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Classic Style CTF Servers

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Guro, Sep 29, 2014.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. Guro


    Hey there. I'm posting this because I've been brainstorming an idea for potential servers in the future and I'd like some opinions and discussion to go on regarding this. I want to get an idea of the support that this idea would have before I committed to hosting servers or anything like that.

    Essentially I'm seeking to recreate the amount of fun I used to have in classic when I first started playing KAG. I agree that the official release is better in essentially every way, but I got far more enjoyment playing the classic version of the game on old CTF servers while it was in development.


    So let me pitch this to you:

    I'm thinking of hosting at least one but potentially multiple CTF servers for official release KAG with some elements of classic style gameplay. I'm thinking fairly large flat maps/hill style maps with greatly reduced water in addition to some changes to combat and gameplay. I'm thinking of making these servers ticketed and including some classic features such as notch climbing and trap door vaulting, but all the changes are completely up for discussion.

    These servers could provide a style of game-mode that is either similar to classic only in terms of map types and tickets, or as accurate as possible to the style of gameplay in the original classic game. It all depends on what people would prefer. This game-mode could provide players with a server that emulates some or all of the aspects that people enjoy about the classic game while providing guard support and more strict moderation for a classic or classic-esque experience free of hackers and griefers.

    Obviously the classic community is much more niche than the official release, so perhaps a compromise in gameplay elements could be reached between the two versions of the game to satisfy the desires of both sides of the KAG playerbase. Probably not, but I'm optimistic.

    • Would you prefer a full blown classic emulation server or just minor changes?
    • What features from classic would you like to see in these servers if any?
    • Would you simply enjoy ticketed CTF servers with classic style maps?
    • Would you like to see any changes in combat?
    • Would you like to see movement changes? ie; notch climbing/trapdoor vaulting or increased slash velocity for slash vaulting

    I know it is pretty fashionable to mindlessly hate on the classic version of the game, but please try to keep classic bashing to a minimum in this thread. Just try to keep things constructive and civil please. If you have points to make then please try to elaborate on them thoughtfully and without flaming.

    I'd really appreciate any thoughts or suggestions that people have whether positive or negative, just try to keep your criticism or discussion contructive yo. It isn't that hard.

    If you would like to assist in any part of this potential project then please don't hesitate to PM me or contact me on the IRC.


  2. UnnamedPlayer

    UnnamedPlayer Arsenist Administrator Global Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    Have you talked to @Rayne about this? He developed and ran a server on beta with classic features, such as movement, vaulting, door-wall climbing etc. I think he'd be able to answer some of your questions regarding the experience.
    Noburu, BlueLuigi and Guro like this.
  3. Guro


    Yeah I spoke to him about it and he sent me his mod for it. He's not keen to keep developing it as far as I know so I'm either going to have to do it myself or receive help from another person. I've let Rayne know he will receive full credit for the mod and he gave me permission to mess around with it. I'll at least attempt to make my own server settings with or without help.

    As this stage I'm more interested in whether or not there is any sort of broad appeal for these sorts of servers. Logistics, mod development and gameplay features for the servers are a priority, but I'd still like to know whether or not people would actually play on these servers before I invest significant time into the organizational component of this project.

    Rayne said nobody really played on his server when he hosted it but I don't know if he made a significant effort to promote it. Honestly I actually neglected to ask him so the lack of information is my fault. Despite this, I remain optimistic as all the people I've spoken to in game seem to have at least some level of support for this, but I can only speak for people I've spoken to on Australian servers, a couple other random servers and some classic servers.

    In an ideal world I'd like 3 servers. One for the US, EU and SEA, but that is a long term thing. I really want to hear what people have to say about their preferences for gameplay and their enthusium or lack thereof for the servers.

    Geti said he'd plug it to help it gain some support if I got things organized and set up. I think the problem with servers like this is that classic players aren't actually able to view them as they're in the beta server list. Some publicity and exposure would really help to try to get the word out there to classic players who desire a well moderated, smoother game environment with some or many classic gameplay features.

    I understand that the price of the game itself is a factor in whether or not they choose classic or official release, but there's a large portion of classic players that play classic exclusively by choice despite their premium status.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2014
    Noburu likes this.
  4. Anonymuse

    Anonymuse Arsonist

    I loved Rayne's mod. Imagine an almost entirely cloned classic mod in beta yet it has the fluidity of beta and notching! (Notching is best please gib). I would totally play in this server and help bug test it if you needed it.
  5. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    hey if popularity picks up again i might look into finishing the few things it needs, but as i stated on irc i'm not too keen because of these reasons:

    1) the server was almost always empty, if i wanted to play on it i'd have to stay there for an hour at minimum for it to get more than 4 players.
    2) constant bitching, half the time someone would join and despite the server saying v0.5 they'd say "this isnt classic you dont have team bridges" "this isnt classic you have beta art" "this isnt classic" "this mod sucks" "fuck this server". while i understand it is the internet, and people are really sour here for some reason, i only did this for the community, and for the community to backlash on me like that, fuck that i'm done.
    3)kag modding being kag modding. i have more headaches trying to mod something in kag, rather than if i just coded it myself in unity or something, the lack of documentation only makes it worse.

    but if you manage to get a dedicated little group of players i'd be more than happy to work on it again.

    edit: oh and for promoting it, i think i made a forum thread about it that got covered up by new posts, because nobody gave a shit.

    edit2: since kaizokuroof asked for the link to dl the mod aswell, i'll just put it here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xzcwux0htho94in/Classic.zip?dl=0
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2014
    Duke2die4, 16th, Noburu and 6 others like this.
  6. Anonymuse

    Anonymuse Arsonist

    I can't think of anyone else off the top of my head who actually enjoyed it a lot, but I'm sure there are players who would love to see it "completed". Hopefully they see this thread and give some input.
    16th and Guro like this.
  7. NinjaCell

    NinjaCell Haxor

    I would really just prefer the ticketed, classic style maps.

    In terms of changes I would want if changes were added, I would like to keep movement pretty much the same, fall damage should not be increased (decreased if anything) and arrow range increased and shotgun removed. You could try three hearts to a knight as well. Notch climbing might be interesting though.
    UnnamedPlayer and Guro like this.
  8. Rocinante

    Rocinante Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Yeah, I'd play. Especially if there were multiple small servers or even just one. 8 vs 8 is ideal.
    Guro likes this.
  9. Juaro

    Juaro Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    10/10 would play. Do it!
    16th and Guro like this.
  10. Haste

    Haste Bison Rider

    Im down to help in any way shape or form.
  11. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    there is already a seperate ticket mod that cameron1010 made, if you only want that, then use that.
    Haste and NinjaCell like this.
  12. Haste

    Haste Bison Rider

    Everyone show interest so rayne picks the mod back up. :3
  13. Guro


    Just please remember that he isn't obliged to continue work on it if he doesn't want to. I don't want there to be any pressure for this.

    I'll keep this thread up until the end of the month and then I'd like to request a delete. That should be sufficient time to get an idea of the level of interest for this. In the mean time I'd like some suggestions on what features people would potentially like to see in the servers.

    @NinjaCell had some good suggestions. I like the idea of classic archers.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2014
    NinjaCell likes this.
  14. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I'm certainly interested in this. I can't help much, but I'll bugtest the mod if nothing else.


    • Would you prefer a full blown classic emulation server or just minor changes? Full blown emulation, please. No halfassing, we want the full shebang.
    • What features from classic would you like to see in these servers if any? Everything. I especially want classic bombs and removing of kegs/mines etc. Classic bombs were a 3x3 powerful area.
    • Would you simply enjoy ticketed CTF servers with classic style maps? Goddamn straight.
    • Would you like to see any changes in combat?I like classic knight combat, but a bit more maneuverability when shielding would be good.
    • Would you like to see movement changes? ie; notch climbing/trapdoor vaulting or increased slash velocity for slash vaulting No, classic had the best movement mechanics. I do want wall bouncing if each wall is within 3 tiles of each other though...
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2014
    16th, UnnamedPlayer and Guro like this.
  15. KaB

    KaB Shopkeep Stealer

    I totally support the idea. It's been a longtime I didnt play both classic and 1.0, but I'll surely do it back to drop some ideas around here.

    The first I would give : Do not allow the knights to move when shielding.
  16. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    i disagree with this it should be a reduced movement speed when sheilding like classic

    also dem wood doors from classic were dope the ones from the non gold server me want so baide
    Guro and KaB like this.
  17. KaB

    KaB Shopkeep Stealer

    Uh my mistake. It seems I clearly thought the knight couldnt move at all.

    Ill give a better look before suggesting anything from now on.
    Guro likes this.
  18. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I feel like this topic should be in the Classic section so classic players actually see it.
  19. SpideY

    SpideY Hear Me Roar Staff Alumni Donator

    Where can i find that mod ?
  20. Duke_Jordan

    Duke_Jordan King Arthur's Knight Donator
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I'd love to see this added in beta for more of a "classic feel" and possibly having some of the classic players hop over to beta (?)

    I don't have tons of coding experiance but if you need help I'm willing to offer what I can :)
    Guro likes this.
Mods: BlueLuigi