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Corrupt a wish!

Discussion in 'Spamcan' started by Catguy19, Jan 9, 2012.

  1. Yess

    Yess Shopkeep Stealer

    Wish Granted but you hate your new avatar because someone chose it for you.

    I wish for a puppy.
  2. Wish granted. However, you are poor and you spend all your remaining money and food on the puppy. You die from starvation. And not long after so does the puppy.

    I wish for a home on a floating island.
  3. Yess

    Yess Shopkeep Stealer

    Wish granted you get a place on those floating mountains on the movie Avatar but the island floats away out of the atmosphere and you die cold and alone.

    I wish that i had wings.
  4. Wish Granted. Your wings are made of feather, wax and string. As you gallantly soar across the mountains, you encounter a plume of hot smoke from a nearby volcano. The wax holding your feathers together melts and falls apart. The strings become loose and you plummet down like a falcon after its prey rabbit. However, there is a sharp rock. You land on the sharp rock...contact point: stomach. Your guts fly across the valley. Your remaining parts fall into the volcano and *hssss* are burnt into ash and dissolved in lava.

    I wish for a wish that can only be granted by corrupting the wish through means of wishing for wishes on this thread and therefore the corrupted wish, cannot, in any case corrupt the wish that it grants. The wish is: I wish for a blade of grass.
    Yess likes this.
  5. Yess

    Yess Shopkeep Stealer

    Wish granted, You get a garden and a goat. The goat eats all but one blade of grass and then gets incinerated by a falling meteor. You keep the single blade of grass as a reminder of the goat's death.

    I wish i had an unlimited supply of pizza and V.
    Froghead48 likes this.
  6. Wish Granted. However: 'You wish you had an unlimited supply of pizza and V.'
    Past tense.
    Once, you had an unlimited supply of pizza and V. Now, you no longer do. You now grieve for your lost supply in jail, for violating the Law. The court states you will remain in jail for 15 years due to repetitive excess theft of pizza and V. Have a nice time in jail.

    I wish to have legally downloaded all the anime I prefer in this world (and saved safely of course).
    Yess likes this.
  7. Yess

    Yess Shopkeep Stealer

    Wish granted, but you and your anime collection fell into a time machine and went back to the Jurassic era, where a Tyrannosaurus Rex ate all of your anime collection then the time machine ran out of power and returned you to your time. Before you got a chance to backup your backup the Tyrannosaurus Rex got transported to your time, ate your backup copy and then shimmered out of existence.

    I wish i had a time machine.
  8. Wish granted. You enter your time machine for the first time. You stupidly go into the past and exit your machine. You see a spider. You step on it. You explore the area before being chased back to your machine by a dinosaur. When you arrive back, you only see a barren plain of nothingness... As you go back again to fix the error in the space-time continuum, you encounter the dinosaur again...it chases you and you get lost...you find yourself facing a cliff face on three sides. Dead end. You turn back to the dinosaur and scream.

    I wish to have supernatural powers.
    Yess likes this.
  9. Yess

    Yess Shopkeep Stealer

    Wish granted. You get a phone call from me in the past (The doctor soniced my phone so it works in the past). You use your supernatural powers to fly through the time vortex to come save me and you soak up a ton of time radiation. After you save me from the dinosaur i take you back in my time machine and you slowly die of radiation poisoning.

    I wish i had a tame pet Velociraptor.
  10. Wish granted. You have a 100% tame pet Velociraptor. Your discover your pet's ability to slay and murder. However you also stumble upon a new sport. Dinosaur Gambling. You gamble your Velociraptor. It conquers all the other dinosaurs and their masters. You become very very rich. However, some haters are gunna hate, and potatoes are gunna potate. As you cheerfully walk home towards your mansion, you are ambushed and killed by some hired assassins. Your Velociraptor was sniped. So were you.

    I wish for a successful and joyful hosting of Australia/NZ Knights 1v1 Championships.
    Yess likes this.
  11. Yess

    Yess Shopkeep Stealer

    Wish granted. But halfway through there's an earthquake in Australia that cuts out the internet.

    I wish i had a tame Griffin.
  12. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    wish granted you got your tamed griffin, but it is untrained in flight manuvers. so while you try doing loop da loops, you slipped off the griffin's back and fall to your death

    i wish for a happy day
    Yess likes this.
  13. Yess

    Yess Shopkeep Stealer

    Wish granted today is the happiest day of your life, for a week you sit around remembering how great that day was and realize that the rest of your life will seem extraordinarily dull in comparison. You jump off the tallest building you can find, then wake up in hospital. You spend the rest of your life in unbearable agony, not being able to move or communicate in any way.

    I wish i was the smartest person that ever lived or will live in the whole multiverse.
  14. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    wish granted, your now the only person that will exist or ever will.

    i wish for the corrupter of this wish to have a wonderful day
  15. Yess

    Yess Shopkeep Stealer

    Wish granted, i had a wonderful day but i couldn't enjoy it because i was all alone and i lost my griffin.

    I wish i didn't have to go to my maths class today.
  16. KnightGabe13

    KnightGabe13 Arsonist

    Granted, but then you go back in time to yesterday morning, and go to math class and can't remember the answers.

    I wish Yess would change her avatar AGAIN. :D
  17. Yess

    Yess Shopkeep Stealer

    Wish granted, but I'm changing it back after awhile 'cuz i like this one.

    I wish i had an unlimited supply of money.
    KnightGabe13 likes this.
  18. KnightGabe13

    KnightGabe13 Arsonist

    LOL didn't expect you to actually change it :D

    On Topic:
    Granted, but all the money that you get from the supply disappears exactly 5 minutes after you spend it, and you become a most wanted criminal for theft. *Trololo*

    I wish the last three wishes of the last person that was not me nor Yess had NOT come true.
    Yess likes this.
  19. Yess

    Yess Shopkeep Stealer

    Wish granted, GloriusToast didn't have a happy day and did not turn into a vegetable, I also didn't have a wonderful day. GloriusToast only made 2 wishes so your wish cannot be granted fully.

    I wish to get 100% on all my exams at the end of the year.
    KnightGabe13 likes this.
  20. Chinizz

    Chinizz Arsonist

    Wish granted, your exam is reported to the begenning of the next year, and you will fail 100% of your exam.

    I wish to ba a dinocorn.