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Dwarf Fortress - Praise Armok!

Discussion in 'Other games' started by TerryDactyl, Jun 3, 2011.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

  2. Sirpixelot

    Sirpixelot Base Burner
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    4 weeks ago, I decided to play some Dwarf Fortress.
    I managed to build a pretty impressive looking fortress, one I was proud of. HOWEVER... just recently... a dwarf went a bit.... insane.

    At the time, I had my dwarves make a sort of automatic irrigator, with some screw pumps and all that, when one of my builder dwarves left the team and decided to leave and go do dwarven things. I guessed he was going out to get some noms, which was literally next to the farm along with the kitchens and so forth.
    Minutes passed, and no sign of this guy, who should have been done eat. I then assumed he went to take a nap and warped my camera to him. What I found was him suiciding in one of three brewery factorys... and by suiciding... I mean going full Jihad on me D:

    After operation Jihad, the whole factory was set ablaze, my brewers and farmers who were in there, as well as support beams and so forth, were incinerated, and the cave I built it in (a dried up riverbed I guess) collapsed on the whole operation. Thus the place was lost... buried under the dirt... ;w;

    Thankfully, I had 3 other factories, but that really did a number on my beer production.. o -o

    (Later found that this single dwarf... was suffering from insanity. I'm not fully sure why.)
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2014
  3. Insanity is caused by any number of things. Most likely, he was either miserable or failed a "mood".

    -If he had a Strange Mood (possessed, fey, etc...) then he would've abruptly stopped whatever he was doing, barged into a workshop and claimed it. He'd then demand certain items be made available - if available, he'd take them, if not, he'd wait a while. If he goes too long without his required items, he will go insane. It depends on the kind of mood they went in the kind of insanity that occurs.
    -If he was miserable for too long, he probably went mad from the strain.

    Comes in a number of strains.
    -Berserk - they become an enemy of your civilisation, and will attack anyone, including their family or children indiscriminately. This is usually easily countered by a dog or two wandering the fort, but if it's a strong/armored/weapon'd dwarf, then it becomes incredibly dangerous. If not killed immediately, they can and will slaughter anything in their way. If there is no one they can find, they eventually die of dehydration or starvation.

    -Stark raving mad - They run around babbling, and strip off their clothing one by one. They do not seek death by killing others or suicide, but will die of starvation and/or dehydration eventually.

    -Melancholy - They move very slowly, refuse food and water, and look for things to throw themselves into/on. If you have an open magma pit, expect them to throw themselves into it. Similarly with water, they'll make no attempts to save themselves.
    Even if you have a small hill, even if it's a metre tall, they'll throw themselves off it repeatedly to try and injure themselves. If they cannot find any water/magma/hills to throw themselves into, they'll simply wander around until they starve or dehydrate.

    To have a dwarf set something ablaze is impossible unless there's some intense heat - a still and alcohol are quite explosive, but they wouldn't go up without flames. The only way I think this could occur is if you have a modded game where dwarves can throw fireballs or something.
    Collapses will only occur if a support is removed, but an underground fort never needs support... so your story is kinda odd.
    Beef likes this.
  4. Sirpixelot

    Sirpixelot Base Burner
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Well, according to the Wiki, alcohol is lost in fires, and boils out in intense heat. So my logic is sound.
    Collapses can only be done if there's no support holding up any loose dirt or stone, which sadly enough... the cave I spoke of had. Plus, dem supports were made of wood.

    The fire however, was because I have a modded DF with fireball tossing dwarves. xD
  5. Chinizz

    Chinizz Arsonist


    Here is the unofficial patch list to give you a bit of an idea:

    Combat and Movement

    • Movement and Attack speeds have been split
    • Reaction moments (catching a swung fist)

    Lethality reduction
    • No immediate enemy recognition in cities to avoid fights to the death on the street
    • Conflicts and conflict levels are tracked (lethal/nonlethal)
    • Critters can enter a state of terror from lethal battle, especially if they’re likely to lose
    • Enemies can surrender
    • Draw and sheath weapons
    ▬ People in cities won’t appreciate it if your weapon is out.
    • Mode can be switched to non-lethal in object testing arena

    • Sound indicators/vision cones
    • Running, creeping, walking, sneaking, as opposed to just walk and sneak
    ▬ Need to accelerate
    ▬ Sharp turns slow you down
    • Vampires can sense creatures with blood.
    ▬ More generally, tags to sense arbitrary creature classes
    ▬ can be attached via interactions/syndromes

    • Creatures leave tracks as they move unless they fly or are ghosts
    ▬ Track descriptions depend on what left the track - feet, boots, turbans...
    • Tracks can be found in their own vision mode

    • Climb up to branches, walls or down to ledges
    • Can't climb smoothed walls or ice walls

    Jumping • Can grab onto tiles when jumping or falling

    *Entity sites *

    Demons • Due to spoilers, Toady has revealed nothing about demon sites beyond that he has added them. Sites will contain ample amounts of randomly generated features however.

    Goblins • Central tower with pits and tunnels underneath
    • Connects to first underground layer
    • Trenches, tunnel entrances, watchtowers
    • Prisons with prisoners and snatched children
    • Troll-shearing pits

    Elf sites • Orchards
    • Trees with canopies as much as thirty tiles wide

    Dwarf Sites • Hill Dwarves - farms and settlements on or near the surface
    • Fortresses - connect surface and first cavern layer
    • Deep sites - farms and settlements in the first cavern layer, below mountains
    • Noble Hierarchy - the king rules a few dukes who each rule a few counts whose barony often includes a few towns with their own mayors.
    • Player fortresses can now be non-destructively retired.*
    ▬ Retired fortresses behave as NPC fortresses but retain other information
    ▬ Retired fortresses can be reclaimed.

    Other ● AI can now reclaim sites ruined during worldgen. Both during or after worldgen.
    ● All megabeasts can now attack and sometimes occupy civilization sites.
    ▬ These occupied sites cannot be reclaimed by the AI, but can by the player.*
    ▬ Retired fortresses can be reclaimed.
    ● Civs will now continue to build settlements after worldgen, with some limitations. No roads or markets will be made in these post-worldgen sites
    ● Armies inhabiting foreign conquered sites can now alter the sites to some degree.
    ▬ Goblins will begin building trenches and small towers “in human villages, elf sites and dwarf hill sites that have been taken after some time passes”

    Entity Groups

    • Armies now exist on the world map and move about during play, and you can encounter their camps.
    • Bandits harass townspeople
    • Invaders cause mayhem in conquered sites
    ▬ Destroyed buildings, killed historical figures, things impaled on upright weapons...
    ▬ Killing their leader should often get them to leave
    • Invaders have camps with tents for soldiers and large tents for their commanders.
    • Commanders chased out of their camp try to return due to their responsibility Soldiers patrol the camp, raise the alarm

    • Townspeople no longer know exact positions of lairs
    • Entities have various “claims” to sites, rather than outright uncontested ownership every time.
    • Goblins will hunt down a civilization’s leaders and kill them, instead of just slaughtering indiscriminately.

    Heritance • Entity positions will be inherited as they do in worldgen.*
    • Anyone who gets too old (as defined in the raws for their species) dies.
    • Conceptions occur periodically, and schedule a birth to be resolved at the appropriate time.

    Personality • Dwarves, and other sentient beings, now have personal values which are based on their cultural values but may deviate.
    • Dwarves now have traits which may not be value-neutral.
    • Dwarves will have “dreams” or life goals
    ▬ creation of an artifact
    ▬ taking over the world.
    • People react to death depending on their personal traits
    ▬ may applaud or call you a murderer and spit at you

    *Conversation revamp * • Time no longer paused while talking
    • Rumors will spread among NPCs, which they can then relay to you.
    • Townspeople may lie to you, if their personality supports it.
    • New opening paragraph in Adventure mode depending on your starting situation.
    • Companions now join for specific purposes, and will leave afterwards.
    • Invaders can now jump and climb when assaulting a fortress. Some limitations apply*.

    Multi-tile trees
    • Falling leaves and fruit
    • Item clouds/spatter
    • Flowers
  6. Yup, what I presume is going to be 0.37.01 is gonna be fun. (Invaders are still totally turtle-able, you just need to build an overhang.)
    Beef likes this.
  7. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

  8. Chinizz

    Chinizz Arsonist

    The adventure mode seems promising.
  9. I'm calling it - it'll release on the 4th of July. Toady did a similar thing last release with DF2012, which was on Valentine's Day, Feb 14.

    this is a very helpful post that expands exactly on what other users have said
  10. Beef

    Beef ก็็็็็็็็็็็็็ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ ก้้้้้้้้้้้ Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    Every time someone posts here my heart stops thinking IT'S HERE.

    Every time I'm crushed.

    Life in a nutshell.
    Sir_Walter likes this.
  11. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    This is a terrible gif of me waiting for the release

    July 4th release would be fine by me though.
  12. Potatobird

    Potatobird Haxor Forum Moderator Mapping Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    I just started playing this! Pretty cool so far. A were-porcupine mauled my only dwarven child, and when I told his parents to be the doctors and do nothing else but healthcare, one of them went on break and the other went to go harvest plants (which you can't tell them not to do apparently). He died, and they don't seem too upset about it...

    I guess I should have waited a week for this update before starting? Although it looks like the update is mostly adventure mode. I think I might stick to fortress mode in the current version.
  13. Chinizz

    Chinizz Arsonist

    Hum... you can tell your dwarf not to harvest plant. I don't know if you can tell one single dwarf not to, but you can o : set order, h : only farmers harvest.
    This will mean that only the dwarves with farming field enable may harvest, wich could be a problem, if you need to harvest quickly.

    An other way, wich may be more efficient will be to create a burrow and assign the child and the parents, with a source of food, booze, fresh water and bed.

    I hope it helped you.

    And for the next version, it will probably be horribly buggy, you may want to wait for a more stable version, or you may experience an unexpected !!!FUN!!!
  14. Norris

    Norris Catapult Fodder

    I never got interested with the classic Dwarf Fortress mode because at my first and second tries it just looked so complicated and I didn't know where to start, so I stuck with the Adventure mode. It's pretty fun; sometimes I gather up an army of strong fighters and fight the evil or sometimes I just come to a village at midnight and chop off all their heads! Though if I kill too much of them, it looks like the karma catches up on me and I end up being killed by some random animals that are very weak.... And my biggest dream is to become a necromancer by defeating all the zombies at the necromancer tower. All these attempts didn't turn out so good because I was impatient and rushed into the tower and then get surrounded by zombies :< . Anyways, I'm really, REALLY waiting for the next update to come out. Then I will go back to play the game and slaughter some more poor villagers! :rekt:
  15. Chinizz

    Chinizz Arsonist

    Adventure mode has some fun in it. You want a hint how to get into the necromancer tower?
    drink some vampire blood, you will become a night creature, and therefore zombies will ignore you. And don't forget to take read skill to learn the secret of life and death.
    I got some pretty awesome character, nearly unkillable, but only with demigod and hero. Peasant are nearlly impossible to survive with. I remember being killed about 10 times, trying to take revenge over a kobold bowman.

    But adventure mode still lack a lot of content compared to other rogue-like.
    Norris likes this.
  16. The healthcare industry is tough to set up, but here's what you need.

    • Dwarf with a Diagnostician skill above Novice made into the noble position "Chief Medical Dwarf". Anything lower than Novice will frequently misdiagnose problems. They should probably not have any labors except Diagnose set up.
    • A hospital zone, defined under the button press I from the main UI screen.
    • A stockpile of soap within the hospital.
    • A stockpile of cloth near or within the hospital.
    • A source of water (like a well) preferably close to the hospital. This helps people fetch water faster, and clean themselves faster. Plus, washing at the well with soap gives a happy thought.
    • Multiple dwarves who have skill above Novice in Bone Doctor, Wound Dresser, Surgeon or Suturer. These all have their own things they operate on, which are fairly self explanatory. You could have just the Chief Medical Dwarf do this alone, but then you've got one Super Dwarf, MD, who will only operate every now and then because he needs a Break or a Drink or a Party every now and then.
    • You need idlers with Recover Wounded, Cleaning and Feed Wounded enabled in their labors. Preferably, these should be dwarves who 'enjoy helping others', as they will get a minor happy thought from rescuing injured. Dwarves who dislike helping others get an unhappy thought every time they rescue a dwarf, which can really add up when you have a bunch of injured, which is when your fort is already perilously close to a tantrum spiral.
    • Beds and tables (or traction benches). These should be placed next to each other like so: bed/table bed/table bed/table - that way, the wounded won't wake from unconsciousness when they're moved onto their table or traction bench for operation. Without tables or traction benches, the dwarf simply will rely on their own healing, and minor cleaning and stuff like that to recover, but serious injuries require operation.
    Here's what the doctor labors do.
    • Diagnostician: Given to your Chief Medical Dwarf, these dwarves determine precisely WHAT injury has occurred, and what needs to be done. Basically, they're the ones who will issue commands to your other doctors. They can operate too, but frequently will not as they're lazy shithead nobles.
    • Bone Doctor: Fairly self explanatory. They'll repair broken bones with splints, give dwarves crutches, reset broken bones and dislocated joints. I'm not sure if they remove a bone that needs to be removed, eg a necrotic bone.
    • Wound Dressers: These guys just clean the area around the injury using cloth, soap and water. If you are missing any of those three, it is likely the wounded/sick will get an infection after the operation, so they're pretty important.
    • Surgeon: These dwarves will do most of the nitty gritty work. Rotten tissue need debridement? Surgeon'll do it. Crushed tissue need repair? Surgeon. Bleeding needs to be stopped? Surgeon will have a go, but probably won't be able to stop it manually. :P
    • Suturer: These ones are usually the last to operate - they close up a wound using whatever stitches are available, anything that comes under thread will work, so you could potentially end up having a dwarf sewn together with adamantine thread. Keep your yarn or wool thread close to the hospital to prevent expensive adamantine threads from being used.

    Now, once all of the above is set up, a dwarf who is injured will be rescued by anyone with the Recover Wounded labor active, deposited in any bed (if hospital zone is not set up) or a hospital bed. The Chief Medical Dwarf will hopefully come along and diagnose the problem, which is viewable in the Health section of the z-screen.
    Say little Billy comes in with mauling problems. He'd probably need a significant amount of wound dressing and cleaning. This is the order it goes in:

    Chief Med Dwarf -> Diagnose problem as injuries. Needs wound dressing, cleaning, suturing, bone doctoring to fix breaks.
    Wound Dresser -> Comes in and cleans the wound ready for operation.
    Bone Doctor -> Moves little Billy to the table or Traction Bench to reset/repair his broken bones, apply splints and hand him a pair of crutches when he's up again.
    Suturer -> Sew shut the bite marks and other open wounds using whatever thread is available.

    The surgeon in this case is not needed, because there is no real need for him - there is no complex overlapping injuries (ie. a bone sticking out of a wound), no internal organ damage, and no syndrome/disease.

    Hope that helped a bit.

    Adventure mode is getting a HUGE update with this new version.
    LemSpike, Sir_Walter and Contrary like this.
  17. Potatobird

    Potatobird Haxor Forum Moderator Mapping Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    Woah! I'm just a little nubling with a 50-dwarf fort (and 30 of those just came in a single migrant wave), but this is a seriously good overview. Haven't seen much trouble yet, I'm only in the second year and there are no goblins round these parts - but I do live in an area mostly populated by wacky monster animals instead of things like raccoons. I had to tell my hunters to cool it after one of them got his foot bitten clean off by a "giant peach-faced lovebird". He's actually the father of the dwarven child that died, so if he croaks too, his wife the manager is not going to be happy.

    His ankle doesn't seem to be spouting blood everywhere, but I should probably try to get that hospital set up quick... is it better to have clueless dwarves trying to fix him or no dwarves at all? The only medical talent in this fort is one surgeon. Ah, he can probably figure it out.

    Thanks for the advice!
  18. Yeah, set Diagnostician active on that surgeon, make him CMD, and he should hopefully diagnose properly.
    (I'm not sure that low Diagnostician actually affects WHAT surgery they do, just the speed of diagnosis)...
  19. Chinizz

    Chinizz Arsonist

    If you don't have any competent dwarves, it is better to have clueless dwarf than hoping for migrants with the require skill. Even a dwarf with no skill might heal, but as LordReuh said, they might do the job poorly, especially if the diagnose is wrong.
Mods: BlueLuigi