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Catapult + Knight = Building Damage

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Duplolas, Oct 14, 2013.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    As I play through KAG I always find myself low on stone for catapults. More times than most the thing gets destroyed/knocked off where I want it to be/driven into the water before I even have a chance to go back for stone.

    What I propose is this. Using Knights as Ammo. Think about it. In the beta you really never have enough height to make it over an enemies buildings as a knight. The catapult really just doesn't throw you far and high enough. Four out of Five times I crash into the building and don't get over.

    Now how to implement it. If it were to be implemented I propose that the knight would have to have his shield pointing toward the building. That way you have to time it right or else you lose your glide. I also think that you should only be able to break through 1 block thick stone walls and then 2 block thick wood walls. That way it is logical and it also makes either a 1 block or 2 block thick ledge for you and your allies to stand on.


    Knights do minor damage to structures if they have the correct timing and placement of their shields. 1x2 blocks are damaged for stone, 2x2 blocks are damaged for wood.
  2. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    Bombjumps can easily get you over buildings if you do them right. Also, it sounds like you're saying that a shield (it's just god damn wood framed in iron) can break through wooden stuff or even stone bricks? That doesn't make any sense at all. Try it yourself IRL, get a shield and smack it against the wall of your house. It's fun. Especially the way your arm feels after you did that. Or your hand. Depends on how you're holding it. And if you're being launched by a catapult the last thing that's gonna break is the wall you're being launched at.

    But anyway, this doesn't seem all too logical or needed in my honest opinion.
  3. Jlordo

    Jlordo Nobody Donator

    If you move at a high enough velocity, you already can damage stone blocks with you body. With that already in place, I don't think it would be very difficult to modify it to do more damage only on the catapult.
  4. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    Yeah I actually noticed that yesterday. I did half of the damage needed to break a block as an archer. If a squishy archer can do half the needed damage to break a block, shouldn't a shielded knight do more?

    Also, if you haven't noticed Galen, structures in KAG Beta tend to be a lot taller than in the Classic version due to the needed shops and factories. Most of the time those walls are 1 block thick of stone and having a knight being able to break through them would add more use to the catapult and make building techniques more important. Also, by allowing knights to do damage to structure thicker to one block, it can create a ledge for knights on the ground to wall climb up to and then jump up again, adding again more need for building techniques.
Mods: Rainbows