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General Knight Changes

Discussion in 'Balance' started by Auburn, Sep 13, 2013.

  1. bobotype

    bobotype Catapult Fodder

    I realise it's designed for a risk/reward mechanic. However what it really means is that the counter to the Knight's counter of your ranged attack can only be used at short range. To put it in other terms to display how ridiculous it is: Since the Knight has a Shield that blocks your long-ranged attack, if you want to attack him at long-range, you have to be at close range.
    Also, people keep saying "large numbers of Archers". If you're being a retarded lone Knight taking on a large number of Archers, you don't deserve to live. Otherwise, you also possess large numbers with you, hopefully using teamwork, which is what KAG should be-- not solo pushes like a Knight can currently execute.

    For every Archer you add to that "exponential power increase" hypothetical, you also have to add one Knight on your own team; say you have 10 Archers, you also have 10 Knights, or 40 Hearts of Health. Even if 10 Archers are there making sure that there is a solid volley coming at you, they still have 4 seconds each inbetween volleys, and they have ammo to worry about. You can just back up or run forward or jump or fake direction or whatever your chosen arrow-dodging method is, then head in for the kill. And even if you do get hit by a volley because of a mistake, you're a Knight. You have 4 hearts of damage, you're the tankiest unit ingame and you will live. You can dodge until their ammunition runs out in 3 increments of 4 seconds, you can just tank the damage entirely, or you can undermine if you're a Builder to bypass them because screw those guys. Or, you can just get your own Archers and return fire!

    No, because of a few reasons. Arrows aren't free, so even with a Shop you're still not able to spam Arrows indefinitely if whoever's trying to pass you knows how to dodge. So if you run out of Gold and Arrows completely, you either have retrieve them manually [making you vulnerable] or return to the tent and pick up more Arrows. So you can't maintain an indefinite spam, which is the main problem of camping: keeping up an unending volley which stops people approaching and attacking you. All you have to do is intelligently dodge, and if that Archer isn't hitting you, he will, shortly, lose the ability to attack at all.

    This system would encourage Knights seeing an Archer overchargin' his lazor to start thinking which way he's aiming so they can dodge, just like Knights currently take notice of other Knight's doubleslash charge and placement.

    I liked it because he hadn't yet finished editing his post and the post I liked only contained the suggestion about a "dislike" button, not any of your points at all. Calm down, I wasn't following your illogical behaviour just because he's an Archer or dumb bullshit like that which you seem to be implying. At any rate, I'd be more inclined to listen to him because I have less of a past history of verbal abuse from him than from you.

    Trying not to respond to the off topic bullshit but this irony is just fucking delicious. Currently in the thread everyone except a few are trying to shout down my ideas with their opinion, and effectively censor; asking for me to be gagged (e.g.@sirpixelot) or just shitting on me with insults (@Arcrave) because they don't like them. If anyone has the 1984 mindset, it's some of the people in this thread doing their level best to silence an idea entirely. You're claiming that I should conform to the opinion of the "majority" because the "majority" says so. That's 1984 right there. Go back and read it again, you missed the message.
    Also I'm pretty sure I'm not asking for security cameras everywhere. The 1984 metaphor is ridiculous anyway, this is a forum.
    Let me point out that currently, the Ranged Attack class Archer is only rewarded for attacking at an 11 tile range or CQCing with grapple, and the Knight, as the "heavier" class, packs a LOT of MOBILITY OPTIONS. Slashdashing [in water fastest class], Shield glide, surfing, floating up walls, bombjumping etc. It seems a bit fucking odd that the "heavier" class can literally float through the air.
    I also said: I'm not asking to reward camping. Rarer ammo is an anti-camping mechanism because if they're always firing at maximum range then they're more likely to miss Arrows, so if you aren't sure of your aim you have to go closer to hit, yet it still allows, and rewards, well done 50-tile shots if you're willing to risk the ammo.
    It's an attack made entirely of Arrows. Arrows don't normally prompt people to think "I can only use this at close range".

    @infinitito -Maybe if people stopped slinging shit at me and just discussed as a select few have actually done, it would be easier to actually reach an idea that makes everyone happy. I don't think they will, though. It's easier to sling shit than to think up good reasons, especially when the mods seem to not care.
  2. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    It's honestly not that hard to aim for a moving 2x2 circle-ish object in a 2D game. You hit with one legolas shot, that gives you 3 more legolas shots.

    That isn't even ridiculous. You just refuse to see that knights don't always have their shields up (as you claim) or that if an archer can take down a knight from the safety of a tower, gameplay will heavily lean towards archers camping in towers. This isn't about a 50 block range, it's the 20-30 range of an archer sitting safely in a tower shooting any approaching knight. The reason why arrow stun was removed was because 2 archers were an unstoppable defense, unless a builder managed to get up a catapult.
  3. bobotype

    bobotype Catapult Fodder

    It's honestly not that hard to dodge a fairly slowly moving arrow object in a 2D game. You get hit with one legolas shot, you've got 4 seconds grace till the next one. You also only get 3 more Legolas shots if you went to the considerable trouble of having a Builder make you a shop at the front line and defending it. Otherwise you're limited to 3 legolas shots.

    It actually is pretty ridiculous seeing as the Archer's weapons posess long range, but can't actually use it, and have ammo restrictions, but hardly ever have to scrounge ammo. Of course Knights don't always have their Shields up if they're fighting other Knights, then they have to drop it for all of 2.5 seconds to charge their attack. That's really it, unless they're out of Bombs they can even destroy stuff with Shield up.

    Gameplay will not lean heavily towards Archers camping in towers. As I've told you, 2 things work against that, the ammo limitation and the 4 second delay between Legolas shots.

    I'm not saying we should go back to every single shot recking a Knight, but if you spend 4.x seconds charging a long range attack that costs ammo, that is definitely enough penalties for it to go through a Shield on hit.
    Knight: Overcharge attack is a CQC instakill, takes 2.x seconds to charge, grants speed boost, penetrates Shields
    Archer:Overcharge attack is a three-shot where all shots must impact for 2 damage, takes 4.x seconds to charge, uses 3/10 ammo, penetrates Shields at range
    All the disadvantages nicely balance the ranged advantage, see?
    Last edited: May 6, 2014
  4. NinjaCell

    NinjaCell Haxor

    Constantly dodging arrows is actually quite hard as knight running along the ground, even with a shield. If there was just one archer shooting it would be fine but there are often several, factor in the fact that you may have to take on another knight and it becomes nigh impossible. Water and fire arrows will also need nerfing if this happens.

    What you are suggesting makes the archer an extremely easy class to play at a low level, as all you need to do is spam arrows. No one without a high skill in archer combat will bother venturing out. Ammo limitation won't stop campers, it will increase their numbers. If you can't pick up as many arrows of the battlefield, they will just hang around a shop instead.

    You also seem to be unable to understand the advantages of ranged attacks. Yes, knights have a one hit kill attack. If you predict it you can knock them back with a single shot if they are close enough and then charge an unshieldable triple. Ranged attacks are extremely powerful, especially in high numbers. Ever played a mod where you control a wizard? Their attacks are hard to block and easy to aim. For this reason it is always hard to gain the option to play as them. Archers seem weak at first, but they are really glass cannons. If you could hit a knight anywhere it would be too easy.

    What you suggest decreases the amount of skill needed to play by instead adding cheap difficulty in the form of extreme ammo limitations. You are countering a ridiculous buff with a ridiculous nerf, that will never balance a class and it actually upsets the whole game. Archers are probably harder to use, but the have loads of good points too. Knights are easy to use and satisfying, but archers, once mastered, are even better (in my opinion).

    It is really hard to balance two radically different classes. You are looking at this in too much detail and trying to weigh up the numbers. If you just play the game a bit more, you be able to understand why everyone doesn't have a problem with the things you do. Sometimes I used to think the balance was really bad and complained, but with more experience I can see what I was doing wrong. If something happens that seems unfair, try and look at just that thing in context instead of trying to match up stats (many of which are hard to measure) to prove that knights are "just better" than archers. You have made some good points but things aren't really so black and white. The devs are quite close to a balance right now, which is why most people are happy to play it as it is. The are some necessary changes (like the knights shield span) that take a bit of trial and error, but one class is not dominating the other. I think there are just a few areas where one has a slightly unfair advantage that feels cheap. Try to look at the classes overall and their roles instead of making it a sort of "knight vs archer" debate.
    Yagger and Auburn like this.
  5. Trumbles

    Trumbles Bison Rider

    Let's just hope that bobotype never mods for kag, or makes his own games..

    But seriously, all of your thought patterns seem completely based on 1 v 1 fights.

    At range, archers are a support class. Their knights give them openings to land hits. With the frequency of stuns, and the separation of attention, it is nigh impossible to continuously dodge arrows in a teamfight, while also paying attention to enemy knights, etc.

    At close range, archers are capable of solo play, they can actually give openings for their knights by stunning, and are very tough to deal with if played well, but also very risky.

    The archer class incorporates TWO different playstyles; Long range support, and close range harass.

    The archer is meant to synergize with the knight. They take advantage of a knight's stuns, they can provide knights with arrow ladders, quickly take out structures in the knight's way with bomb/fire arrows, and make combat much, much harder for their opponents.

    Stop acting like you're the only person on your team, and take advantage of the traits your own knights. I think you would have a lot less complaints if you played KAG with the right mindset. (Or at all... I'm starting to wonder)

    In a 1 vs 1 scenario, with no special ammo/tools involved, a knight deserves to be able to close to that <11 tile range. In that range, a skilled knight and a skilled archer are on somewhat equal ground. The archer, if they know when to run, even has a slight advantage.

    In a scenario with teammates, it is very difficult for enemies to close on you, between your knight's slashes and your own arrows. This is where the long range archer shines, when working in unison with their knights.

    TL;DR: Archers and Knights are supposed to work together, provide openings for each other, and are only at their best potential when working together.
    Last edited: May 6, 2014
    kedram, Malitha, Noburu and 2 others like this.
  6. NinjaCell

    NinjaCell Haxor

    I call plagiarism! Fetch me my attorney!
  7. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    TL;DR for entire thread
    Auburn learns from his scrubby mistakes
    Bobotype shows up and starts trying to make radical changes to the game
    Community says no
    Bobotype still says yes
    Community says no
    Bobotype still says yes
    Conclusion: Bobotype should learn to play rather than trying to change the game to the way he wants it.
  8. infinitito

    infinitito Catapult Fodder

    Trumbles actually makes a good point, but in practice I can't count how many times a knight has just left me on the front lines to do his own thing (which is fine, really, just when i'm the one assisting him most of the time, using my special arrows to clear doors for him, etc etc) seems very weird. There's even a tips and tricks thread going around about knight synergy right now, which you'd think would not something that needs to be discussed, in a team based game. Knight naturally encourages a more selfish playstyle, so while the interaction of that and archers are pretty essential for an archer to operate to full capacity, it does not apply itself in the reverse (and probably shouldn't, but this is likely why bobotype is thinking in terms of solo action)

    But when quick join makes it so everyone is on 26 player clusterfucks anyway, no amount of teamwork will ever overcome the ol' knight zerg with builder support. I can safely say that would be much different with a competent team in a 16 player setting. Perceptions based on this probably make everything seem more overpowered, as 26 players isn't really a place to get a grasp on the game mechanics.

    Of course, this is just me assuming he just goes to those servers, I know for me, finding a 16 player one that's active is very hard. So this might explain why he's thinking in these terms (which isn't even outright wrong really, look at how many people challenge each others to 1v1s for their e-peen.)
    Potatobird and Trumbles like this.
  9. Trumbles

    Trumbles Bison Rider

    16 player is love.

    16 player is life.

    I wish official servers would go down to 8 vs 8.. seriously.

    More players = more chaos = less teamwork = stalemates
    Potatobird and Auburn like this.
  10. Potatobird

    Potatobird Haxor Forum Moderator Mapping Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    I love 16-20 player servers, or smaller ones

    I hate when there are literally only 6 or 7 servers with anybody in them, and only 2 or 3 of them have more than 4 players

    If autojoin is the problem, then get rid of it. Looking at the list of servers and clicking one really isn't that hard, and it would also encourage server owners to put some mods in their servers. (and encourage players to play with the mods)
    Trumbles likes this.
  11. bobotype

    bobotype Catapult Fodder

    @NinjaCell -
    I think for the third time I have to say that if you're trying to take on, in that hypothetical, "several" Archers and a Knight, alone, you don't deserve to live.
    Talking teamfights, as Trumbles was, in that situation: If you converted all those hypothetical Archers to hypothetical Knights it would be equally hard to dodge a fray of Doubleslashes, and at least you know which way a Legolas Shot is coming from, and it takes twice as long to charge. As for nerfs to Fire and Water arrows? mayyyybe. If we're talking adding Fire Arrows to the shield penetration mix then maybe, but otherwise Fire Arrows are situational/weak enough already because of the rarity of large wooden buildings and absolutely new/retarded Builders.
    But none of that will be possible, I've already made this clear. You have the capability to "spam" Legolas shots... only three times, with a 4.5 second charge interval every time. Spamming will not be possiblebecause even at maximum ammo you'll only have 13 Legolas shots available to you and then after that you can't attack at all. Spamming arrows won't be rewarded at all, and it won't be possible for long. Even with a Shop, if your aim is shit or your enemy knows how to evade, if you aren't getting Gold from hits, and waste all your Arrows, you'll have no means of getting more Arrows at all and that Shop will be useless and you have to return all the way to the tent or go forward and scavenge. It will do the opposite of increasing campers: If you're unsure of your aim, you get in a bit closer to guarantee your shot because Arrows are valuable, and you can't afford to miss. Yet it will still allow 50 tile well-done blindfire shots. And finally, if anything it will increase Archer skill requirement a bit from the lowest level of literally spamming Legolas as is possible with the 30-Arrow bundles that take 45 seconds to exhaust each that we have now.

    @Trumbles, you're coming up with a little off topic stuff too. Please try and stay on track rather than insulting me.
    This is a contradiction. You're saying "their Knights give them openings to land hits". This means that rather than supporting the Knight, the Knight is supporting them. The Knight is able to function very well in its combat type without the Archer, yet the Archer "needs" a Knight.
    Even if you do get hit by a volley in a teamfight, somehow a volley coming at you that's impossible to run backwards from, you've still got 2 Hearts to draw upon, plus a decent supply of Hearts from dead combatants.
    This is the problem: Encouraging the class whose entire arsenal consists of Arrows, and a stomp, and the lowest class HP, to fight nearly exclusively at close range. Why even bother calling them Archers? Solo play is possiblebut the Archer isn't good at it by nature of the fact it's a class with a long range attack and all its weaknesses are based around its long range strength. Geti has also told us all not to mention the "support" argument anymore because it's entirely irrelevant, but feel free to PM me if you have reasons why the class with no allied ammo refill, no reliable team heal, no allied transportation aid, and a skill set based on keeping themselves out of harm's way/procuring kills and dealing damage is the "support".
    You see, Knights don't need any bullshit buzz words like synergize. Knights go where they please and are not reliant on Archers for many of the things you listed at all. Arrow laddering? Knights can "float" up many walls or boost each other up, or they can get acquainted with their inner bomb jump. Bomb/Fire Arrows? Only retards build with large amounts of Wood, while "quickly taking out structures with Bomb Arrows" means 150 Gold a pop, while Knights have lots of Bombs and can pick up more from corpses. Archers don't synergise, they rely, or else they go play the bastard child of Mario and Spiderman.

    Anyway, just saying that the idea of Shield penetration is very balanced with an ammo count nerf. Look at this:
    Archer:Overcharge 4.xsec, 2 Hearts of damage on penetrating Shield, 50 tile arcing range, uses 3/10 Ammo per use, suffers mild RNG deviation, all shots must hit, shots can be fanned to multiple targets w/out penetrating Shields.
    Knight:Overcharge 2.xsec, instakill all classes and penetrates Shield, grants water/land speed boost, limited to CQC, damages terrain, unlimited use, can change direction after release. CQC nature means Knight has access to gibbed Heart quickly.
    Note that everything on the Knight's one is still an advantage except the CQC limitation.
  12. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Note that actually, both of the overcharges have the potential to kill builders and archers, and do 2 hearts on penetrating shield.

    Knights actually need to "synergise" with their team in general or they get rekt. Solo knights might be more common than solo archers, but they still need to roam with their pack of pups to stand a chance at more than a handful of kills.

    Wood (therefore fire) is very prevalent late game due to stone extinction, retard or not.

    "Lots of bombs" are still not comparatively useful for taking out structures. 6 bombs will take 6 times as long to do comparable damage to structures, and requires you to be standing right there putting bombs in notches in their walls. 6 bombs will also cost 150 gold a pop (and you cant carry them all yourself).

    Competent 5 knights vs 5 archers would be interesting to see; but I've got a feeling the archers would win at the moment, especially on flat terrain.

    Note that at the moment I'm not considering making any drastic changes to anything - particularly with something as fundamental as class balance. We feel the game is in a pretty good place as it stands.

    Particularly @bobotype but also to everyone, ranting for hours isn't going to change that. If you want to see some of these changes regardless of if they're popular on the forums or not, you're going to have to code them yourself, release them as a mod, and get people on a server hosting it. If something is both proven popular and nicely implemented, we might consider integrating the changes; until then, this is really just pointless bickering.
    Vampire, Auburn and Saigon like this.
  13. bobotype

    bobotype Catapult Fodder

    Ok Geti, I absolutely understand that you guys have just done an update and aren't looking to change anything now, because we should be playing the current version of the game and seeing what comes of them. Still, in the future if you guys are looking at class balance, please give my ideas a moment, I've put a lot of effort into them and really think they could help gameplay issues.
    --- Double Post Merged, May 7, 2014, Original Post Date: May 7, 2014 ---
    I don't have much modding expertise with anything but GM8, or anywhere to host it, but I'll look at the places I guess
  14. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    It's alright, @Arcrave comes from a GM background as well and is finding his way reasonably well, maybe you can lean on each other from time to time :^)
    Sir_Walter, Vampire, bobotype and 2 others like this.
  15. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    @bobotype your ammo nerf idea sucks for any archer. Is there any action game where a primary weapon only has 40 uses? Yes, archers will be more powerful, and able to take out knights while sitting on safe towers. But, as soon as an archer gets away from a shop, they will be completely useless after a short time. It will discourage archers from ever going out into the front lines for the huge fear of running out of ammo in the middle of combat. Instead, it will encourage camping in a safe tower near an archer shop.

    Also, your blatant disregard for the bomb and bomb arrow's mechanics still makes me think you don't know much about the game. Bombs do more damage to people, but bomb arrows do more to terrain. 3 bomb arrows do the rough damage equivalent (in one direction) of a keg, and is much easier to deliver (especially with the recent changes).

    Also bobotype, take a look at classic, please. You'll see where I'm coming from with archers camping in towers. In classic, Archers had shield stun, without the legolas shot. Without the ability to do damage themselves after their own stun, two archers with good aim and synchronization could hold off knights for an entire game. I've seen it happen on multiple occasions on classic, so it wasn't a rare occurrence (I admit, it was myself and Nighthawk doing it sometimes, but not all times). All that they needed was a shop on the front line so they could constantly restock.
  16. bobotype

    bobotype Catapult Fodder

    There's many many action games with weapons with 40 or less primary ammo, one example that springs to mind is the Sniper's Huntsman from TF2 which is capable of good damage, is his primary, and has only 12 ammo.
    While you might say that, it makes more sense that Archers will enter combat to use the Arrows they have rather than only stay in towers and never do anything. There's no point in simply waiting around in the tower when everyone else is on the front lines, so people will still go forward. Camping near an Archer shop is worthless to you unless you're hitting enemies and getting Gold to buy Arrows.

    Bombs are a much easier supply of explosive to deal with multiple small walls than the Bomb Arrow, being picked up from corpses far more often.
    If you're returning to a store to buy Arrows that's time you're not attacking because you're spending Gold, which =not being able to keep up an indefinite defence. Also, when telling me to take a look at Classic--in Classic, weren't Arrows far more accurate, lengthy and had only a normal charge time for a stun?

    Enough now please. We can continue this in PM if you have good insights.
    --- Double Post Merged, May 7, 2014, Original Post Date: May 7, 2014 ---
    I don't think Arcrave likes me very much. He's been a bit of a meanie to me and I've responded in turn :(
    Last edited: May 7, 2014
  17. PandemicCommander

    PandemicCommander Shipwright

    Oh god why do I keep reading this thread.
    --- Double Post Merged, May 7, 2014, Original Post Date: May 7, 2014 ---
    All I'm going to weigh in with is:

    -Arrow-slashing is gone
    -Bombs Cost 25 now
    -Kegs can be shot off knights
    -Shield hitboxes are reduced

    Pretty much every reason I've had to whine balance-wise is fixed.
    Trumbles likes this.
  18. Superblackcat

    Superblackcat baideist baide Staff Alumni Tester

    Frankly, I think that with all these changes, Archers are over powered. One taunting knight with a pack of archers behind him... MMMMMM So much rektage.
    Arcrave likes this.
  19. bobotype

    bobotype Catapult Fodder

    The bait is strong in this one
    @-Crimson- oh no I've attracted the attention of the New World Order :o
    Last edited: May 8, 2014
    -Crimson- likes this.
  20. -Crimson-

    -Crimson- Haxor

    @bobotype preach it bro! lol damn you're so dedicated with what you say.
    bobotype likes this.