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Build 370 Released!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by MM, Apr 23, 2012.

  1. Gunnar

    Gunnar Catapult Fodder

    I highly dislike the new resource counter, perhaps even hate it. It is very annoying when mining for long periods, but the worst is when picking up bombs and arrows or anything on the ground. It is annoying that when I pick up a bomb I have to wait for the counter.

    I just don't understand at all why you put this in? What is its purpose!? It is just annoying!

    PS: my sound is glitched and sound frequencies are quite random for all sounds, and is making me nauseated esp. when very low wave frequency
    </br>--- merged: Apr 24, 2012 12:08 AM ---</br>
    Having the same problem

    xChapx and BlueLuigi like this.
  2. Harold7

    Harold7 Arsonist

    new update rocks:)
  3. fishfinger73

    fishfinger73 Haxor

    Ikr it's great :D. The new counter system still needs a bit of getting used to.
    Harold7 and GHOZT like this.
  4. Zeigy

    Zeigy Shopkeep Stealer

    Counter system? You mean after I block an attack I can counter slash attack?
  5. Creille

    Creille Base Burner

    WOW nice work with the update it is sooooooooooo much better than the last build, AND sheild bashing has been fixed :)
    Its alot more like the KAG i remember and loved now, Also its alot more safer when you hit a wall now :)
    GHOZT likes this.
  6. Spoolooni

    Spoolooni Shark Slayer

    It seems that the recent update rendered many server owners that run zombie fortress into jeopardy. I've join many different zombie servers and talked to the admins there. From my observation the disconnections are frequent but non existent in SOME ctfs. What does bother me that this issue never existed in the previous build and I hope the development team fixes it as soon as possible.
  7. Ostricheggs

    Ostricheggs Shipwright

    HELL. YES.

    This update feels like heaven after the hell the past month of KAG has been. Mercy me, mercy me this update gets the juices flowin

    Can't help but feel like it's a bit of a revert with a few stun updates as there's a couple of bugs present in the old. But I can't tell. I'm just too happy :D
    SARGRA13 and WanderMark like this.
  8. WanderMark

    WanderMark :) Donator

    Yeah, no doubt about it. The knight combat works really well right now. Still some slight problems, but nothing too apparent.

    For example, on one occasion I made a slash jump while getting shield bashed at the same time.

    This resulted in me flying at a diagonal direction high up in the air. I stood at the bottom of the hill and flew all the way up to the top and landed safely. I felt like superman.

    But man, it feels so great that the slashes are registering again! That alongside with a large variety of other fixes and the implemention of the spectator mode makes this one sweet honey filled build.

    : ]
  9. 12anger

    12anger Ballista Bolt Thrower

    why cant archers fall on tree and be saved frm fall damage anymoar?
  10. Is it me, or is my game saying its build 368.
  11. fishfinger73

    fishfinger73 Haxor

    Um... Right now, mine says 'Build 371'...
  12. Downburst

    Downburst Mindblown Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    It should say build 371 at the lower right corner. It's still saying 368 at the window name. Different versions.
  13. tur1sta

    tur1sta Random snippet here ಠ__ಠ Donator

    Well, I clearly remember them saying that there will be no support for current zombies servers because the mode is not officially out yet. So I don't think they will do any updates or bug fixes for the zombie servers (intentionally) any time soon.
  14. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    You now often spawn in spectator, your screen gets stuck on a portal and you won't be able to switch teams. You'll be stuck at it till the map restarts, or after an admin switches your team.

    ZF 'crashes' very very often, in every zombie server that I visited today, the server kicked everyone every now and then, and kicking everyone of course leads to a map restart. Quite annoying.

    I'd also suggest making the zombie colliding boxes a little bit less punishing; If you buy your own zombies from a portal and get into a same pit with them, you won't be able to get out. You'll stick up to them and will be barely able to move, same with enemy zombies, except that you'll be eaten :p

    Knight combat is still very random. Out of 100 slashes, about 10 correctly hit the target. It is almost impossible to deliver any damage to enemies by jabbing, as you will just end up in a slash. Only thing you can do is to shield bash and pray.

    I get weird screen freezes every minute, where the screen just freezes for a few seconds. Has lead to many extra deaths and frustration.

    The new resource counter is a pain. It was much easier to just look at your resources and decide 'ok now it's time to go', rather than counting how much you will have resources in total. This is especially retarded when buying stuff from the shops, and at first I thought it was some bad lag. I hope that's a bug. Previous system was so so much easier and the new one sucks, sorry, I can say that without shame after playing with the new one for over 3 hours.
    Contrary and Gunnar like this.
  15. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    If you look in your window title you will see Engine # and build #, so people saying 368 are referencing the wrong number.

    Resource Counter - Hate it with the passion of a million burning hitlers
    Knights - Still weird
    Bounding boxes - Still fucked
    Falling and landing on ladders/trees not softening blow - NOT SURE IF LIKE, NOT SURE IF LIKE, INTENTIONAL?!?!?
    Team choosing screen update - Genius
    Ability to change archer/knight stuff - Genius, fucked around very little but on singleplayer after hearing Rayne messing around with the settings a lot
    Contrary, Hella and kalashnikov like this.
  16. Leonidas_in_the_sky

    Leonidas_in_the_sky Catapult Fodder

    Hi everyone,
    I'd like to share with you my opinion on the latest changes wich affect the game. I'm sorry, but I think clearly the two latest updates are bad ones. The fight has become completely random mixing sudden acceleration and teleportation, other times I found myself repeatedly on the middlemap where i can't fight, because my other me stays on the base tent :p .
    Moreover ping seems to have extreme influence on the game with the inability to hit an enemy or the capacity to die alone :p .
    I think i will buy the game only for zombie mod which looks great saving the day.
    Thank you and hoping that it can be fixed.
    Contrary likes this.
  17. Xanoxis-Rawr

    Xanoxis-Rawr Arsonist

    Resource Counter is just bad idea, Devs should make official poll about it, or just add option to disable it in game.
  18. ockpii

    ockpii Horde Gibber

    As people have mentioned - sound frequencies are messed up. Just like when they changed some pitches in Terraria. But that was sooooo subtle. Also, when you refill your stockpile (when you pick up the max amount of wood you can get, it goes "pip), that's the kind of sound that SHOULDN'T be changed. Sounds like digging, clings, those CAN be changed slightly in pitch. I don't see the need because the sound work is outstanding as is was.

  19. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Yeah about the sounds, the change was unnecessary imho. Some sounds sound really annoying with it, especially the stone digging sounds, and Wilhelm scream is fun no longer. It's okay with soft bass-sounds, but not with the sounds that are quite high-pitched as-is. Wanted to turn off sounds after a hour. Please revert the system back to previous, pretty please :(
    ockpii likes this.
  20. Beelzebub

    Beelzebub Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Not a fan of the resource counter at all--I can't tell if I've picked up a bomb until 5 seconds after I've had it, and as a builder it's a pain in the ass to have to subtract the number on the right from the number on the left while trying to build and keep in mind how many resources I have left. I want to see the number of things I have now: the new system is an irritatingly pointless step backwards.