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"failed to connect to master server" Wrong Password suplied

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Daworder, Jul 19, 2011.

  1. overlordror

    overlordror Guest

    Is there some kind of script that can be added to www.kag2d.com to show whether the master server is up or not? That way people can determine if they're having legitimate account problems, or if the server is just on the fritz.
  2. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Why is the master server down so much, can we have any explanation?
  3. Thorn

    Thorn Guest

    Okay, so now that the master server is not down, I log in and get this message: "Master authentication failed: Supplied username not found".

    Fine. So I go and try to re-register my username (Thorn) and it says "A user with that name already exists.".


    I would rather keep my username and not have to re-register a new one. Can anything be done about this?

  4. Thorn

    Thorn Guest

    The problem in my above post seems to have fixed itself. My "Thorn" account works just fine, but now there's an extra account called "_Thorn" floating around that I have used in the interim which is no longer needed. Sorry about that :P