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Game needs a change of mind set.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by FlameHaze3, Feb 29, 2012.

  1. bilbs

    bilbs KAG Guard Tester

    Pretty much every team videogame is subject to this issue. Not specifically huge castles and lots of suicides, but lack of teamwork and dreams of more.
    Can you imagine a game of Battlefield (2,BC,BC:2,3, any of them) with a whole coordinated team? Team Fortress 2? Even COD would be a decent game if your team worked together, but it just doesn't happen...unless you find a good group of people who you can play with while you're ALL ON MIC CHAT.

    Developers can add all sorts of things to try and encourage a certain style of gameplay or teamwork, but unless it's forced (which it shouldn't be, and there really isn't even a way to force someone) then people are going to play for themselves.

    This game is made for teamwork, like so many others. But it's on the players and not the developers to make that happen. And this post isn't to say that this type of teamwork does exist out there and you just havn't been fortunate enough to join in. No one has really tried to take that step into selfless team play, not even the clans of KAG.
  2. illu

    illu En Garde! Donator Tester

    A little background info to the original poster (and those who do not play for very long) to understand how the current situation (building monoliths and then suiciding against each other) actually evolved (based on my memory):
    • First we just had a classic CTF-mode (yea, there was the goldhunt-mode before but let's forget about it here). No red barriers, no unlimited resources, just the simple: match starts --> some people build, some people fight, nothing special.
    • But there was the issue that a single player could easily rush right from the start to the enemy base, catch the flag and jumprun back to the tent. Back then there were different walking speeds. So the builder, being the fastest, became the perfect rushing dude. The ability to climb up every cliff, flee every knight or archer (it was not that easy to aim with the bow at that time) and stay alive easily (a jumprunning builder was hard to hit and kill) made the builder quite overpowered.
    • So to fight that way of abusing and spoiling the fun for everyone the red barrier was introduced. (Also: same speed for every class.) First everyone was like: "OMG!1 NOOO! I never build, I'm a true fighter! Why you force me to build for the very first minutes of a match?!? THISS GONNA KILL KAG!!!1" Huge discussions on the forum and everywhere. After a short while most people became reconciled with the change and it was a fun time. The good thing was: There mostly were only useful buildings. (I said "mostly", chill out oldfags...) At least people thought more economical about their resources. There were no huuuuge buildings and everyone was really proud if you managed to build a, today-tiny, barrier or closed building. Also: If such a building crashed it was a frightening event, a much bigger "OH NOOOOEEES!"-moment than today.
    • But since you started with a low amount of resources you had to mine alot. Which not everybody liked. Eventually the idea emerged to just give the builder unlimited resources so even the "ME ONLY WANTZ TO FIGHT!" could have some fun by freaking out and building the most biggest and most craziest (notice the double superlative!) buildings. This lead to everybody spamming the shit during the buildings phase and...actually that's the current situation. Now it's a bit less extreme since we have nerfs (like needing to go back to the tent to get more resources) and the community somehow seems to begin to understand what's successful against enemies and what collapses in two seconds. Also we have guards. But ultimately were at that point.
    Now it's up to you find a better solution to the current issues without re-introducing the old problems while maintaining the good old KAG-feeling. :)

    Cave Johnson, I'm done here.
  3. Delta

    Delta Shopkeep Stealer

    Clans are the only solution for you problem as of now.
    Play in a clan and play together.
    A good team consisting of two knight and two archers can kill huge amounts of enemies.
    Emurus likes this.
  4. Overlord

    Overlord KAG Guard Tester

    The only point of clans at the moment are to form your brotherhood for full kag, or just playing matches or whatver.
    Other then that, they arent much use right now.