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BW Tournament: 1v1 Knight (EU)

Discussion in 'Old Events/Giveaways/Contests' started by daskew87, Sep 14, 2014.

  1. Bint

    Bint Haxor

    Someone's salty
    AmestriStephen likes this.
  2. AmestriStephen

    AmestriStephen Haxor Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester

  3. DarkDragonBoy

    DarkDragonBoy Haxor

    these are the best knights?
    Klokinator likes this.
  4. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Best that could be contacted within time.
  5. daskew87

    daskew87 Legendary corpse humper Donator

    THE LAST STAND :eek:

    Anonymuse and Kabouter123 like this.
  6. so many openings to put in a jab
    RampageX likes this.
  7. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    why would you say this
  8. It's Vampire what do you expect
  9. 8x

    8x Elimination Et Choix Traduisant la Realité Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    That was perhapsthe most ridicolous fight I've ever seen ::P:
    Aurora- likes this.
  10. AmestriStephen

    AmestriStephen Haxor Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester

    Kabouter123 likes this.
  11. I saw so many openings, I kinda facepalm when I watch that video
  12. AmestriStephen

    AmestriStephen Haxor Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester

    "OMG YOU ARE SO PRO THEN" no. Everyone talkin shit about mine and Kabouter's match... Well, i d like to see a match of yours, gentlemen. You should just STFU and stop being the hating pricks "you are such a n00b!!!!!!11!!!!".
    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 26, 2014, Original Post Date: Sep 26, 2014 ---
    BANG BANG I am such a bad boy ugh:rektlord:
  13. Kabouter123

    Kabouter123 Catapult Fodder
    1. Ancient Gear - [AG#]

    I'd like to see a 1v1 sette VS chicken. Or even better: I do it myself. Pm me if you are up to it.
    AJFaas and AmestriStephen like this.
  14. AJFaas

    AJFaas Base Burner
    1. supr sekrit cln [skrt]

    I think you made a good match out of it sette. Kabouter is better, sure. But youre no pushover at all.:r_flex::X3:
    TheAverageMan likes this.
  15. y are you so angry sette
    RampageX likes this.
  16. AmestriStephen

    AmestriStephen Haxor Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester

    Because i don't like reading certain things. That statement is completely unfounded.

    Yes, i used google translate for the word "unfounded"
  17. im here to boycott this tournament. there is no prize for the winner. not even eternal fame and glory, because its not an open tournament - contestants were chosen arbitrary. the winner can only brag that he defeated a bunch of random people - no prestige at all.

    but the worst thing it that referee keeps yelling "BE MOAR AGGRESSIVE OR BAN" at contestants, which not only is distracting, but also puts pressure on them. knight combat in kag promotes running away like a little girl or exploiting height advantage. its boring, but its effective - that's how you win duels. if you attack just because you are yelled at, when the situation is not good for attacking, then you die.

    that said i still think that bad tournament is better than no tournament - at least that's an event
    dual_chiecken, Tern, Vampire and 2 others like this.
  18. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I agree with this part, as the game IS one that you don't just throw your head against a wall, trying to break it.
    You can't be all aggressive, or the match would be over in the first 20 seconds. Might wanna lighten up on that, @daskew87
  19. daskew87

    daskew87 Legendary corpse humper Donator

    The matches frequently involve people repositioning themselves and retreating to a better position, also cautiously approaching each other, which actually can make it a more diverse match in some ways.

    I will only warn people of a possible point deduction if they are continually running away from their opponent, where it makes the match no-longer a strategical 1vs1, but a wild-goose chase - that is what possible warnings are there to deter. I think if you look at fighting sports like boxing, I'm fairly sure contenders are penalised or disqualified if they keep fleeing from their opponent. Be aware that nobody in this tournament has ever had a point deduction, and I think only 3 matches out of 12 have had warnings given to players.

    What you need is a precendant set, where players know that if they turn the fight into a running away spectacle, it's no longer a proper contest. They are there to engage with each other.

    Check out Sette1996850's last stand. A video I posted a short-while ago. Did I give him a warning when he wasn't being aggressive? No. I think that's a clear example.

    All that being said, I believe in the Verzuvius vs Fuzzle match, I warned Verzuvius when I think now looking back on it, the warning was given too hastily. However, he won that match anyway.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2014
    AJFaas, Vampire, Anonymuse and 2 others like this.
  20. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Havent watched any of the most recent videos, just talking more about at least the earlier ones.