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Did we win? - Understanding the mod and the rules.

Discussion in 'Competitive KAG Archive' started by makmoud98, Sep 12, 2015.


Are you confused by the rules?

Poll closed Sep 26, 2015.
  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Kinda

  1. makmoud98

    makmoud98 You are already DEAD Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester

    So before we begin season 2 of MLK, I just wanted to rewrite the rules in a way that more people would understand. I want to make sure everyone knows how it works so that when a match ends both teams are just like "Wait, did we win?!?!" So, here are the rules:

    Some terminology before I get into the rules (all these terms will be in bold throughout the post):
    • There are two rounds in one match.
    • There are thirty ticks in one second. It is basically just a smaller unit of time to make things more accurate.
    • The number of ticks past mid of a team is the sum of the ticks past mid of each player on that team. The number of ticks past mid of a player is just a more accurate way of representing the number of seconds that player has been past the middle of the map.
    • The number of ticks it took to take the lead is in other words, how long it took that team to take the flag that put them in the lead by flag caps.

    The basic stuff:
    • A one hundred fifty second build time.
    • A twenty five minute timer.
    • By the end of the twenty five minute timer, if neither team has capped a flag yet or both teams have an equal number of flag caps, the timer will extend another ten minutes. By the end of the first ten minute timer, if neither team has capped yet or both teams have an equal number of flag caps, the timer will extend another ten minutes. By the end of the second ten minute timer, if neither team has capped yet or both teams have an equal number of flag caps, the round will end. If at the end of any timer, both team have an unequal number of flag caps, the round will end.
    • At the end of the round, the number of ticks past mid of both teams will be always be printed to chat. If the number of flag caps is unequal at the end of the round, then the winner's number of ticks it took to take the lead will be printed in the chat.
    • The number of seconds past mid will always be rendering close to the bottom left of the screen (similar to where the number of tickets each team has renders in a Gather match).
    Determining the winner of a round:
    • If a round ends and neither team has capped a flag yet or both teams have an equal number of flag caps, then the winner will be determined by which team has more ticks past mid. If both teams run into the extremely rare occurrence of having an equal number of ticks past mid, then the match needs to be replayed.
    • If a round ends with an unequal number of flag caps, then whichever team had the most flag caps, wins that round. The ticks it took to take the lead will be stored somewhere in your chat log if you lose track of it. KAG's chat logs are always written to the disk in ../KAG/Logs.
    Determining the winner of a match:
    • If a team wins both rounds, that team wins the match.
    • If a team loses both rounds, that team loses the match.
    • If both teams won one round and the winner of both of the rounds was determined by the number of ticks past mid, then whichever team had the largest number of ticks past mid on the round that they won, wins the match.
    • If both teams won one round and both of the rounds' winners were determined by a lead in flag caps, then the team that had the smallest number of ticks it took to take the lead wins the match.
    • If both teams won one round and one team won their round by a lead in flag caps, and the other team's round was won by having a larger number of ticks past mid, then the team that won their round by a lead in flag caps wins the match.
    Other Stuff:
    • Each team can pick which server they want to have their round in. The other team doesn't have a say in which server your team wants to play on.
    • If both teams agree, the clan war can be a 4v4 or a 6v6.
    • Only two subs are allowed on one team. The other team has the right to deny all or any of your subs.
    • If a team does not show up within fifteen minutes from the time agreed, the other team will be granted a win by forfeit. If neither teams show up, no points will be granted to either team.
    • A team has to inform the other team about postponing a match twenty four hours in advance.
    That concludes the end of the rules. I strongly encourage that at the very least every clan leader reads this set of rules. Please report any bugs in the mod here and make sure to ping me while you're at it. Thanks for reading.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2015
  2. makmoud98

    makmoud98 You are already DEAD Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester

  3. Blue_Tiger

    Blue_Tiger Haxor Tester

    What if 2 clans play and both times there is 0 flags capped and each team wins one game by ticks past mid and the amount of ticks past mid they won by was equal?
  4. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Yo, this is still some complicated shit.
    It unfortunately still leads to some odd scenarios like the tick time being completely even in both games.

    If both of them even in rounds, why not just run a third match?

    At least, if it was win by flag caps.
  5. makmoud98

    makmoud98 You are already DEAD Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester

  6. Blue_Tiger

    Blue_Tiger Haxor Tester

    Seems kinda silly to not just call the round a tie. I mean, 1 more tick either way and whoever wins the next round would win anyway just based on they have more ticks past mid / capped a flag to win.

    Overall I feel after 2 reruns of a timer, there is no need to go for ticks past mid, just call it a tie, smh.

    Ah, never mind, I read this in the wrong place, thought it was talking about rounds. You should put it on the match winning stuff.
  7. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    What if said match then ends up completely equal with the same number of ticks and all?
  8. Blue_Tiger

    Blue_Tiger Haxor Tester

    I'm just gonna put this here - why ties are good:

    If you are on the losing team and you have 0 hope of ever winning, but there's still 10 minutes on the clock - you're like "okay, we've got 10 minutes, let's put a fuck tonne of effort into defending this flag". Fail and you lose, do not fail and you tie. It's way more tense than "oh, we have 10 minutes left, they have way more ticks past mid, and we'd need to a shit tonne of luck to win this game through flags. Okay, let's just give them the flag".

    Some of the most fun games I've ever had were actually when we were on the LOSING TEAM, for example when I was in [LVT] and we were facing FIST!'s wrath. We were losing the majority of the game, but we held strong for a really long time. I think they managed to get the flag in the end, but it was so much fun holding them off. Another was one game of captains where the enemy team had a massive ass tower over the whole of our base raining siege on us. We had literally nothing, but every spawn we would all go builder and build around the flag and defend it. We managed to defend with NOTHING against siege for maybe 20-25 mintues and it was SO MUCH FUN!

    I don't see why you are so against ties, they can feel so rewarding for a losing team, maybe you're just too used to stomping everyone and get pissed when they can hold their base a bit longer than you expect.
  9. makmoud98

    makmoud98 You are already DEAD Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester

    I think you have a great point, but I feel like when you are losing a game really hard and you just pull a tie out of your ass, the other team will feel really salty because imo i feel like they truely earnt the win. and for the record,
    I have played a LOT of competitive kag and ive lost a LOT too. just look at my clan page. but most of my losses are from just private captains and gather and stuff.
  10. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Well, really in the end CTF is about not letting the flag get caught at any rate, not about holding middle ground. While holding middle ground is a good strategy and one (of many) ways you can determine who might win, that can quickly sway. Overall it's just an odd substitute for a gamemode that sets down it's own rules pretty clearly.

    However, I guess having a time limit and a way to get around it is probably necessary since some good games can indeed last several hours, which is something that especially if you're going to have someone cast these, can be very problematic. Putting an upper limit of an hour wouldn't be bad, but you would still need a way to handle matches, but I also don't understand the insistence on the 2 matches instead of just a straight Bo3 I suppose.
  11. makmoud98

    makmoud98 You are already DEAD Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester

    we do bo2 instead of bo3 because the third round is always difficult because of trying to find a server with equal ping when fighting a clan from a different region
  12. Obione5256

    Obione5256 Bison Rider

    Question: if a team wins by flag caps, but has less ticks past mid than the other team, would the winner's ticks it took to take the lead be negative?
  13. makmoud98

    makmoud98 You are already DEAD Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester

    no, the ticks it took to take the lead will basically just be the number of ticks from the beginning of the match till the flag cap. (so just how long it took to cap the flag)
  14. Snake19

    Snake19 RIP Staff Alumni Donator
    1. [AG#] - Ancient Gear

    I voted "kinda" because I think the rules are a bit too complicated ...
    I sincerely think that the idea i proposed to you mak.
    Is much simpler than this and as good.

    Here for the public, the idea i proposed :
    Exemple :
    Blue vs Red
    Blue caps flag at 22mins
    Time ends at 25 mins and Blue Wins
    Mod prints Ticks Past Mid ( 27540 )
    Mod prints Ticks it took to win(which would be a number equivalent to 22 mins)

    Round 2:
    Blue vs Red
    Red caps flag at 16mins
    Time ends at 25 mins and Red Wins (caps a flag before the first time extension so the round ends)
    Mod prints Ticks Past Mid ( 28969 )
    Mod prints Ticks it took to win(which would be a number equivalent to 16 mins)

    Red Win.

    (i know about my quote, i was wrong about the match EU Vs US. Mak explained me in private.)
  15. heX_

    heX_ Bison Rider

    Yes, either Snake's new idea or simply ties. This whole ticks past mid idea just doesn't seem like a genuine CTF match.
  16. makmoud98

    makmoud98 You are already DEAD Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester

    snake i told u that i already implemented this >>
  17. Snake19

    Snake19 RIP Staff Alumni Donator
    1. [AG#] - Ancient Gear

    yea but only that will be good : 3
  18. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    the logic is stronk here
  19. makmoud98

    makmoud98 You are already DEAD Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester

    I know you guys have all these ideas, and I know that you guys think it is too complicated, but this is the idea that the people voted for. Although everyone doesn't agree with it, its most likely going to stay the way it is. Believe me, once you see the mod in-game, you will see that it's not as complicated as you think. If after a match, two teams aren't sure how to determine the match winner, just ask me, and give me the chat logs so that I can help you. But really, if you just take the rules one step at a time, it will not seem that complicated. The mod automates all of the "The basic stuff:" So all you have to do is wait until the end of a round. After the round, the mod will print everything, and you can just refer to the "Determining the winner of a round:" portion. After that just play the second round and do the same thing. After that just do a quick read-through of the "Determining the winner of a match:" part and you will find the winner. There are a lot of "if this, then that" so if you just read the bullet points most likely you will be like "oh, that doesnt apply to me" and you just move on to the next bullet point. I hope that this helps.
  20. Blue_Tiger

    Blue_Tiger Haxor Tester

    I never saw the vote ....