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CTF Modded 2014-08-09

More classes, buildable halls, town center, factories, farms.

  1. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor

    Not yet... Come to chat so we join our game together with hamachi.

    I go sleep, tomorrow.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2015
  2. kaggit

    kaggit Bison Rider

    HOLY FUCKING SHIT I LOVE YOU. You need to add that mod. It is essential. This mod cannot live with out it. Adding this mod will make this amazing mod EVEN MORE AMAZING> I am on a exited spasm right now holy shit you just made my day.

    Also I live on Neptune. Not Earth. I moved planets because Earth was too full of annoying little creatures who have no intelligent when dealing with girls. (no really my brothers advice on getting a girlfriend was "go to her and say "HEY, I like you....lets fuck" #whathappened
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 10, 2015, Original Post Date: Mar 10, 2015 ---

    What chat is this and if I'm invited whats the hamachi network :P. Also Stabberazz the way I've been testing this is by hosting my own little server and trying out commands to spawn things in. I've also been doing it legit and finding out what is working by testing out everything possible for each class. Follow those methods and you'll get good results faster :P

    Just a suggestion, If your merging mods here why not add the Tank mod and add a way to purchase it from the siege workshop. As far as I'm aware you can only get it in TTH from a tank factory. I don't think you can buy it in any other gamemode. Also there's the Caraval mod which adds a large ship. (ship as in floaty wooden house) These too would be great in zombies. tank for safer/faster land travel and painting sidewalks with zombies faster. And Caraval for safer water travel and drowning zombies that don't need to breath!

    Another good mod to add is the Torch mod, just adds a back wall lantern. rather useful. I always wanted to place lanterns on walls, never knew how the devs got them on the walls in "save the princess"
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2015
  3. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor

    :D Well if you already have a server up that we can join just run the mod and lets see, here it is attached. About the tank and caravel I will first patch and merge completely zombie expanded and then add more stuff. Here is the mod attached.
    I will come back after 3 h ofc you will go to sleep :D, when I come back I will try to fix the knight garrison, the knights dont see zombies as an enemy, need to tweak their braincommon.as but later. When you host make sure you have in autoconfig.cfg at sv_gamemode = Zombies and of course I guess you already know about mods.cfg. When you host tell us the name of the server so we can join and test.

    Attached Files:

  4. kaggit

    kaggit Bison Rider

    Well, I can host I guess but I don't have the best computer so I'll have to ask my brother who has a transformer as a computer and get him to host for us. Otherwise my servers name is [SP] Server.

    It probs will lag a bit if we overload it with commands and stuff so we need to keep it clean and only do one thing at a time. It might be wiser if someone else hosted like you or Stabberazz if my PC can't handle the mod too well.
  5. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor

    For now just testing, if people like it there will be someone that would be interested in hosting it with good server without lags and so on. Can you make workshop now?
  6. kaggit

    kaggit Bison Rider

    Yeah they work now. But there are a few more bugs I found
    Okay so when your creating a workshop and you get the four options (or is it three) for like civilian, military economy and something else. (are they the only three?) When ever you press one it appears that nothing happens but something does happen. you press the button, it makes the hammer sound and it converts the workshop to whatever option you chose. But the window does not close and you can keep pressing it as many times as you like but every time you press an option it creates another workshop. So if I spammed it I'd get a fart load of workshops on the same spot. The way I know it creates more every time is that when you get out of the GUI and press E you get loads of little arrows to press. Plus when you destroy the workshops it sounds and looks as if you are destroying loads of shops on the same spot. Coming to how you destroy the shop, you can't actually destroy it as a builder. When you press right click the little highlight that surrounds the object doesn't appear. The only way I found you could destroy it was if something else destroys it for you. (e.g bombs, kegs, bomb arrows, fire arrows, falling to it's death...)

    Next! Isn't there a speed rune? If there is !speedrune doesn't work. nothing spawns.

    Next again! This isn't exactly a bug but, would it be possible to nerf the boss zombie slightly? He is furking OP as crap. 4 kegs didn't kill him and I'm not sure he even CAN be killed. he has way to much health and he spawns way to soon into the game.

    Next again, again! Have you already added the Equipment mod? If you have I don't think it's working because I can't seem to create anything from that mod. I probs just being derpy and just didn't see it in the workshops so can you tell me how to create things from the mod? I could just look at the mod page but I figured that it would be different in this mod because CTF expanded changed the way you create workshops.

    I am enjoying testing this mod for you. More massive reports to come! :)
  7. stabborazz

    stabborazz Haxor Staff Alumni

    Zombie boss isn't to op. In beo's you can kill him pretty fast and especially with a few people. Archer is good against him.
  8. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor

    Forgot to put a line that auto opens the menu from the new workshop build without the need to press E and select it will fix that and also about speedrune its !fastrune, !fastrune2 and !fastrune3.

    I removed the equipment/hunger mod because I have to create the equipment myself there is no default equipment.

    edit: menu's should be fixed now at 1.74
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 10, 2015, Original Post Date: Mar 10, 2015 ---
    Good news! At 1.75 I fixed the knight migrants, so from now on they will chase and hit the zombies on sight! In the beginning when you start the game you can gather some resources to make knight garrison that will spawn 2 knight migrants that will defend you till the death! I will make some pictures later.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Mar 10, 2015
  9. stabborazz

    stabborazz Haxor Staff Alumni

    Awesome :D
  10. Olimarrex

    Olimarrex Ballista Bolt Thrower Official Server Admin

    Me too! I can't code but I'd love to contribute in anyway my totes no-grammar 3:< self could help.
  11. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor

    Well we can try and join our own servers with hamachi (because there is no one that can host yet), no need to forward ports and so on. Come to chat if interested.


    Or join hamachi and write there
    name of hamachi network: KAGZE
    pass: 123456

    Last edited: Mar 10, 2015
  12. stabborazz

    stabborazz Haxor Staff Alumni

    I joined the hamachi network.
  13. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor

    Why did you go offline? :D
  14. kaggit

    kaggit Bison Rider

    So does this mean that the Equipment mod is not going to be added? If so that's a shame :C That mod would have worked so well in this pack.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 11, 2015, Original Post Date: Mar 11, 2015 ---
    I've joined the network.
    Well back to testing. I'll give you another report soon :3
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 11, 2015 ---
    Alright here's some news. The knights that spawn from the garrison are a little buggy, they do attack but not exactly, well they kinda derp out. They sometimes jump on the spot and do nothing while hordes of zombies eat them, and sometimes they attack. When they attack they charge there slash then let themselves get stun, then they attack a zombie, slash it a few times, get the charge stun then slash a few more times.

    A few ideas I came up with. well one idea really, How about an archer garrison? to spawn two archers that shoot from towers or something. I know that your just working on getting the mod stable but I'll just throw it out there anyway. Also is there a way to spawn the knights with a command straight up? I imagine there would be a way.
  15. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor

    There is already an archer garrison added, but its very buggy this is why i dont include it as a buildable structure for nows, the knights just need to get nerfed a little. Try !archergarrison.
    If you are not sure about the names or would like to see inactive buildings that may be hiding, go into the mod and look around at industry or at items, if you want to spawn the item just type its cfg name.
  16. kaggit

    kaggit Bison Rider

    Alrighty. So I have found a few more bugs. Here they are.
    First off you cannot destroy the glider, bomb, and I think machine gun. not sure tho about the machine gun.
    Sometimes when you pick something up with C you pick up a random item that's 10-20 blocks away. It doesn't happen often but it does happen.
    Lanterns despawn when there are too many of them in one area. It might not be a bug tho because that could be anti greif?
    I managed to get up to day 32! holy crap there were so many zombies. It started lagging the whole game (FPS and internet) so I had to use the editor to delete some of them.
    I think it would be a little nice f the days lasted longer. Is there a way to change how long the days are and how many zombies spawn? because it gets out of hand way to soon in the game.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 11, 2015, Original Post Date: Mar 11, 2015 ---
    That last one is more a question then a bug.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 11, 2015 ---
    I also noticed that zombies didn't always get sliced up when falling on saws. They would also sometimes clip through platforms that are facing towards them. On top of that they don't seem to fall through trap blocks as of the last update.

    What about my question with the Equipment mod? is that still going to be added?
  17. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor

    Come to hamachi I wrote you half an hour ago xD
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 11, 2015 ---

    You cannot destroy the workshops of the glider/machine gun or the glider/machine gun themselves?
    "Sometimes when you pick something up with C you pick up a random item that's 10-20 blocks away. It doesn't happen often but it does happen.
    Lanterns despawn when there are too many of them in one area. It might not be a bug tho because that could be anti greif?"
    Thats normal in every game.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 11, 2015 ---
    "I think it would be a little nice f the days lasted longer. Is there a way to change how long the days are and how many zombies spawn? because it gets out of hand way to soon in the game."

    If they last longer it will give you more time to build/kill zombies, its better to reduce the day cycle by third so it makes the game harder, or increase zombie numbers. You do this at:
    "I also noticed that zombies didn't always get sliced up when falling on saws. They would also sometimes clip through platforms that are facing towards them. On top of that they don't seem to fall through trap blocks as of the last update."
    I will fix the trap in a sec, and about the platforms, I haven't touched them.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 11, 2015 ---
    Trap block should be fixed and glider should be destroyable, also the glider should spawn with machine gun attached to it now.

    Attached Files:

  18. kaggit

    kaggit Bison Rider

    Great, I'll try it out. And about the Equipment mod. I read that already but I was wondering if your going to create Equipment for this mod.
  19. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor

    forgot to fix the saw, i will see to add more stuff when I finish updating the mod first.

    Attached Files:

  20. kaggit

    kaggit Bison Rider

    I tried to load a custom map I made but the only block that loaded was Bedrock and zombie portals. Any ideas? when I load the default maps they work just fine.