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Catapult Bunkers

Discussion in 'Classes & Mechanics' started by superpokes, Jun 17, 2012.

  1. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    It's a good protection, but if an knight is launching bomb in your little house.. OMAGAD OMAGAD HOW TO GO OUTSIDE!?
    Graver and SlyStalker like this.
  2. dayleaf

    dayleaf Haxor
    1. The Thieves Guild

    i only saw that type of bunker 1 time but i builded other types of bunkers like ... archer bunker and knight bomb toss bunker

    PD: sorry for my bad english
  3. SlyStalker

    SlyStalker Shopkeep Stealer

    i hardly see cata bunkers now, sadly. if protected by a couple of knights and an archer or two these could be really strong on the battlefield. most of the time when i build a cata bunker, the frontline moves forward and the enemies are out of range :( then i just move my badass cata and stack it on a trap bridge tower and make it rain boulders :B):
    </br>--- merged: Dec 25, 2012 4:57 AM ---</br>
    also, its annoying when some of the idiot knights ditch you in the face of the enemy and leave you to get slaughtered when they dont know that they could defend the cata while it kills half of the enemy for them :>:(:
    my reaction when im killing a whole horde of enemy knights --> 25252525
    my reaction when im being left to die --> :eek:
  4. Fernegulus

    Fernegulus Bison Rider

    I've tried some types of cata bunkers, that is one of them:
    You can simply get out and in the cata room. You can always add an archer spot if your team has good archers. It's easy to build, takes not much resources and time.
    Also, I've built that OMGWTFBBQ:
    It's not so bad, even if it takes much time, stone and wood. It's mostly defensive tower, it's better to build that in warmup, preparing the cata room before you put it in (if you have noob teammates, they can fill your room with stone...). The entrance should be ont the other side, but as you see, bedrock generated in that place. You an control the cata from the smaller room, without getting to the cata. What do you think?
    rocker2 and Gofio like this.
  5. Shenron

    Shenron Tree Planter

    I have not seen any one make a cata bunker, but I like the way they protect you from archers.:)
  6. Everyone seems to forget that workshops block arrows...so make sure you always have blank (or whatnot) workshops inside the bunker, so it'll catch all the arrows that are meant for Cata.

    If workshop gets taken out, simply retreat cata, rebuild workshop, put cata back...rinse and repeat.
    Shenron likes this.
  7. :argh::argh::argh::door:
    :bridge::bridge::bridge: :door:
  8. Force

    Force Shark Slayer

  9. Bammboo

    Bammboo Ballista Bolt Thrower

    1. Necro posts= bad
    2. At least try to explain why that is the "best" bunker
    3. That is a terrible bunker because, it allows arrows/bombs/other cata rocks to reign down and destroy yours. Also, it allows bombs/arrows to come up from above to destroy the cata. And, finally, a knight can bomb jump/ an archer can climb up and close the trap bridges and, making the cata fall, and worst yet, be stolen.

    Though its probably been said before: Sharks are best cata bunker, since it can't be damaged by arrows(excluding glitches) and bombs/cata rocks can't damage the bunker fast enough to destroy the cata. :castle_wall:
    :castle_wall::castle_wall::blank: :castle_wall::castle_wall:

    EDIT: Close enough.