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Build 886 - CTF and Back to Basics

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by DevBlogger, Sep 20, 2013.

  1. amgtree

    amgtree Haxor

    That was one round. We also won it.
  2. 8x

    8x Elimination Et Choix Traduisant la Realité Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    CTF means a huge difference with the last build, ppl seem happy with it. As I usually play builder, the feeling is that you're more free to build defenses, since they're mainly 1 sided.
    There are some difficulties with laying blocks though:

    -First, sometimes the different types of blocks are not selected at the F menu when you drag your cursor on a them, requiring you to select it again, by clicking on it instead of just dragging the pointer.
    -Now piles or materials, or hearts and corpses too I think, impede block-laying. You have to remove all the items from where you want to place a stone/wooden block, doors etc, except for backwall. This leads to the situation in which , while laying doors for instance, you've got to pick up the item that is blocking, and reselect the door once again.

    It seems you devs are going to adress some bugs and issues this week, I'm looking forward to reading in the next announcement something related to these small things, that, I know, annoy only old-Classic-style builders as me.
  3. nkChehov

    nkChehov Ballista Bolt Thrower
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    ... modding are so glitches...
  4. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    Tonight was by far the most fun I've ever had. A bunch of guards on Mazey's YB server, bomber battles with mounted bows, cappin' dem flags and flipping dem birds. CTF brought a much needed breath of life into the beta and I'm pretty satisfied with the results. Great job, guys.
    Atheon and Digger101 like this.
  5. Vidar

    Vidar KAG Guard Donator Tester

    Over the 2 years I've been playing, a lot has changed.

    I hated KAB, I was pretty damn sure it was the death rattle for King Arthur's Gold. I figured I would ride out Alpha occasionally and that would be that. All good things come to an end and such.

    This build has changed everything. Movement feels smooth, combat is much tighter and relatively balanced, bugs are disappearing. It's fun man. Really fun.

    More fun then Alpha.


    Great Job.

    p.s. If you have been on a KAG hiatus, it's time to come back.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2013
    Hawxx, jackitch, Aegis and 16 others like this.
  6. Brilly

    Brilly Haxor

    still holding out for variable stun timer in knight combat (possibly force based), AKA jab stun should be much faster than slash stun.

    8 angle shielding also has the same precision issues as a builder trying to place a block when the mouse is elsewhere.
  7. Hawxx

    Hawxx Haxor

    Best fucking speech ever, I think I cried a little, THIS GUY NEEDS AN AWARD!

    Oh and where did sandbox mode go :( I used it so I can test maps, I hope it comes back soon
  8. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    The irony is that Beta was really really good for a long time until just recently where MM fucked the shit out of the netcode. Where can we get a copy of 869?
    kedram likes this.
  9. kedram

    kedram Drill Rusher Tester

    yes contrary. Me among many others know something happened. It used to be easy to kill around 3 people at once but now it has to do with fucking ping differences and such. slashes dont connect like they are supposed to. earlier today i was getting long sworded the fuck out of and i was connecting slashes directly and i wasnt getting results. it was utter bs. i want combat to be the way it used to be. right now its just depressing ;-;. people who are just getting into beta right now dont know what were talking about. now you warp behind people more often too... its all just rediculous. other than that ctf is headed in the right direction besideds door spammers and such. boulders need to be nerfed heavily in terms of not one hitting doors and people. archers shouldnt be able to graple around with them. I also want to know if there is a way to fix what happened to the net code or if more shit will just break as a result of the fix.
    Atheon likes this.
  10. amgtree

    amgtree Haxor

    Why the f did you break combat. Knight class is impossible, hits don't register, and shields don't work. Archer is complete bs a knight 20 blocks away slashes and kills me. Archer vs archer is nothing but luck, because if you when you do land a hit nothing happens. It seems like every patch just f's up combat. A couple months ago this was not that much of a problem, but its getting worse and worse.
    Atheon likes this.
  11. kedram

    kedram Drill Rusher Tester

    contrary had told me that like in classic with every update the netcode broke ever so slightly each time. it happening with beta now.... i came to beta to get away with the bs combat gltiches in classic. and now things are starting to get hairy in beta for some reason. all i want is for the cracks in combat to be fixed and sealed with high grade concrete :3
  12. JoshTG

    JoshTG Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Personally I haven't noticed much problems for knights except long-sword honestly, but that was always around. HOWEVER ARCHER IS THE WEAKEST FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT BUFF ARCHERS THEY SUCK.
    Atheon and Classic like this.
  13. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator


    Honestly it seems like you guys have bipolar disorder about the state of combat.

    I've linked MM directly the posts above and will be getting him to look at the netcode again tonight (reverting changes as necessary) but seriously, things have not changed that much there and the majority of players are still able to enjoy the game in the face of some "lags".

    I realise it's frustrating when you're a good knight and you notice something's off, and a few of the oldfags are harbouring paranoia about EVERYTHING BREAKING OH GOD but classic and the state therein was literally a year ago for us now guys, please get your heads out of the past. Bugs weren't fixed there because we were working on the beta. Seriously, MM probably just missed one check on ping difference somewhere or tried to increase lag tolerance. We're not doing anything maliciously.

    None of the old code is ever lost, we're not idiots, we use version control software. Of course it's possible and a priority for us to work out anything related to hitting wierdness, and doesn't require throwing out a months worth of unrelated changes. It would be quite well appreciated if you would calmly state the issues you've observed and when they cropped up without the melodrama.

    The person asserting that it's intended that we "break" combat, you're lucky I'm not banning you for a few days. Why the hell would that ever be our intention?

    As a side note, having the actual build number you think worked is a good and useful thing, thank you Contrary.
    Atheon and sinnertie like this.
  14. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    I had mentioned this a few times in the past without too much of a response, that last post wast mostly just venting. :P Good to see a response though. I am not actually entirely sure that MM did negatrively affect the netcode, mainly I was referring to when you (Geti), in response to one of my complaints mentioned that MM has in fact changed something with the netcode. I am sure that something is wrong though.

    I'm sure it's quite a headache for you guys to hear this kind of thing, especially 2 years into development when I'm sure you're starting to get quite tired of working on the same game. But at the same time it's very irritating to see this kind of thing and it's often too late to really do anything once a problem has even been identified since the effects are so subtle but with great consequences. It's like you guys are constructing this beautiful painting but in the process of detailing the background a stray elbow smudges the linework in the foreground. It's hard to notice that first little smudge but over time the repeated smudging eventually dulls the colour of the work.
    Atheon, kedram and amgtree like this.
  15. amgtree

    amgtree Haxor

    I'm sorry its just frustrating a couple months ago everything was fine network wise(not fine, but alot better.) Now that I think about it I should of got a short ban for how rude my post was.
  16. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    I'm not going to ban you, just think that there's actually another person on the other side of the internet, and how your words might sound from their perspective. This is first grade stuff though.

    @Contrary: I understand that, and I know that the netcode has changed, but I consider it somewhat harmful to post tongue in cheek responses about things people are already raving about :^) Either way, the beta code is about 99% less entangled than classic, most of the time netcode changes won't propagate out of the net files much. The other 1% is glue or serialisation code, and is seldom affected. Either way I'll make sure he looks at it tonight.
  17. MM

    MM THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Thanks for mentioning details and thanks Contrary for mentioning build number that helps. I'll investigate and hopefully fix what I broke.
  18. DooMAD

    DooMAD Shipwright

    Game's running like creamed crap for me now, so I guess I'm one of the few affected, heh. Looking forward to the fix.
  19. MM

    MM THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Try disabling help with F1 and tell me if it helps?
  20. DooMAD

    DooMAD Shipwright

    Nope, I get LAG 2 - 3 showing in command window in the main menu and 5 - 6 in 'save the princess'. F1 makes no difference, sadly.