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Windows Could not load autoconfig.gm

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Livesparkk, Aug 24, 2013.


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  1. Livesparkk

    Livesparkk Ballista Bolt Thrower

    This happens every day. I just boot up the game normally and then i get the error. From what I can gather from the message something keeps altering the scripts and breakin em' :QQ: (I'll include a screenshot)
    This is quite annoying. Clicking Fix game does not work, and I have to uninstall and reinstall to fix it. Then I can start the game normally for about a day but then i get the error. I don't have any texture packs or anything like that. This has Become quite frustrating and I could use some help :3

    Attached Files:

  2. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    This tends to happen due to you using invalid characters for your clan tag. Don't use ' or ; or \ or / etc, cause those are special characters when read by the game.
  3. Livesparkk

    Livesparkk Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I haven't got a clantag?
  4. Livesparkk

    Livesparkk Ballista Bolt Thrower

    You've just gotta delete the config file in base then go to uninstall a program and click fix on kag- it'll fix the problem. You have to delete the config file or it wont work.
  5. Lehmure

    Lehmure Shark Slayer
    1. KRPG

    Well, i tried, didn't work. Then i downloaded the version from the site, and it went back to build 422.
  6. toffie0

    toffie0 is sweeter than you <3 Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    After re-installing it save a backup copy of that file then just copy and paste that file every time it happens rather then going through the annoying process of re-installing the game everytime

    Sorry I couldn't be of more help, but this makes fixing it a lot easier and quicker