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End Match Summary

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by 101i, Mar 16, 2014.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. It would have to be something like Worms Armageddon's.
    Those were great and hilarious.
  2. 101i

    101i Haxor Forum Moderator Tester

    Reviving this thread, @Nabuco Worms Armageddon was awesome c:
  3. Ricket

    Ricket Shipwright Staff Alumni
    1. Ethereal Legion- ETHER

    I think this is a snazzy idea 101i, I've always thought KAG needs a little time for a break at the end and some stats to accompany it.
    @ccnc that's a great idea and one I think the game needs, but perhaps should be suggested in a thread of its own.
  4. I'm not sure if this can be done but maybe include a gif of the biggest collapse?

    Example: Knight keg jumps for collapse (include short clip of this)
  5. 101i

    101i Haxor Forum Moderator Tester

    @CheeseMeister @MadDog Final kill cam
  6. Ricket

    Ricket Shipwright Staff Alumni
    1. Ethereal Legion- ETHER

    YOLO snapback toss cross map -5scope triple kill
  7. gg faggots all me
    ches minster git rekt
    Sir_Walter and Ricket like this.
  8. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    @lavalord Maybe you could be interested in modding that? No idea
  9. Horse_That_Goes_Ni

    Horse_That_Goes_Ni Your favorite Persian Staff Alumni Donator

    So many 360 no scopes will be done. Devsplsadd.
  10. lavalord

    lavalord Haxor Staff Alumni Donator Tester

    I could give it a go.
    someone give me a list of stats
  11. Corpsey

    Corpsey Haxor

    Things that happen in kag:

    Team & Match statistics:
    Total round length
    Resources mined/collected (Stone/Gold/Wood)
    Blocks Placed
    Arrows Fired
    Slashes performed
    Attacks blocked (arrows, slashes)
    Total hearts damage
    Hearts dropped
    Kegs purchased
    Bombs purchased
    Total kills (Team1/2)
    Shops built
    Shops destroyed
    (If possible) Largest collapse, in resources
    Fires started
    Coins distributed

    MVP for most kills as knight
    MVP for most kills as archer
    MVP for most kills as builder
    (should these maybe be 'most damage as'? idk)

    Various silly awards:
    Most kills with saws
    Most kills with spike traps
    Most kills with mines
    Most kills with a drill
    Most kills with boulder(s)
    Most kills with dropped spikes
    Most suicides
    Most team kills (kegs make this occur a lot so maybe you might want to leave this out so someone's not accused of griefing if they saved an entire tower at the cost of a couple TKs)
    Highest count of enemy deaths with one item (not including saws/spike traps, such as keg)
    Most kills with stomping
    Most kills with a siege vehicle
    Most deaths from a collapsing structure
    Most deaths by being set ablaze
    Most drowning deaths
    Most times stunned (with water)
    Migrants killed
    Most deaths from gravity (falling)
    Most coins collected

    Not sure how many of these are possible, just compiled a list of things that happen in almost every match. Can anyone think of anything else?
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2014
  12. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    All of these as possible, not sure for collapsing structure.
  13. Corpsey

    Corpsey Haxor

    I was thinking for the 'largest collapse cam' idea;
    Well it splits into two easy questions, where if the first is impossible then it probably isn't possible:

    1) Are all of the events of the match recorded to file? (People's placements, dirt mined, blocks placed?)
    2) Is it possible to just rebuild everyone's actions up to when a massive event like that occurs, and then just start a 'live tick' of the events displayed for everyone (reading from the file that had been recording)?

    Sadly it's probably not going to happen because the write/read code would strain the server though, I'd imagine. Also I have no idea how you could define one collapse being 'larger' than another with programming (but I do not code extensively).
  14. bout

    bout Shark Slayer


    Geti/10 would add!

  15. Corpsey

    Corpsey Haxor

    There used to be a (modded-in) statistics readout at the end of Natural Selection 1 games, and instead of listing all the stats, there was a priority list and only the top 5 most epic ones would make the list.

    For example the entire Team and Match statistics and MVP Awards would display, then only 5 of the lesser awards (usually common things so for Kag this would be like;

    MVP Knight: 24 kills (ExampleUserName1)
    MVP Archer: 22 kills (ExampleUserName2)

    MVP Builder: 15 kills (ExampleUsername3)

    Most kills with stomping: 6 (ExampleUserName1)
    Most kills with saws: 5 (ExampleUserName2)

    Most suicides: 4 (ExampleUserName3)
    Highest count of enemy deaths with one item: 3 (ExampleUserName4)
    Most kills with mines: 3 (ExampleUserName5)

    This is just an example though obviously. About the main match statistics though, you might have to make some sort of UI for a detailed breakdown like Starcraft has. Not necesarily charts, but just a brief screen that comes up that shows all of those statistics. And/Or just pick the most interesting ones to show on the main screen like:

    Total Round Length: ##:##:##
    Resources Mined: (Red Team): SSSS GGGG WWWW || (Blue Team): SSSS GGGG WWWW
    Slashes performed (Red Team): ### || (Blue Team): ###
    Arrows fired (Red Team): ### || (Blue Team): ###
    Total kills (Red Team): ### || (Blue Team): ###

    MVP Knight: 24 kills (ExampleUserName1)
    MVP Archer: 22 kills (ExampleUserName2)

    MVP Builder: 15 kills (ExampleUsername3)

    Most kills with stomping: 6 (ExampleUserName1)
    Most kills with saws: 5 (ExampleUserName2)

    Most suicides: 4 (ExampleUserName3)
    Highest count of enemy deaths with one item: 3 (ExampleUserName4)
    Most kills with mines: 3 (ExampleUserName5)

    Would anyone want another statistic to display for the first two groups? (Team & Match Stats, MVPs)

    Also I'm not a dev soooo seriously anyone can just comment on what they do/don't like about this :thumbs_up:
    Sir_Walter likes this.
  16. darDar

    darDar KAG Guard Forum Moderator Tester

    Well, after joining [NMS] and participating' in two clanwars I've noticed that organizing a CW and getting it managed seems to be quite a pain.

    First of all there does not seem to be a way to pause (freeze) the whole server.
    Since server admins can freeze players though , I'm sure it wouldn't be such a hard task to complete because the pause command would actually only do something like that:

    1) freeze all players (freezing players exists already)
    2) freeze the time

    Having such a command would asssure that you wouldn't have the need of multiple subs per match for the case one of your players suddenly has to leave / go afk / disconnect.

    final score:

    When a team wins a round a small text appears saying "Blue/Red Team wins the round"
    It's rarely visible and looks just bad. There should be either a way larger and more appealing text message (maybe colorize it according to the winning team)
    You might also just let an image popup.

    Then there is a missing engame stats.
    Whenever a team has won a round the stats will popup and stay visible for like 4-5 seconds.

    In Soldat there is a way to "automatically take screenshots of endgames", which means that you will have saved every single round you played and have a proof of the results of each rounds (for CW purposes).

    I've suggested to modify the chat console here a while ago and I think it should be replaced by something new.

    //EDIT: Merged with existing thread since they're about the same thing. ~Galen
    P.S.: Dardar, yes you too should read the stickies.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 25, 2014
    Tern and kodysch like this.
  17. SpideY

    SpideY Hear Me Roar Staff Alumni Donator

    We really need a competitive patch. You cant have a proper competitve scene with the actual settings.
  18. 101i

    101i Haxor Forum Moderator Tester

    Search before you post @darDar :kappa:

    All the tournaments I've hosted have been rather boring and I'd I love the idea of adding more content. I had plans at creating a mega thread w/ a bunch of ideas to improve the competitive scene later this week,
    Here are a few things I'll probably bring up;
    • Revamping TTH
    • Easy access to standard clan war rules settings (No fiddling around getting Tickets or a timer, straight to the point.)
    • End match summary
    Let me know if you got and awesome ideas @SpideY and @darDar.
    kodysch likes this.
  19. SpideY

    SpideY Hear Me Roar Staff Alumni Donator

    We need a bigger sentence at the end of a round with some capital letters.

    At the end of a match, it could be a tie EVEN if a team won by one cap....

    TTH is useless, everyone prefers CTF.
  20. lare290

    lare290 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    What the fuck am I reading?! TTH is The Best! CTF is so boring and too fast, I like more War-like matches with big TTH maps.
Mods: Rainbows