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CTF : new building

Discussion in 'Game modes' started by Anonymator, Feb 20, 2012.

  1. Anonymator

    Anonymator Shipwright

    Searching through scripts (ctf_room) , I have succeeded in seting up a new building : the materials deposit.

    You can buy wood or stone in this building with coins earned in the battlefield.
    It costs 10 coins to buy 10 wood or 10 stone.

    Pictures soon (not finished)

    NEW (test) :

    Stone Quarry (40:tree:, 60:h_rock:, no gold during tests) and
    Wood Stock (60 :tree:, 40:h_rock:, no gold during tests)

    Now make new games modes with it :).

    Attached Files:

    Tyngn, Noburu, XChronos and 5 others like this.
  2. That is too cool. I'll download it later. Nice job ;)
  3. Beo

    Beo Bison Rider Tester

    Could you please upload it and attach to your post becouse this 2shared upload is not working for me? :>:(:
  4. baranok

    baranok Shopkeep Stealer

    just implemented this to swordfight for testing, and it really works, cool! just its pretty slow to buy a lot, it isnt like bomb shop that you just tapping key, perhaps adding more options like buy 50 wood/stone along with 10 w/s but thats lame?!
  5. Anonymator

    Anonymator Shipwright

    To make it like bomb shop i must separate stone and wood into different shops. We can add others options like buy 50/100/250 wood/stone. I will make the two possibilities and let you try to say me then which is the best.
    JacKD likes this.
  6. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    To implement this on a server you just have to use these files server-side or every player should use them too?
  7. Anonymator

    Anonymator Shipwright

    I think every player must have it because of the new sprites. But I'm not sure and you can try. Have you got your own server ?
  8. Agent_008

    Agent_008 Bison Rider

    AWESOME, modding in the KAG community has started! Maybe you could turn it into a full-blown mod!
  9. Anonymator

    Anonymator Shipwright

    You can give me ideas if you want. I study scripts we have in Kag client. I'm looking for others "addons" before making a full mod.
  10. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    EDIT by Rayne: Posts merged, please don't double post.

    I have an idea! Upgrade classes!

    This is how it goes:

    Everyone starts builder, no one can change classes except at the "specialization workshop". There will be one for Archers and Knights. To change classes it costs 100 coins or so :)

    That way everyone would build at the start of the game there would be more attack/build rushes and then the teams would evolve into something like a real army.

    Hey, based on the mod of Anonymator I made this one. It adds three new rooms: Material Exchange, Wood Deposit and Stone Deposit.

    The Wood and Stone deposit let you buy 10 wood or 10 stone for 10 coins and 50 wood or 50 stone for 50 coins as was proposed.

    The Materials Exchange room lets you exchange 10 wood for 10 stone (or viceversa) paying 2 coins and 10 gold for 50 wood or stone paying 2 coins.

    I have this running in a server mounted in my PC so you can try it. Just download and extract the files in C:\KAG\


    Test server: JacKD's KAG server

    Attached Files:

  11. Anonymator

    Anonymator Shipwright

    Can you explain how did you put your server online ? Give me perhaps your server configs file.
    I think we aren't able to make upgrade classes with actual scripts:( . But I still working on it.
  12. goodyman8

    goodyman8 Bison Rider

    Anyone know where the script is for the Base/Outpost?
    Want to check what the script is for changing classes.
    MERCHANT BOARD; Sprites/sign.png; Press $KEY7$ to turn gold into coin; gold; s10 w10
    coin; -; Sprites/coins.png; Sounds/coinpick.ogg; 25; 16; Sales cost 10gold; c-30, g10
    Damn, tell me where i messed this up.
    Edit: learned the classes are still hardcoded to the old engine, so upgrade-able classes will have to wait.
  13. JacKD

    JacKD Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I have the server running in Windows... No configuration needed other than extracting the files I uploaded. Just go to C:\KAG and start dedicatedserver.bat any other configuration is not necessary to test the mod.

    The server is running if you want to test.
    13:32 Tuesday (CLST)
  14. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Can tell you now c-30 won't work. Giving coins does not work yet
  15. goodyman8

    goodyman8 Bison Rider

    Ah damn...
  16. VIPdeNTG

    VIPdeNTG Shipwright

    So,It can make op by 50 coins?
    cata 10 coins?
  17. Anonymator

    Anonymator Shipwright

    Yes you can. You must only edit room.cfg or ctf_room.cfg (in Base/Actors) or you can also make your own .cfg file. Then in the gamemode file at the end you must add : "room_config = Actors/XXXX.cfg" (XXXX is the name of your config file for exemple : room_config = Actors/ctf_room.cfg).
  18. rodell666

    rodell666 Catapult Fodder

    I have an idea too! I think you should add level systems. If your a builder, the more you mine, the more you gain level. When you gain level you respawn with more, and more minerals, and finally, when you reach the max levels you spawn with 250 iron/stone, and 250 wood. This would help give players a more indepth gameplay. Sadly, I know nothing about modding so it's out of my hands. Thanks for your time

    -[Miner]Rodell666 :p
  19. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Again not something you can probably do with this
  20. rodell666

    rodell666 Catapult Fodder

    Ok, thanks for replying.