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Extremely sensitive admins...WHY?!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by fuyukikun, Aug 28, 2019.

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  1. fuyukikun

    fuyukikun Bison Rider

    There are a few threads about "badmins" and whatever but these are my feeeeeeelings on it all.

    I have noticed over the past 1-2 years that the admins in this game have gotten progressively more authoritarian and sensitive. I dont like to make a big deal about badmins as much of what they do isn't exactly abuse, but their bans and mutes are very emotionally driven. Honestly there are some really nice fun admins, that can handle a joke and dont take the game too seriously, but know when to put there foot down. However the recent powertrips i keep experiencing from admins is pretty irritating.

    Just today i was muted for an indefinite amount of time for an unknown reason. I know what the reason was, i was spamming that i had "carried" implying i was doing all the work, which may be frustrating to other players, i can understand. However i was carrying the flag and i had gone into the enemy base and taken the flag alone(Not to say i won the match alone, that would be impossible). It was a very small map with a few players not much going on really, i spammed about 4-10 lines of "carried" and then was muted. Okay this seems fair i suppose i was spamming. But i wasn't spamming anything that bad, and no one was talking much anyway. I am unsure as to which admin muted me as i was not given a reason or a time frame or anything.

    It is late and honestly i shouldn't be playing anyway, and a mute isn't that big a deal, but to be muted for what was a small joke is a bit pathetic, to not give warning or even talk to the offender is unfair. I think i may know the admin however i can not be sure so i dont wanna drag the wrong person into the mud. I know though that this person was probably just in a bad mood and decided to quickly mute me instead of just telling me not to do it anymore, then they left and it was just 3 people in the game including me, i couldnt communicate with the other players which made me bored and i left. I would probably be playing with those players right now having a JOLLY old time instead im here.

    Admins like this drain the fun from the game, there have been countless occasions where i have been muted for saying a bad word as it offends the admins, this is pretty stupid as some of these words are included in the kag forums achievements list. Various words like the N-word and Fag have become sensitive to say. But i do not understand why they have in this game. Even small jokes about anything slightly controversial can result in mute or temporary ban. Apparently being "edgy" is not allowed anymore. Seriously back in the day over 2 years ago those kinds of jokes where the highlight of the game, the fun community of wannabe edgelords and rule breakers made the game really enjoyable to me and i think to most long time players.

    In conclusion rule following is good and needed, but do we have to have to suck the fun out of everything, i know having power is nice but why make others suffer for ultimatley nothing. I have broken rules in the past and i have been banned from modded servers before for "real" reasons. Being banned for nothing kind of takes power away from those serious things and makes older players more and more sad about the future of this broken, stupid game.

    PS: I am sorry, i tried to make it fun to read with the colors. I hope it worked
  2. NinjaCell

    NinjaCell Haxor

    I'm sorry, but if offensive jokes were the "highlight of the game" for you I don't really think the problem is with the admins. Being "edgy" is funny if you are like 13. Frankly, if I was on a server which had a bunch of people saying the N-word and griefing for the sake of being edgy, I would presume something had gone wrong on the admin side of things.

    I think the game itself should be fun to play. Saying swear words to appear cool to your friends and to offend people is just childish. I think it's clear why you were muted.
  3. bunnie

    bunnie Haxor Tester

    fuyukikun likes this.
  4. fuyukikun

    fuyukikun Bison Rider

    In this case i was not swearing at all, you did not read my post at all, perhaps understand what i have said before commenting.
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 28, 2019, Original Post Date: Aug 28, 2019 ---
    Just got banned for grief, all i did was place wood blocks. Again admins using power when it is not needed.
  5. Ningamer080

    Ningamer080 Horde Gibber

    I got banned once for spamming the hateful N word and smt about WW2 german big guy, also using hate words towards someone i hate. Yep, admins are too much sensitive in KAG community when i am actively trying to express my opinion.
    Thus Completely agree with you.
  6. fuyukikun

    fuyukikun Bison Rider

    They keep banning me for building with wood, is that a bannable offense i mean what the fuck
  7. bunnie

    bunnie Haxor Tester

    again, send logs
  8. fuyukikun

    fuyukikun Bison Rider

    Here this is where rivet banned me for replacing stone with wood when the stone was 1 hit away from breaking. 24 hour ban btw
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 29, 2019, Original Post Date: Aug 29, 2019 ---
    For some unknown reason shagsworth has banned me for 23 hours too and fobri banned me for placing wood too

    Attached Files:

  9. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    Trying to compete with copper40 are we?

    First time I saw you grief, you kegged your own flag base and left immediately, and that was already a while ago.
    I was there yesterday when you griefed and got banned - shortly after you randomly tried to votekick a (decent) guy for breaking a tunnel that was 10 blocks away from the tent:
    [14:56:48] --- A vote was started by fuyukikun ---
    [14:56:48] Вакс (Aleksey_Sofa) has joined Blue Team
    [14:56:49] --- fuyukikun Voted In Favour ---
    [14:56:49] --- mostafamaher98 Voted In Favour ---
    [14:56:49] Cucarachas (___7) has joined Blue Team
    [14:56:50] --- Yuki8 Voted Against ---
    [14:56:50] --- kinokino7 Voted Against ---
    [14:56:51] <TЯIG> he broke unnel
    [14:56:51] <[lul] *Yuki*> nop
    [14:56:54] Rivet (RivetSpawn) is now spectating
    [14:56:54] --- Asu Voted Against ---
    [14:56:56] <[lul] *Yuki*> and it was right
    [14:56:58] --- Akrim Voted Against ---
    [14:57:07] <[lul] *Yuki*> tunnel were duplicate
    [14:57:09] <HOMEK Asu> LMAO
    [14:57:10] --- InnocentPerson Voted Against ---
    [14:57:11]  * COLLAPSE by mostafamaher98 (size 5 blocks)
    [14:57:11]  * COLLAPSE by mostafamaher98 (size 7 blocks)
    [14:57:13] <HOMEK Asu> HAHAHAHA
    [14:57:14]  * COLLAPSE by fuyukikun (size 184 blocks)
    [14:57:16] --- bibabo Voted Against ---
    [14:57:17] --- Vote failed: 2 vs 6 (out of 13) ---
  10. fuyukikun

    fuyukikun Bison Rider

    Here fobri threatening to ban girt18 for using wood and then he banned me
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 29, 2019, Original Post Date: Aug 29, 2019 ---
    Yes please show a date on that buddy and a legite screenshot of the logs not just copy and paste you can edit that
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 29, 2019 ---
    Shortly after i was banned? what the fuck are you talking about can you speak in linear sentences please

    Attached Files:

  11. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    You might have forgotten to mention that girt18 is *you*.
    chat-19-08-29-14-29-01.txt:[14:29:32] girt18 (fuyukikun) has joined Blue Team
    chat-19-08-29-14-29-01.txt:[14:29:32] fuyukikun connected as girt18
    As for the timestamp of the random votekick:
    console-19-08-28-14-46-28.txt:[14:56:51] <RCON> <TЯIG> he broke unnel
    chat-19-08-28-14-46-29.txt:[14:56:51] <TЯIG> he broke unnel
    I have better things to do than to constantly screenshot chat.
    It is easy to fabricate fake logs ingame. I can do that in less than one minute. It would be silly to distrust my chat logs but to trust my screenshots.
    People with access to the server logs (which is few) could confirm it, but then again you could still call them fake.
    I have better things to do than to fake evidence against people out of spite, and people with server logs have better things to do than checking that as well.
    Noburu, Clev, bunnie and 2 others like this.
  12. fuyukikun

    fuyukikun Bison Rider

    Yet you still decided to post "evidence" and make accusations out of spite
  13. Achillios

    Achillios Pilgrim
    1. Gather Oceania

    I'm sensing high levels of salt
    fuyukikun likes this.
  14. fuyukikun

    fuyukikun Bison Rider

    You hit the nail on the hammer with that one friend!
  15. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    There's really nothing more to say here. I'm closing this.
    Trumbles, Clev, PUNK123 and 1 other person like this.
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