And they shall spew forth from the heavens, 30 in all, not a single knight, archer, or builder shall survive that fall.
I wonder if that guy actually got down with those 30 shads XD </br>--- merged: Apr 4, 2012 9:38 PM ---</br> These Gregs are on normal server and that server is not for zombies mode.
And my video has more then 30. ;3 Plus, go on [!] servers, Gregs do sometimes fly there way over there to party with the publics.
I just got killed by one on the OGC Auzzie server. I guess they still spawn, only rarer on normal servers?
I went to the KaG wiki to see if i could find something interesting about the Gregs. But nothing, that wiki never gets updated.
Well, Gregs were secrets, but know there kinda out for public. They are getting removed soon so there not staying long. :(
Confirmed: They are gone in the latest update (except for zombie servers that specifically enable them).
Please don't remove them, I like gregs :D If you remove, how about let them back for a week for April Fool next year ?