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Checking FPS problems

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Downburst, May 3, 2013.

  1. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Has this improved with 909 at all, or not? The catapult rocks should have been optimised quite a bit :/ If not, it might be some collision stuff lagging it up.
  2. Crabmaster

    Crabmaster Bison Rider
    1. Zen Laboratories

    I'm not entirely sure what exactly is causing the catapults to lag so much , but I was on the Officail US CTF server while writing that post and it was running okay except for every time someone made and fired a catapult. In-fact it was so bad people were getting into the catapults so they couldn't fire rocks and allies were destroying their own catapults anytime anyone made them...because the battle became unplayable!
    LostPix likes this.
  3. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Well, that's crap - good to know. I'll need to profile again to get some idea of exactly where it's happening, but at least they wont be syncing rotations of the physics body any more. Thanks for the info.
    Yagger likes this.
  4. KaitoX92

    KaitoX92 Catapult Fodder

    game version: 1500
    OS: Win 8.1
    Resolution: 1920x1080
    CPU: Intel core i7-4700HQ @2.40g GHz
    GPU: Nvidia 750M
    MB-RAM: 16GB
    Description of your problems: I used to play the game perfectly a long while ago. I have a decent machine so I don't understand why this random problem. Now the game is unplayable. On the start menu it's decent, but as soon as I get in the "solo" or "multiplayer" menu it starts to go at <10 FPS. The mouse pointer id dependant from FPS so I'ts even difficult to click on stuff. In game the same thing happens. I'm not talking about multiplayer and games full of players and props, an empty sandbox map has the same problem! and the menu too! please help!!!
  5. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    Make sure all of your video drivers are up to date. If that doesn't fix the problem, something must be eating your CPU usage, try to close as many background applications as you can.