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Extremely low fps

Discussion in 'General Help' started by 123talon, Jun 2, 2011.

  1. 123talon

    123talon Guest

    I've got a peculiar problem.

    The game runs at 6fps.

    My laptop handles starcraft2 on high details, I'm sure it's sufficient.

    radeon 3650hd
    turion x2 64bit 2Ghz
    4gb ram

    I checked compatibility with all windows versions.

    When I run it at 640x480 screen res I get 15fps. WTF?!?
  2. Tsuki

    Tsuki Guest

    I always have 60 FPS but when I'm on a 64 slot with 55+ players my FPS drop to 35 FPS, remember the game is still in alpha, just wait for some optimisation.
  3. DorkeyDear

    DorkeyDear Shipwright

    I used to have the same issue. The highest FPS I've gotten was 4 fps. Try changing from fullscreen to windowed mode; this improved my fps from the initial fps of somewhere around 1 :P

    But that was before I formatted my computer (for unrelated reasons). I don't know if there was a fix update, or what, but it seems to run perfectly fine for now now (with a steady 60 fps). Maybe this could give some insight to the problem, iuuno.
  4. 123talon

    123talon Guest

    Looks like.. maybe some C++ framework of mine is older than creationists dinosaurs.

    I've got no plans regarding system wipes, but hell...

    Can someone tell me what libraries does this game use, DX, java, python, dunno..
  5. MM

    MM THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    I'm still optimizing the game, there is a lot to do.
  6. vig

    vig KAG Guard Tester


    open autoconfig.gm with notepad and find

    global v_width = ; // Requires v_restart to take effect.
    global v_height = ; // Requires v_restart to take effect.

    Set to a lower resolution, try 800x600 or 640x480 if desperate.
    Even my y2k celeron can handle the game adequately.
    and run in windowed mode
  7. 123talon

    123talon Guest

    Apparently switching display driver from 5 (opengl) to software and software+ gets me to 200fps.

    Problem is - I see NO textures. Occasionaly the game crashes. In software+ I see the minimap with terrain but still no players and terrain ingame. W00t