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Dead game is dead...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Leo, Sep 23, 2014.

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  1. kittycity

    kittycity Haxor

    Sweet great minds think alike.
  2. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I said that aren't on sale. Portal? Half-Life? Sale. lurn2reed.
    Also, never said that it was all a piece of shit. You are getting all "New update, better make it seem like NinjaCell is implying something that he isn't" on me. I said, see, exact quote:
    I have had a long week.. Yet again, used the wrong words... 50-75 pages.

    And about it being a sale, that point is invalid. A game on sale for $5 does not equal a game that is for $5.
    I mean, what if Skyrim went on sale for $10? Doesn't mean it's a $10 game.

    I am not implying anything, you just think that I must have some type of ulterior motive about it, as you are always defensive on the forums as if someone will shoot you in a moment's notice (which probably makes some people want to do that). I said, that a game that has a regular value (I said regular value, as you can't seem to understand the words regular value, so I shall say regular value again. Regular value. There.) of $5 makes people get turned off from it. You never see an amazing game that has a regular value of $5. Key word: regular value, AKA no on Sale. People who are looking to spend $5 on a game that isn't on sale probably won't find amazing titles that will give you over 500 hours of playtime, like KAG.
    Of course, getting people to pay $5, expect a sucky game, and then find it to just be less than satisfactory might stay, but then again, there is that community.
    All I am using is how people think, which I have almost never been wrong before.. Just ask anyone that I know more than just playing together, I am more perceptive than a regular person, and I am almost never wrong about how others think. Hell, I can usually even get people's general age and gender from just how they type, the words they use, capitilization, how they construct sentences, even to how frequently they use "XD"s.
  3. orange_otter_01

    orange_otter_01 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    i went on few days ago. about 50 servers and 0 players. heh probably a glitch
  4. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    May not have been a glitch. Personally, the lowest that I had seen was about 12 people on 40 servers or something.
    Most of the time, there are at least 50, as enough to fill up one of the Black Death and most of Last Kings, and then other servers for those who dislike those servers, or get terrible ping.
  5. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Honestly the vast majority of servers are never and will never be populated, cause they're home or cheap vps hosted default configs that couldn't support more than 8 players - meaning they offer nothing to players that they can't get better on the official servers. Obvious exceptions are clan practice servers and mod testing. I don't know why those hosts bother.

    Haven't seen it dip to zero recently, but numbers are certainly down. AU carries the team most week-days.
    101i likes this.
  6. Leo

    Leo Haxor

    A large number of servers means that the players left in game getting split between them. They don't have to get fill. It's better to have 2 x 20 slots servers than having 5 x 8 slots. My opinion is that you, as a developer team, should input some limits and rules to server hosting.
  7. SirCharizard

    SirCharizard Builder Stabber

    @Geti Have you considered implementing a more complex campaign mode? I understand that it is easier said than done, but Rescue the Princess is pretty easy and can be finished in about 15mins or less.
    Also, it seems that no one plays challenges anymore. ::(:
  8. ShnitzelKiller

    ShnitzelKiller Haxor

  9. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Someone has actually been hired to work on single player stuff, not sure if they want that being public knowledge at the moment so I won't name drop - so while MM and I aren't keen to spend time on singleplayer for a primarily multi-player game, it is getting some attention.

    I would love to see challenges get more love in MP - however it kind of relies on people building a heap of maps for them. I'm surprised the "Parkour" crowd haven't got onto that though tbh, it's one of the easiest and least obtrusive things to mod.

    Every time we've tried applying limitations on hosting or server visibility it's been met with extreme hostility from the community.
    SirCharizard, Klokinator and Yagger like this.
  10. darDar

    darDar KAG Guard Forum Moderator Tester

    I have no idea how that can even happen regarding the fact that KAG was purchased 148,570 times.
    How ?

    Achievements and stats are always great and keep the player hooked. For some reason it was never a part of Soldat and was never a part of KAG either. You just need a an account system which gathers some information of each player (such as: kills / deaths / hrs played / rank / etc....)

    I would bet a million $ that both games would be much more active if you had that.

    That's a must-have in all games out there. Please consider it for your next multiplayer games!

    However, people keep saying that this game is dead for a long time : that's what they said / say about Soldat too. There is quite some activity on the forums here and people still play it ; apart from that KAG has the chance to be revived.
    NinjaCell and RadioActive like this.
  11. jarrydthysse

    jarrydthysse Bison Rider
    1. Trueblue [TB]

    If you want more people to have the game, make it cheaper
    If you want more people to play the game, advertise
    If you want more people to like the game, let those who play enjoy it
    Give a goal for the game, make costume swords,armor,heads , etc

    If you want the community to grow none of these will work on their own, even the devs know this. But the problem is that its because of this being a finished game nothing big will be done or added. What about minecraft, its having loads done to it, always new stuff being added. Sure there are re-balances for KAG but that's it

    But really people the community needs to be just that, a community, not individuals who are good at the game leading us on. I think this game needs a major update, if the devs could get help from madders it will work, modders have tons of content that they have made, use their help and maybe add that content, balance it, make it like a new game, and then advertise. At this stage not everyone will be the best so new players can learn with old pros. The devs are not miracle workers they cant do everything they actually have lives. If everyone will actually help this community in their own way that they can, then will we grow.

    For us to sit idly and play the game wont do anything

    @Geti if you want this game to grow do something about it
  12. Corpsey

    Corpsey Haxor

    I wouldn't mind stats but I personally abhor achievements because of the stupid crap they can make people do... like sit in a corner and spam crap.


    An actual stats sheet would be pretty neat, % of time played as each class, and a kills number (total & per class). Also game W/L & %.

    Seriously though, down with achievements... I don't understand why people want them. Especially on steam, considering AFAIK you can just set them to "accomplished".
    Blue_Tiger likes this.
  13. yellowwhy1

    yellowwhy1 Catapult Fodder

    Sadly this is true. This game is so simple but it is almost impossible to start playing. I started a year and a half ~ 2 years ago but I was a noob then I was yelled at in chat, vote kicked for not knowing how to do things, ect. But now I am not a noob but the thing is: this still happens just becouse I am a "steamie"but the game has been destroyed by "balancing" and a horrible fan base...::(:
  14. I don't think its that you're a steamie I think its just what you do :wink:
    And unless the Devs want to do something (Doubt it) the game will just slowly get a smaller playerbase until you got nothing left. They've moved on to the new game anyways.
  15. What new game? You do realise THD is more than just two guys, right? Geti's still working on KAG.
  16. SpideY

    SpideY Hear Me Roar Staff Alumni Donator

    Atm, the game is well balanced imo and there are some people devoted to this game. There are still some leagues/tournaments and some clan activity. You cannot judge a community just by playing on some public servers. Pub games can be awesome and terrible at the same time.
  17. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Must... resist... commenting on balance...
    Dargona1018 likes this.
  18. SpideY

    SpideY Hear Me Roar Staff Alumni Donator

    Yep you are always complaining about balance on a game with like 200 active players. We all know that. While this team, there are leagues and clan wars and no one is whining.
  19. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Yeah, nobody is whining because they already left. The balance might be there, but the fun certainly is not. Also, 200 active played but only ever about 50 on at the same time. Generally maybe 1 full server and 6 servers with a scattering of players.

    Two builds ago we had an average of 75 players on daily, not counting night-time in the US. A build before that we averaged about 80. I can only hope this next build fixes some things and brings the players back, but at this point I'm playing mechwarrior online more than this game. Because it's fun.
    yellowwhy1 likes this.
  20. SpideY

    SpideY Hear Me Roar Staff Alumni Donator

    So the only reason for a player to leave kag (in your opinion) is just about balance ? What about :
    • Life
    • Studies
    • Playing on other game
    • Technical problems
    • Bored
    Usually, there are between 100 players online (european time) and 150 players with the australian time. I havent any problem to find players/servers. There are some still clans around.

    Of course, there are less players like on soldat for example. But there is still an activity. You should be more optimist ;)
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