on the map (like you do) and have a grey arrow floating above them in-game (your one is still golden).

    You can mark players with the "party" key, which is R by default. Anyone sharing your clantag is automatically marked.
    Please let him know in the thread any issues you have with this feature, or ideas for extension.

    Have fun!


    [added] party indicators for clanmates
    [modified] some work on grapple to make it harder to glitch through 1 tile holes and platforms (still possible with some platforms)
    [modified] un-aligned names/clantags in scoreboard
    [fixed] hitting trees and spikes when not overlapping (and made hitting spikes on backwall easier)
    [fixed] builder hitting flowers
    [fixed] can't place seeds
    [changed] large stacks of materials decay slower, small stacks decay faster
  2. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    @JacKD - unfortunately your specific case of platform-glitching is not fixed but I didn't feel confident messing with the physics there much more. Fortunately though, the changes I made did help with glitching into flag rooms and "falsely" stealing the flag.

    @bru-jaz @eps0003 @PUNK123 @Nicuwins and anyone else with an opinion on it let me know if this presentation of the clantags on the scoreboard is better.
    JacKD, Nicuwins and bru-jaz like this.
  3. epsilon

    epsilon Assonist THD Team Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. Gather Oceania
    2. KAG World Cup 2018

    I think the scoreboard looks much better. The space was too much.
    I also think the party indicator should be lowered down. Its way too far above the player and is sometimes unnoticeable in battle.
    --- Double Post Merged, Oct 28, 2016, Original Post Date: Oct 28, 2016 ---
    Unable to use tab to auto complete name in chat since the scoreboard shows up.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2016
    daskew87, norill and bru-jaz like this.
  4. bru-jaz

    bru-jaz Haxor

    i came here to report the same thing :)

    The none-clan player's names looks way better now without the space :thumbs_up:

    Something related to JacKD's issue:
    Something ive just did in a match that i don't think i could easily reproduce: As a knight, I was on a water pit about to drown below bridgeblocks, managed to destroy one of them, and when i made the next slash my character went through the remaining block.
    So, apparently, you could go through a 1 block gap of bridgeblock with the grapple and the slash.
    Edit: i tried to reproduce it without success. So dismiss this one.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2016
  5. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    Platform glitching case like archers being able to teleport thru them?
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2016
  6. SlayerSean

    SlayerSean FYI: it's pronounced "seen"

    Next build includes a spectator chat colour that is literally anything other than grey, yes? :wink: that way we can finally chat *and* have our messages be seen (especially for admin).

    Nah but seriously, current clan tag stuff with scoreboard is much better imo, previous build just didn't feel right. Also cheers for the builder fixes.
    Blue_Tiger and joshua12131415 like this.
  7. Nicuwins

    Nicuwins Bison Rider

    Yes, it looks so much better now
    Thank you for fixing :heart:::):
  8. Coroz

    Coroz B R B Donator Tester Official Server Admin
    1. [AG#] - Ancient Gear

    Admin chat seperated would be nice. We can chat with /rcon but it isn't meant for that :D
    norill likes this.
  9. Psiklaw

    Psiklaw Bison Rider

    Not sure why, but I've just tried to play and after ~2-3 minutes playing, the game crashes. I think I read someone with this same issue, I don't know if you guys know about it. Im on Linux btw, if this keeps happening I will open the pertinent bug report. Cheers.
  10. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    Yeah my game currently crashes whenever I get a kill. Currently on mac. I'll probably write a big report when I'm at my computer and have the time.
  11. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    The crashes happen on Mac and Linux? Or also on windows? Apparently if you kill an Archer the game crashes. We decided that Archers need a buff.
    joshua12131415, norill, Bint and 3 others like this.
  12. Vamist

    Vamist THD Team THD Team Tester

    With the recent update, my servers keep crashing. Every time it does, it posts this API error;

    WARNING: API call failed: cURL Error in putStatus(): Timeout was reached

    Any way to fix it/stop it.. Or is it something you' are already aware about?

    -Happens in all my servers, including non-modded servers
  13. Psiklaw

    Psiklaw Bison Rider

    Yeah it happens to me also whenever I get a kill, and it dc exactly before the enemy player is hit
    EhRa likes this.
  14. Bint

    Bint Haxor

    I'm on a mac, seemed unrelated to class for me, but I crashed when (I think) I got a double kill with a spike drop.
  15. epsilon

    epsilon Assonist THD Team Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. Gather Oceania
    2. KAG World Cup 2018

    I haven't had any issues with crashing after getting a kill on Windows 10 64 bit.
  16. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    I'm on mac. I crash whenever I get a kill, any class,
  17. SirDangalang

    SirDangalang Lvl. 128 MissingNo. Donator

    I'm currently unable to use buckets with RMB which is a pain for people obsessed with drill play as I am haha.

    Otherwise good work on the build! :)
  18. epsilon

    epsilon Assonist THD Team Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. Gather Oceania
    2. KAG World Cup 2018

    SirDangalang likes this.
  19. Bobinours

    Bobinours Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Hi !
    The game crash everytime ! Not every kill make the game crash... I can't accuse only archers.
    On Linux linuxmint 3.11-2-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.11.8-1 (2013-11-13) x86_64 GNU/Linux
    I'm NOT using steam. I have tried kagbeta client and release's one. Same result.

    Here the terminal error :
    KAG: ../../source/as_scriptobject.cpp:609: asCScriptObject& asCScriptObject::operator=(const asCScriptObject&): Assertion `other.objType->DerivesFrom(objType)' failed.
    ./nolauncher.sh : ligne 24 : 5964 Abandon ./KAG nolauncher autostart Scripts/autostart.as autoconfig autoconfig.cfg

    Before I had some errors :
    [20:53:32] Can't create blobs on client
    or :
    [20:56:42] Match not found for file Sounds/rock_hit?.ogg
    Could not open sound file: Sounds/rock_hit?.ogg
    EhRa and Psiklaw like this.
  20. epsilon

    epsilon Assonist THD Team Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. Gather Oceania
    2. KAG World Cup 2018

    Issue: Able to mark enemy tunnellers to see their location in pitch dark.
    This removes the aspect of a secret tunnel.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2016
    joshua12131415 likes this.