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[denied] eragon200012 (EhRaGoN)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by EhRa, Aug 12, 2015.

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  1. LazikLion

    LazikLion Arsonist

    +1 Era is a lively player, always active in chat, never had any problems with him
  2. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    It does work like that, even if your steam name was different, the start of the log, when you log in comes up with, for example, EhRaGoN (eragon200012) connected.

    I checked my logs for any mention of the name Graver in it, I never said I check anything about checking them for Fuzzle.

    So, if I comment on somones admin app who deserves admin, thats against the rules and I should be banned. And that "Dar deserves and admin position", the "and" was a spelling typo.

    @Graver a few quick searches of your name in the KAG forums shows threads, namely these: https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/action-unlimited.10324/page-186 and https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/action-unlimited.10324/page-187 ,specially assosciating with a one @copper40

    And, the post on my admin app is made up, I really doubt you would leave a game for nearly a year and still stick to the forums and post when I make an admin application.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2015
    icemusher, Snake19, dayleaf and 2 others like this.
  3. Alpha-Penguin

    Alpha-Penguin Haxor

    See how calm he is in this situation, he is not getting angry and he is sorting it out really well. Just another example of why he should get admin.
    Snake19 and Stevedog like this.
  4. Graver

    Graver Haxor

    So you've got great memory - you remember everyone in every server. Also I never said that you did.

    It's not about the typo and you know it right.

    Woah, you digged my posts which are 2 years old. I was just a silly troll back in the days. Congratulations again - You didn't have a forum account while I posted this and you know the situation and me so well.
    I don't see your point here - I have shown your posts that are 3 weeks ago old (You believed on site that gives "FREE STEAM WALLET CODES")
    I already quit it. The game is full of idiots that are crying 20 minutes in the chat if they are getting killed.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2015
    icemusher likes this.
  5. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    Then please, tell me and the other people reading these posts why your still here.
  6. Graver

    Graver Haxor

    You are really bad at reading or you are mentally retarded. what I should expect from XXI century kids
  7. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    Please answer the question, why are you still posting and looking at forums of a game you left nearly a year ago.
  8. Alpha-Penguin

    Alpha-Penguin Haxor

    Ok, enough is enough. Graver and EhRa I need you to stop now. Graver please provide some proof of what your saying otherwise it will just keep looking like an attack on EhRa and that your trying to sabotage his chance as admin which is not good at all. You said you would provide some proof so lets see it please. Also EhRa it might seem very annoying that you have not seen this guy before but it is his opinion and you must respect that which I'm sure you would if he had proof.
  9. Graver

    Graver Haxor

    • Flaming
    Oh, the ass-licker is back.

    You may ask why ass-licker?
    You gave @eragon200012 -1 on an admin application post, didn't you? Later Eragon changed his vote to +1 on your application and in the same day you gave him +1 and liked his every post.

    EDIT:Who the hell you think you are? "Graver and EhRa I need to stop you now" You aren't any admin or forum moderator.
  10. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    Can you please stop posting in this thread, if you want to abuse anyone here, do it somewhere else.
  11. Graver

    Graver Haxor

    No, I will not stop posting in here. weak excuse to get me off you, already have shown you arguments why you shouldn't be admin, are you scared?
  12. Alpha-Penguin

    Alpha-Penguin Haxor

    First off, I gave EhRa a -1 because I wasn't sure at the time, I should of said +0 but I didn't so that's that. I saw him play more often and I decided to change my vote, am I not allowed to change my vote? Is it against the rules?
    Also that was his opinion, he can change his vote if he wishes.
    Secondly, I am a player in the community and I don't think an admin application is a time to fight, I'm sure many people will agree with me. Now if you want to provide that evidence I would love to have a look at it. Unless you are attacking EhRa for no reason? Up to you bro.
  13. Graver

    Graver Haxor

    Read my all posts in this thread before posting shit.
  14. Alpha-Penguin

    Alpha-Penguin Haxor

    I have been following your attack on EhRa the whole time.
  15. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    @Graver you told him what you think of him and now stop. The reason for these threads is not so you can flame anybody without any fear for consequences. Keep it civilised, folks.
    Hella, PanduhsFTW, Stevedog and 6 others like this.
  16. Alpha-Penguin

    Alpha-Penguin Haxor

    Thank you Galen :)
  17. SharkT

    SharkT Arsonist

    Fight fight fight
  18. DatNobby

    DatNobby Haxor

    ignoring the stupid shit graver pulled from fucking nowhere, this dude is chill and never gets overly salty or mad
    never seen him grief, spam, any of that garbage, and seems mature ingame
  19. Snake19

    Snake19 RIP Staff Alumni Donator
    1. [AG#] - Ancient Gear

    AH I finally found how to access to your KAG file by steam.
    First search the Steam file.
    And follow this :
    Steam => steamapps => common => King Arthur's Gold.

    then follow this.
  20. Graver

    Graver Haxor

    Will try when I'll get back to home (3-4 days)
    Thanks for the help
    Snake19 likes this.
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