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CTF FireCat_RockyLocation

Discussion in 'Maps for the Official KAG Servers' started by FireCat, Aug 25, 2021.

  1. FireCat

    FireCat Builder Stabber

    Map name: FireCat_RockyLocation
    Gamemode: CTF
    Symmetrical: Y
    (except for flowers of bushes, etc.).
    Special features: Rocky area and chest.


    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 26, 2021, Original Post Date: Aug 25, 2021 ---
    (Added more bedrock, reduced gold and stone, moved the flag a little further from the tent).
    _Kekcuk and Hugobh like this.
  2. Hugobh

    Hugobh Shark Slayer

    The map looks really cool and stable except for:
    -the flags extremely close to the spawn.
    -the flags inside a dirtbackwall protection (it makes a lot easier to protect)
    -the tunnels should have the lesser backwalls possible (im gonna show u in the pic)
    -And for last, its my opinion only... the map has a very deep depth of land, rats will make the party... this usually implies the sure victory of the team that has the best digger, however, if you like this style of play, keep the depth... at least, dont make a solid flat bedrock... put at least some challenge to the rats

    its my opinion! good luck


    and... maybe a little less of trees? i counted 10 or 12...
    _Kekcuk and FireCat like this.
  3. Hugobh

    Hugobh Shark Slayer

    one interesting thing about ur map is that u made it with a odd number... which means that u can put a tree in the very middle of the temple... in my opinion it would make a fantastic ornament!
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 26, 2021, Original Post Date: Aug 26, 2021 ---
    whats the purple pixel inside the temple? a necromancer?
    _Kekcuk and FireCat like this.
  4. FireCat

    FireCat Builder Stabber

    The number of trees has been reduced, bedrock has been added, the amount of resources has been slightly changed, the radius of the flag from the tent has been increased.

    (At the expense of the center, this is a chest)
    _Kekcuk likes this.
  5. Hugobh

    Hugobh Shark Slayer

    way better, but i think u can still improve the bedrock in the middle, because it can be a very hard barrier to the team who dont have the middle control... i mean, if someone puts a tunnel in there, and they will, it will become very hard to take the that tunnel...
    i would make something more like this...

    and about the corridor i brushed in cyan, i think u need to make if lesser backwall possible... I KNOW, IT LOOKS WAY MUCH BEUTIFUL THE WAY IT IS NOW! but its a tentation u need to resist hahah

    Why? because the backwalls the way it is now, gonna make way easier to builders to put blocks and doors, imagine urself rushing on a builder in that area... if he got mats, ur never gonna be able to chase him, plus, the ceiling of those corridors its too tall, a knight cant go over it, so, if a builder want to, a knight without a bomb, cant pass even the middle...

    Other thing... the materials are kinda bad... maybe not the quantity it self, but how theyre distributed... u need to make it clear to the player where is the mats...
    how? make the materials spreed in veins, and make at leats one block of the vein being showed in the surface...
    I dont see problems about hinding SOME of the mats, but u need to make clear to majority of players where they need to dig...

    Talking about the resources spread again... i would really add more Stones... 100%sure, the DOUBLE at least
    _Kekcuk and FireCat like this.
  6. FireCat

    FireCat Builder Stabber

    I think ... enough changes.


    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Aug 26, 2021
    Hugobh and _Kekcuk like this.
  7. Hugobh

    Hugobh Shark Slayer

    fair enough! but le me tell something about the Gold meta for ur map:
    Probably each tem gonna take 9 Gold blocks, giving 180 gold for each... The players gonna need to choose: Quarry + Siege shop, because there isnt enough for tunnels, and there is few stones (still V.4.
    If is that ur idea, its ok, i would like to play on it the way it is now, but in case u hadnt thinked about... u need to think the goal of the players on each map u make, you need to think about how your map's flow will be, so you always have to pay attention to your map's advantage and disadvantage points.

    so far I have not had any official approved maps, but at least that's how they taught me xD
    Good luck bro!
    _Kekcuk and FireCat like this.