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Cannot connect to my own server

Discussion in 'General Help' started by rockinbobo, Jun 8, 2011.

  1. rockinbobo

    rockinbobo Guest

    I've been trying to host a server to play some private games with my friends,

    Im on Windows , i've open the ports on both my computer's and router's firewall. Every body seems to be able to connect to server except me !

    In the server's console nothing shows when i try to connect, there's just the "connection to server failed" in the main KAG window.

    If someone knows how to fix this, that'd be great ! :D
  2. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Are you trying to connect to it with your local IP or your external one?
  3. rockinbobo

    rockinbobo Guest

    I used to connect through my external IP.
    Now i've tried with my local one, i managed to connect but i got insta-ban for 120 mins ...
  4. rockinbobo

    rockinbobo Guest

    Thanks, waiting for the fix then