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CTF Gix_Devastated_Lake

Discussion in 'Maps for the Official KAG Servers' started by MeepoRu, Mar 15, 2021.

  1. MeepoRu

    MeepoRu Shopkeep Stealer

    Map name: Devastated_Lake
    Gamemode: CTF
    Symmetrical: Y
    Special features: 2 sharks 4 rafts 2 boats
    Map: Gix_Devastated_Lake.png
    Map name: Gix_Devastated_Lake
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 18, 2021, Original Post Date: Mar 15, 2021 ---
    Reduced the amount of rock and gold and made them higher to the surface and further away from the bedrock. I also removed two trees near the tent, but made one closer to it.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 20, 2021 ---
    2 update: Reduced the amount of stone and added two islands near the flags

    Attached Files:

    bunnie likes this.