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CTF Modded 2014-08-09

More classes, buildable halls, town center, factories, farms.

  1. stabborazz

    stabborazz Haxor Staff Alumni

    Tsilliev is back, I played with him yesterday.
  2. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    0_O really..... Tell him to bring the server back then.
  3. stabborazz

    stabborazz Haxor Staff Alumni

    We talked about It, but he isn't Sure If he wants to host again. And he also didn't come on the forums yet. But he does play KAG again, so there is hope :)
  4. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor

    I guess the updates broke the mod, I will take a look. :D
  5. Olimarrex

    Olimarrex Ballista Bolt Thrower Official Server Admin

    I think i saw him on TDM or TTH a few days ago too... But he left just as I said hi ;-;.
  6. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor

    When I am playing I dont watch the chat a lot, you need to go near me and say hi tsilliev so I can see ::D:

    A little update on the updating of the mod:
    1)Removed the custom classes because their logic is broken, and I am pretty sure when there is an update they will break again, so I am making things simpler, default classes (I am doing so it is less likely for the mod to get broken in long run when I am not here). Migrants are removed as well because their logic is broken as well.
    2)In order for the machine gun (custom mounted bow) to work I had to remove the displaying of the numbers and power on the Ballista, otherwise it breaks all mounted bows (bazooka/machine gun/normal mounted bow).
    3)There is a problem with the jump and regen rune, the jump rune doesn't work at all, the regen rune works but the regen power stays on even if you don't have the rune or until you pick something else, while speed and fly rune work.
    4)There is some glitch when I build a workshop, it doesn't update the menu and I should remove the old menu push E select the workshop and then choose what I want to build.

    Everything else seems to be working but needs some testing, later I will try to make the regen rune to work properly if not, I will make it into a flask with magic liquid that gives you regen powers ::D:. I will take a look at the jump runes and decide if they are worth tweaking because I remember they had a problem when a lot of people are using them. And after the mod is updated I may merge it with the zombies mod.
  7. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    Tsilliev, you should come back, forever. And host the server.
  8. Olimarrex

    Olimarrex Ballista Bolt Thrower Official Server Admin

    The axeman was a little op when you consider it's jabspam... So I'm not sad to see him go. Though I can't remember if you fixed that in the end

    Expanded zombies O.o? Are you gonna add in some new scrolls too!?
  9. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor

    I want to see if the people that already host the zombies mod is interested into this upgrade and add it to the zombies mod. I am overall interested in playing zombie mod atm instead of TTH/CTF. ::D:
    I just want to add the best from my mod which is machine gun, glider, runes and after that I will take a look how to make zombies harder. I am not sure about adding bomber/fighter and the bazooka, because I see people griefing the bases with that and destroying the terrain.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 8, 2015, Original Post Date: Mar 8, 2015 ---
    It seems I can't add a resource, I tried using kag mod manager, but I cannot get registry file for the mod and the developer key as well, when I click submit it just hangs so for now I will add a zip here.
    Here is the machine gun + glider modular mod attached. It can be added to any mod. There are 2 files that may conflict with another mod so 2 changes must be made, if you have building.as and building.cfg in your mod, in Entities-Industry-Building, you need to change Building.as to Main.as and building.cfg to Main.cfg, go in Main.cfg go at the bottom and change the $name = building to $name = main and below this the Building.as; to Main.as just like in the picture:
    This will add another workshop menu next to your main workshop menu.
    Inside the glider workshop menu you have Machine gun factory, Glider factory, and bullets factory.

    If you have materials.as in your mod, make sure that you don't replace my materials.as with yours. You just need to add this to your materials.as:
    else if (name == "mat_sack")
    max = 1;
    set = true;
    else if (name == "mat_bullets")
    max = 120;
    set = true;

    And thats all for the intallation. If you want to change the speed or the amount of items produced from the factory go the targeted factory.as for an example
    we go to Entities-Industry-NewBuildings-MGBullets Factory-MGBulletsFactory.as
    And change the last 2 values
    addSeedItem( this, "mat_bullets", "mat_bullets", 15, 4 ); (15 is time and 4 is quantity)
    Now about the cost of the factories:
    go to Entities-Industry-Building-Air.as
    And change the last numeric value:
    AddRequirement( s.requirements, "blob", "mat_stone", "Stone", 250);
    AddRequirement( s.requirements, "blob", "mat_wood", "Wood", 1200);

    I understood that the zombies mod is for public use, so I merged the glider/machine gun with it as well as fixed the triangle block to be able to be destroyed as well as the nursery and the triangle block when built creates a backwall behind like all other blocks. The mod is attached as well. I am not sure why the gold block is not here, I guess Beo haves it locally in Base of Kag instead of the mod? This is why it is missing?
    Anyway I will later add the ctf expanded because there some things that need to get fixed or I might look more into the zombies mod to make the zombies harder or add more stuff from the ctf expanded like gold/stone factories, saw/warboat factories and so on to the zombie mod.

    edit: I have also made MachineGun_Glider_Standalone meaning that it already haves the Main.as and Main.cfg taken from CTF gamemode, so for CTF lovers just extract the folder in Kag-Mods folder, then go in mods.as from main kag folder, add MachineGun_Glider_Standalone line at the end and thats all.
    edit2: " I will also rename Zombies 1.70 to Zombies Expanded 1.7 because Beo may update his zombie mod and then it will become a mess. xD"

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    Last edited: Mar 9, 2015
  10. kaggit

    kaggit Bison Rider

    I am so glad to see you back. The idea of having CTF Expanded and zombies in the same mod BLOWS my mind. It's actually what I have been trying (and failing) to host on my sandbox server xD
  11. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor

    Can you try and host to see how it goes?

    edit: while I was re-reading my post, about the triangle blocks creating a backwall, when I think about it now, it wont look good when you make a roof, I will remove the backwall and re-upload. xD

    edit2: I will also rename Zombies 1.70 to Zombies Expanded 1.7 because Beo may update his zombie mod and then it will become a mess. xD

    What else should I add to the zombies mod from ctf expanded?
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2015
  12. kaggit

    kaggit Bison Rider

    Anyting and everything from CTF Expanded mashed with Zombies is gonna be epic. one thing tho, are the new classes gone for good or are they only removed for the time being? Also do you want me to test the mod out? If yes then sure but wheres the download, is it just the regular download on the main page?

    Nevermind about the download, I found it already. God how did I miss it...
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 9, 2015, Original Post Date: Mar 9, 2015 ---
    I tested it out and the only thing I noticed was that you couldn't place workshops

    when your in your inventory and you press Workshop it makes the hammer noises but no shop appears
    Also when you do !Workshop no text shows up and no shop shows up
    but when you do !knightshop The shop shows up. So somethings up with workshops. You can't place them without cheating.

    I'll continue testing for you :P
  13. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor

    Thank you, you are trying this one attached below yes?

    Attached Files:

  14. kaggit

    kaggit Bison Rider

    Yes I am.

    I found another thing. The only shop I can spawn in is the Knightshop

    buildershop and archershop don't work. No text and no shop appears.
  15. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor

    put this file at entities-industry-building of the mod.

    Or re-download the RAR-ed mod, i updated the links.

    And it is !main from now on. I will be back after 3 hours, we will continue the testing from there and I will more stuff from ctf expanded. :D

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    Last edited: Mar 9, 2015
  16. kaggit

    kaggit Bison Rider

    I rather enjoy testing with you. But I've gotta head to bed now coz I have school tomorrow . As soon a I get home We can continue testing. I really do like testing your mods :D

    I have an idea for something for you to add. It probs too much but how bout a mage class? Just a simple pew pew kinda thing. That's if your still going to add the extra classes back to the mod.

    I'll test the latest link out before I go and give you the report :)
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 9, 2015, Original Post Date: Mar 9, 2015 ---
    Alright I tested it out but the workshops still do not work. I can only spawn in the Knightshop.
    I added the file to the right place and restarted my sever. I have a few questions before I sign out. How do you spawn runes? if the runes are spawnable that is, also what content have you added to the Zombies_Expanded? Once I know what is meant to be working I can test it out easier. but for now good night!

    (Love your mod. Maybe I can do some sprites for you if you add more classes and items n such.<3 )
  17. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor

    I guess we live on different timezones or different planets here right now is 15:44. Anyway I think I saw the problem I reupload it here. I still haven't included the runes, and there is already a mage class in the zombie mod, maybe I can just include a buyable scroll from the trader for like 250 coins.

    edit: this looks interesting i will try it and merge it if i like it https://forum.kag2d.com/resources/equipment-and-hunger-systems.271/
    Hunger resets when I change class, I will leave it out for now. :D
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 9, 2015 ---
    lol full merging complete, attached as ZE1.72 but it will need a lot of testing, there might be a few broken things.

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  18. stabborazz

    stabborazz Haxor Staff Alumni

    I wanne help testing to, is there a temporary server that I can join ? Or do I need to use the mod myself ?
  19. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor

    the server haves kaggit but he is sleeping now so just test it yourself, extract at mod folder, then at mods.cfg put the name of the folder at autoconfig.cfg at gamemode put "zombies" and thats all start runlocalhost.bat to go there directly. When you join make sure you have !flyrune just in case if you run into trouble ::D:

    Edit: small update, nursery and trader were missing so I bring them back again, now I can start a proper game and test it.

    Anyone is welcome to test/host the mod. When you test tell me if the prices are fine or if we should nerf them and tell me if you see bugs or something is not spawning properly (jump/green runes are broken)
    With the bison that i got from the bison nursery, I crush the zombies like bugs ::D:, I also heard that you can make bison friendly even without burger/food, if you can show me the resources I will make them forever friendly so we dont have accidental deaths from bisons and sharks. Yes also shark traps will be available ::D:

    Oh and btw I can increase the difficulty by just reducing how long the day/night is, if I cut the time in half, of course it will take twice as less the time to respawn, but it will respawn the zombies twice as faster, giving you less time to prepare/repair defences. :D

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    Last edited: Mar 9, 2015
  20. stabborazz

    stabborazz Haxor Staff Alumni

    Do you need my zombie-bison sprite ? :D It looks pretty cool.