Actually, here biographies can be as long they need to be. Indeed KingChaos' writing style is little bit odd, but it's all in one post and made well. As such character biographies are rarely spam if they use a lot of space. I'd rather consider spam those biographies that are too short and probably made as joke. "My character is bob. Bob is killer!"
No, I meant that he used space a lot, which made it look big. --- Double Post Merged, May 16, 2015, Original Post Date: May 16, 2015 --- Original: This is how much smaller it could've been. Note, I didn't remove any words: Clifford/Leonas/Sanoel Leonas was a half-demon, born of a dog demon and born of a mortal (kind of like inuyasha) but instead of him BEING full dog, he had the ability to turn into one, and in his mortal form, he still has the powers of a dog, but sadly, the behaviors of a dog, and ALL of them... *cough* dogspeeonthings *cough* In Leonasses early year, his mother (an Elf) was killed in a raid on noom, when the undead had just begun to rise back up to power, they were not prepared for the all-powerful undead... BUT ANYWAY, His father, (being a demon) was killed by the angels, and Nus, (before he lost his power) being a demon and all, So, little Leonas is born, raised, and both his parents (one of them being an immortal being) Dies, so, you are noom, an evil necromancer, hell bent on destroying the world, What is your best shot? Gee, IDK maybe a human with the senses and speed of a dog and the power of magic, maybe y'know, THAT would be a little useful, anyway, Noom found him in a village as he was burning it down, and brought him back to, (what Cliffor/Leonas says is called) "The Kennel" NOTHING is known about the kennel, but to this day Leonas STILL believes that he is a dog, he knows english, but he is postive he is a dog, and whenever anyone mentions war, weapons, animals, Leonas will go off and (literally) dig a hole somewhere, even with all this happening, he talks about noom as a father figure, reffering to him as "papa- noom'' and when people say they want to kill him, he begins to act... strange, This, (is what is assumed) to be Sanoel, This, is Leonas, but the opposite, Leonas is jolly, creepy because he mentions F-d up shit in the happiest ways, he acts like a dog, and he acts more like a beagle, an energetic little pup, Sanoel it the COMPLETE opposite, Sanoel comes out when anyone mentions anything considered "grown up" Leonas is kept at bay by treating him like a dog, or a child, Sanoel is the part of him that is a real man, and it is the demon part of him... Sanoel is vicious, creepily enough, all-knowing, and he doesnt act like a dog... but his sense are so hightened that he can smell noom himself from his lair (although that may be due to the fact that he spent years with noom, but that is beside the point, Sanoel is an incredible ruler, he has created kingdoms and has destroyed entire races, but he never, ever, shows emotion, he is blank, never showing it, he could be murdering a mother with her child in her arms holding a puppy, and not bat an eye, this is no doubt the demonic bit of him, but it could also be due to the fact that when "Sanoel" comes out, he mentions things about how 'those who arent obedient were punished, harshly' that is all he has said, considering after this he usually goes back to his quarters, Sanoel is often reffered to as multiple names including, "Sovngarde" "Lord Bark" (most people who give a dog/elf this name are sent to the dungeon to have an iron rod burnt on their forhead, then on their hips) "FireStarter" and the name he reffers to himself as is "1210028" Now clifford... he is the only thing that can make this depressing block of text change, very much, Clifford, IS a dog, Clifford is a rotweiler, who is very energetic and INCREDIBLY smart for a rotweiler (probably do to the fact that he is also
That looks even bigger tbh. A wall of text :D Would need some paragraphs and the dialogues lines he put in can be on separate lines. But aye well what is written is written. It is his bio and it is in right thread at least.
hehe, ye sorry, I do that alot, when writing stuff I put lines in between, usually for comedic affect, like the *coug* dogspeeonthings *cough* THAT was put on a separate line, so it would be noticed more than words like, "noom" or "kennel" Y'know? but I wrote this at 4am when I was pissed off at someone on the sever, so I decided to do some writing before I went to bed GENIUS RIGHT?!?!? Thanks for the (Kind) criticism, it helps me become a better writer, Swag out
I think that if the comic gives more information about your character then it will be okay. If it isn't connected with the RP server, then it shouldn't be a fan art.
W well, Rix didn't know what the name was --- Double Post Merged, May 25, 2015, Original Post Date: May 18, 2015 --- Galia Galia was born a slave, a dwarven gladiator, He fought many gruesome battles, many slashes with axes and many bonks on the head with hammers, 1393, his last year as a gladiator, his last battle, they would set him free after this, he stepped into the sandy arena, the sun scorched him, but he did not care, he was facing his toughest enemy yet, a dwarf by the name of Golilac, he fought with a hammer, and Galia fought with a sword, the horn sounded, and they charged at each other, as fast as sound, Golilac disarmed him Galia had to think, but there was no time, the hammer was going for his face, Galia let out a war cry, and bashed the hammer with his hands, the hammer, broke in two but Galia's hands were broken, quickly Golilac sweeped Galia off his feet, but Galia, as he fell, kicked Golilac into a spike,he had wonfreedom he went back to his quorters, and waited for the emperor to tell him he is free, but... the emperor said:" they paid good coin for you, the orcs, goodbye, slave" Galia was so furious he wabted to throttle the emperor, but something stopped him, suddenly the roof blew up, and he heard voices:" THE GOLD IS OURS BOYS" when the dust cleared, he saw a warballoon, on the side, it said Bessie, Pirates sweeped down and took him aboard, and killed the emperor, they took the gold and escaped, After a lot of months with the Pirates, they accepted him as captain, and Galia went to to live with the dwarves, Galia Hammer Fist, Pirate of the dwarves "Freedom, is the most important aspect of life....." - Ghandi
One thousand years ago, I was a happy child, running all day with a bow and enjoying simple life, with my lovely familly. But, one day, war came around this world... My father got killed in that war, and so did my familly... Maybe I was lucky for hiding in the woods, maybe I was not... I started crying loudly, but no one could hear me... No one, expecting Aphelion. I can't remember a lot from that day, but I remember how he came down, and told me: "Don't cry, little child... You're not alone!". I was somewhat happy and confused... Anyway, Aphelion gave me a gift that day... or maybe a curse: Eternal life. He brought me to the Ancient Mountain, and told me to close my eyes...I could feel something that went trough me like a lighting, like a "Slash"... That's why I call myself like that. Then, I dissapeard. I could feel the world, I could feel the nature, I was one and one was all. He let me to feel what peace truly is, then, he created me back. I became an elf, but not a full elf, more likely a hybrid one... I was half half elf, quarter human and quarter angel. I gained this power that made me immortal. He told me that I won't age, I will always look like an 18 years old, and if someone kills me, I will revive later. However, that is not all. I can feel that he gave me a huge power, but, I do not know how to use it, and I never knew in these 1000 years. One thing is sure, he saw something in me and gave me this huge power with a purpose.. Maybe, when I will finish my mission, I will unlock this power, but... If I will ever will have this, I won't use it for my own purposes... I will destroy the evil in this world, then with the power left, I will destroy myself...Because only a god should have a power like that in himself, not someone like me. No one knows my story, and that is better... As a human, I like war, as an Elf, I like peace, and as an Angel, I like being free... And more of that, I am all of those three in one. -That was the moment when I reborned, together with the sunrise, which symbolizes the reborning- PS:If I try to suicide for destroying the power in me, I have to revive, so first, I have to use the power for something good, but I do not know how to use it. PS2: I am not overpowered in anyway, because I can't use what Aphelion "gave" me :). PS3: Don't act like you know my story, thanks! ^^
I changed my main character's bio Got some new ideas (some from Witcher 3) so I decided to change it.
nice --- Double Post Merged, Jun 29, 2015, Original Post Date: Jun 20, 2015 --- Glee Water He was born on a rowboat, trained as a merciless scourge of the seas, his name sent shivers up peasant's spines, he was Mr. Glee or by other circumstances, Bloody Cutlass, as son of blackbeard, he had to live up to his reputation, his first mate, Ingra, said he was creation of a necromancer, although Mr. Glee didn't believe it, but when they crash the coin of his locker (their ship) in Eve, they go robbing the lords and kings of the land, a crew of Winged pirates come marching up the palace's doors, start shooting their flintlock's and takes the gold, after 3 months, Mr. Glee sees something sad outside of the tavern, a beggar... Now he is Mr. Glee savour of this here land, he takes gold from the rich, feeds one to the shark every night, and gives the rest to beggars, Now in the moonlight valley, 50 years have passed, and a ship sits in the pond, home to the ghost known as "The ghost of bloodwater" and every night at 12 o'clock..... "THAR SHE BLOWS" "You have a dept to pay..." Mr. Glee
alright, i think my old character was kinda crappy but i'm keeping the minor details such as 1. his name is cyne 2. he runs a potion shop 3. same age and race (elf) 4. his family are still dead. BUT he was NOT attacked by a dragon named tezoth. INSTEAD he was cursed by a dark sorcerer (NOT NOOM) and had the curse of lycanthropy (being a werewolf) induced on him. he has grown to live with this and usually avoids the night (Though accidents can happen........) and yea that's about it. i've got another human character too Name: Ignus (the pestilent) age: 26 occupation: farming or ferryman history: he led a simple life until he was a young man where he was excluded from his home for dabbling in the dark arts (necromancy) after being excluded he kept his habits of necromancy but would rarely use them, instead he makes boats and sails. and usually call's his boat on his old dog, lipton who tried to defend him when he was banished from his home town. (the title "the pestilent" is a title given by himself to prevent people from looking for him.)
IF any more story arcs are too happen, mind you, this all happened on the RP server :D --- Double Post Merged, Dec 6, 2015, Original Post Date: Dec 3, 2015 --- Born a prince, his father was Taolithe King of the humans They were a happy family... Until Ryan found out what happened to his mother at Birth, she was taken by Noom His Father planned the assault, Ryan wanted to go, But Dragon Slayer stopped him. "You cannot go, the assault will fail... And if you proceed I fear the worst"DS said. "so you mean my father will die? I must help him" awnsered Ryan. And fentured to Noom's palace. What he found there, was only a part of his nightmares, his father, with a broken leg, was on the ground. Ryan quickly helped him out of the palace... His father was raged by the loss, he readied his troops again, but Ryan could not take it anymore... Until, he found out.. Noom had a son, and that son's mother was the same as Ryan's they were brothers now Sellsword found the royalty disturbing, but they didn't know Ryan's father was marching forth, despite Ryan's warnings. That was the last straw, Ryan could not take the torture of seeing his father dead, so he marched towards the elves, where he met Dinoman . Ryan decided he shall live with the elves. he sneaked to the library and did the immortality Ritual... an act forbidden to do except for the elves. His name was no longer Ryan Prince of Humanstand.... his name was Rin, Hunter of the woods The Slave Wars They spied on all races, but the orcs found them, and so the war began. Of course, they lost, and became slaves, but the elves attemped a escape five times, and five times they lost... Until, one day... god of the elves Duke Jordan joined the first realm. they fought together, side by side, until Rin heard a war horn, when he looked behind him, an army of dead, but they were wearing blue cloaks, his Brother Sellsword, at the leadthey brought an army, together they fought the orcs, but the battle was not yet to end, the purple Midget Dragon, was flying overhead, blasting flames at our army, we were yet to deafeat whom flied overhead, his army was gon, but he was a vicous monster They fought, until Duke Trapped him, with the help of the humans and Duke, they finally beat the dragon.And there he resides, in the ground Rin's Ritual of Pureblood Many years later, he met Elder Zhuum, they became closest friends, and they fought side by side in battles, until one day Rin said:" I cant hold it any longer, the secret has to come out, I am no pureblood elf..." "WHAT?!" bellowed Zhuum " then we must help you-" "BURN HIM" the villagers screamed, and so they took Rin to the Ritual pod... Zhuum was not sad, since he knew his friend would soon become his brethren. And so they burned Rin, but the great Dragon Zhuum's magic would only allow he became a Pureblood elf, And so, Rin was Reborn Rin's personality 20 years after the ritual, Rin has changed from his friendly shy self, he became tough, he became evil, he became in olden speak, a badass. One time so was when he found two undead, he claimed to be Nephew of Noom, but the undead attacked (glitch ahead) however they could not hurt him, he'd take out an arrow and shoot them both in the knees "Obey" the undead bowed down, And Rin felt pleased. Rin's encounter with "The witch Queen" On his many years, he learned how to raise armies from his brother, and Rin gathered many followers of Noom, RIn was living with an elven queen when he started to create an undead army with sellsword, when the queen found out, she banished Rin.."Big mistake" He laughed and walked off while his undead army followed him, whith Sellsword in his robes and Mindriel, one of Rin's closest friends, waiting there, choosing to side with the queen. Rin found one of Noom's orc servants, and they started their revenge... The army was ready, they were marching to the Queen's lands. Even more zombies followed them, doubled with the number of skeletons. When they went over the hill, with Duke's abandoned Temple in the horizon, war horns sounded, bells rang, Rin slinged his bow off his back and Sellsword started with his black magic, the war had begun. they slaughtered Countless, sellsword laughing and Rin just, not even caring. When they'd won, he said "I hereby banish you, M'lady, from these lands, good luck" And he shot a arrow in her kneecap and said "Run, do not limp, run straight, or you will have an arrow in your forehead" "A man changes.... a man changes when he kills"- Rin The Returning Rin and sellsword were walking in the elven kingdom, when they saw a group of dwarves doing a ritual for Noom, Rin smiled, but then he heard a voice "Kill the one that goes by Rin" His uncle wanted him dead, Noom wanted him dead, and so,the dwarves attacked, Rin was too much in shock too fight well, he escaped, he was injured, as he fell asleep next to a campfire, no idea, where sellsword, his brother was, he dreamt, of a man in white robes fighting noom, he heard this voice: I am Nus, you're uncle wants you dead because you are a threat to his throne, I may help you, I shall let things go your way, I shall see what I can do. And so the dream ended, and standing over him, was a human, he was in a human hospital, he looked down, he was covered in bandages, still feeling weak "I am couch, I saved you, get up, you have training to do" As they trained, they became close friends "I seek to defeat the dwarves" Rin said, as Couch nodded "The orcs may help you.." Rin climbed up the mountain, as he found an orc, his name was Karnash, Rin felt as if he saw his face before, some time when the slave wars were there... "We seek to destroy the dwarves" The orcs agreed and so they prepared. As he readied his hand cannon, Rin thought. Was I really like those dwarves? Selfish? Ready to do Noom's bidding? Am I a... murderer like them? " I vow that I shall kill Noom, and serve Nus, I shall, become what I was, my name is Rin, and I am no longer a pawn in Noom's army" as Karnash and couch walked in, they were ready, we marched to them, my brother was standing there, with an army of elves, we passed muskets to each one, and attacked, as we charged, we eliminated everything.... when there were dead dwarves at his feet, Rin said: " Noom, you are next" "Don't change yourself because of other people, if you change, change back into the good person you were"-Rin
Character's name: Saura (female) Age: Immortal: Was once an elf now immortal due to magic accident causing a rip in reality Race: Angel (sometimes changes form to other race) Alignment: Chaotic Good Looks/Common attire: Red hair tied up, strong but skinny, mortal garbs Short history: Born as an Elf, grew up normally. Parents killed in mass murder from a Human named Joseph Alcar. Adopted by dwarven family. Practiced magics until a major accident caused by multiple elements combining to create a rip in reality making her Immortal. My Second one: Character's name: Leafa (female) Age: 98 (about 23 in comparison to Human life span) Race: Elf Alignment: Neutral Good Looks/Common attire: Long blonde hair often tied up, hooded garb w/ hood down, tall and lean Short history: Once elected diplomat retired for acting "unethentically." Practices Archery after quit becoming a shop owner.