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[Event] Premium Week N°1

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Hapistorique, Nov 1, 2011.

  1. IloveElectro

    IloveElectro Base Burner

    Too bad..My computer is very old and I was lagging like hell =/
  2. stronzi

    stronzi Shipwright

    Daytime specifics.
    The idea is - if there is time when there is no place on one server, then we need one more server so everyone who comes can get a place.
  3. Rainbows

    Rainbows KAG Guard Forum Moderator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Can we keep this open and not just for the weekend?
  4. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    Yeah, after having enemy troops teleport through walls and doors to either side of me, the inability to build, and the apparent lack of substance to my sword, I gave up on this.
    Maybe another time, on another server, with a less buggy build.
  5. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Yes this has happened to me once or twice since the update and when (as a builder) I went to destroy it, it changed to the correct team after one hit. Strange thing is both times it has happened to me were just after round start when the other team hadnt even been near our base yet.

    EDIT: Also damn work I slept through all of this. Maybe it will still be full tonight for me at work (USA time).
  6. Knighthart

    Knighthart is love Donator

    It's REALLY nice not having to worry about griefers.
    We should try full the Gold servers more frequently.
  7. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    I agree 110%. Just played 3 rounds on the server and had THE MOST FUN I have had in this game to date. It was great not having griefers. Super teamwork by both teams as well.

    EDIT: Even though its not quite as good a ping as USA servers (I live in USA), I would play here as my first choice every time I play as long as it has 12 people or so in it.
  8. stronzi

    stronzi Shipwright

    Hey, how about playing right now? I guess we can get two teams together even though there aren't so many people online.
  9. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Bout time to head home from work :p

    We got a 2v2 going earlier after me and another guy had freebuilt a huge pit and base on blue team while we were alone :)

    EDIT: I was gonna post a screenshot but apparently all my screenshots are now solid green?
  10. rogoku

    rogoku Shipwright

    I would play If I had premium. Nice idea.
  11. Rainbows

    Rainbows KAG Guard Forum Moderator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Well go get it!
  12. hansel

    hansel Shopkeep Stealer

    This is, hands down, the best server I have ever played on. I hope that even after this weekend the trend to play on premium server sticks.
  13. rogoku

    rogoku Shipwright

    I would but I dont have a paypal or Credit Card,
  14. Rainbows

    Rainbows KAG Guard Forum Moderator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Ask your parents :o
  15. rogoku

    rogoku Shipwright

    Parents wont buy me shit.

    They hate online stuff.

    Anyways, hows it going guys? Hope your having fun.
  16. stronzi

    stronzi Shipwright

    Everything is cool, man. But the server died a couple of minutes ago. Hope it will be ok soon.
    Also, it's just $10, like two burgers and cola. I bet they will allow that to you.
  17. rogoku

    rogoku Shipwright

    Server died, that stinks.

    And stronzi they wouldnt let me get minecraft when it was 5 bucks.
  18. stronzi

    stronzi Shipwright

    Server is ok again, but I got banned...

    Well, then just give em this $10 in cash and ask to pay with PayPal. It's only a matter of how much do you want it.
  19. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    You can go to nearly any local store/grocery/pharmacy now and buy prepaid creditcards that you put how much ever money on it you want. You just have to pay a couple dollars extra to "load" the card. You can use that for paypal, I actually use my creditcard for all my paypal purchases.

    EDIT: For the LOVE OF GOD can we find a way to keep this server full. Ive had literal shit for teammates on other servers tonight. They are all either afk or off minecrafting or totally ignoring the tunnel to our base im yelling about in caps. I got to raging and finally just left and went to this server and freebuilt for an hour or so.

    EDIT2: Heres what I built. Was going for big and beefy :D All of the dark areas are stone and teambridges. You can zip around inside quite fast.

  20. Arrunas

    Arrunas Shopkeep Stealer

    Will the server be up at all during the week?

    Also ive got another slightly embarrassing question about it. On sunday I had a friend over who was sat on his laptop playing KAG, (hes called Kagfanz if anyone sees him around) and I joined the premium server.

    Now Kagfanz doesn't have premium so i thought he wouldn't be able to join, he tried anyway when i wasn't looking and found that not only was he able to join, he also had his name in gold as if he was premium. Not wanting to cause any trouble if this is a glitch or something I bailed and we went on the Euro server for a while.

    has anyone ever seen this before? we were running wired from the same router in case that causes it?