These are just my plans for Aphelia (read: I WILL CONQUER YOU SCUMS! MWAHAHAHAHA ) P.S. Drawing made in approximately 30 minutes so don't judge me xD Just wanted to share with you my future plans
Nice Work :D --- Double Post Merged, Mar 16, 2015, Original Post Date: Mar 9, 2015 --- Aphelions Roleplay Dwarfs, Humans, Elves, Orks, Angels and Undead (soon comming eventually) Aphelion's Roleplay is a Sandbox, your Sandbox. You can start a Kingdom, proclaim yourself the Ruler, manage relations with other Races, become a humble Blacksmith, perhaps a Miner, a Jester, an Archer, a Necromancer, a High Wizard, or a valiant Knight, the possibilities are endless.
Empy the Pirate Queen. (Try to get this joke) The Spirit of Spriting And Another one for Coon :D Lets see what is the next.
Oops, sorry, I messed it up. And yes, I guess tons of catapults is now 'modern' art. Don't hate, appreciate.
Nice :D how did you know thats my new head ? --- Double Post Merged, Mar 21, 2015, Original Post Date: Mar 21, 2015 --- Its nice :D