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Guild Wars 2

Discussion in 'Other games' started by DarkDain, Jan 15, 2012.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. Jamburglar

    Jamburglar Horde Gibber

    I've always been a loyal fan of Guild Wars. It was probably the first mmo I played back in '06 when I was about 13 and I've always gone back to it. I loved everything about it. They appeal to gamers that didn't have much money with a "buy once" system, and their game managed to run beautifully on lower end computers. They had an in depth story, wonderful and strategic pvp, amazing lore and you can tell it was never just about the money for them, but instead actually making a wonderful game people can enjoy.

    Now, with Guild Wars 2 coming out a lot of people I've known that have openly expressed hating Guild Wars or ripping on me for liking it over World of Warcraft are boasting about how much they love Guild Wars 2 and having always been die hard fans of the first game. When I try to have conversations with them about the game, they try to tell me I'm wrong about things when I'm not. They just talk out their ass and it really gets to me...
  2. Mason if you made a clan and kind of helped me with the whole mmo aspect of rpgs, I would certainly join your guild, if you would let me :D

    What I mean is, in guild wars 1, I was prone to just kind of doing whatever class and not playing it well. I remember one time in Factions I was a Ritualist Assasin who used knives and everyone was telling me how stupid I was haha- so true.
  3. masonmistel

    masonmistel Comma King Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    Birdman, if you joined my guild, I would shit. Hehe, I'm accepting anyone who isn't an ass hat and who is fairly active. This game and Arma 3 will consume my life. I want everyone here to join, if they want. I want to go in world PvP and go capture a fort for the whole guild and defend it. This is going to be so awesome I can't wait!!!!!!!
  4. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

    • Warning: Double-Post -Wonkyth

    Press beta weekend over; incoming infodump today

    Looking forward to Totalbiscuits videos

    EDIT: Watch these two goofballs take on a level three boss

    Yogscast Norn Part 2
  5. mangus

    mangus Builder Stabber

    I was moderatley hyped by this game, but when I saw the press info dump of World PVP I WAS HOOKED. This is the first game in a while that's doing something epic on the scale that DAOC did it and I'm impatiently waiting to get my hands on it.

    Also really looking forward to playing the Mesmer class. Playing mind games and absolutely frustrating my opponents is right up my ally. I can't wait to figure out all the devious things I'll be able to do with my clones.
  6. DarkDain

    DarkDain Shopkeep Stealer

    Guild Wars 2 beta sign up today! LIMITED TIME! Get their now and sign up for beta >:O
    Dromaras likes this.
  7. Spoolooni

    Spoolooni Shark Slayer


    They are actually doing a horrible job demonstrating the gameplay making it look like click and wait.
  8. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    So no-one likes the Yogscast already.
    Now there's something I haven't been told a million times already! -_-
  9. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

    Yogscast aren't really that great at games - it's more if you are into their kind of humor. (Sudden squealing over cute things?) I just liked the fact that there was a level three boss.

    Totalbiscuit tends to do well at previewing games, except when he forgets to dodge arrows in KAG. But he hasn't released most of his stuff yet...

    Here's a big list of articles and videos from the press beta weekend. Some of them are poorly done. I hear IGN (and Gamespot?) are atrocious.

    videogame journalism, lol
    BlueLuigi likes this.
  10. Dromaras

    Dromaras Shipwright

    How many of you actually signed up for the beta testing? :o I did
    I'm pretty excited for the game.(World vs World vs World looks awesome)
    I plan to play a Warrior,Guardian or Engineer. For race, I like them all but the Asura, xD to short for my liking and are kind creepy looking.
    But really:rollseyes:All my plans could change when the game comes out something else might appeal to me more. *shrug* so we will see. :P
    Oh is there anyone on these forums any of you plan to play with? I know me and Jamburglar are gonna play together.
  11. Inexorable

    Inexorable The おっぱい lovin' nipple wizard. Donator

    I'm keen to get it, cant try the beta though...
  12. Spoolooni

    Spoolooni Shark Slayer

    Indeed Jackard, most video game journalists think they can get away with grammatical mistakes which I find utterly absurd. This also includes the moderators of MMosite. I have seen a moderator on MMOsite create a topic about Gw2 and gladly show cased his finery of the 1337 language, while floating on his little sea of assumptions. Even so, the entire topic was nothing but a grammatical holocaust.

    As for TotalHalibut, I respect him a lot, he is generally someone that actually puts a decent effort on research and dishes out reliable reviews on games like GW2, DCUO and even Magicka. I guess you could even go as far to say he isnt biased about games since he does play all of them, including World Of Warcraft which everyone seems to compare every game to. Not to mention, his accent and commentaries are brilliant, while his jargon definitely fortifies his statements.

    Recently he did do a couple of GW2 review videos and he does seem to know the appropriate mechanisms of the game a long with the fact that he has reliable information for viewers to know what is in stock for release, which is an automatic plus with the exception of him falling of a cliff in one of the videos.

    Personally I think most game journalists out there, dont see to do it right when it comes to balancing facts of pros and cons. Personally, most people seem to only like them for either the way they look or wether they are female. Which is also why I dont find female game journalists reliable to leech information from, but again, there were exceptions like bizcuitmaker that put out brilliant tutorials on WoW raids.

    Also, it would be brilliant to see Totalbiscuit do a review on Tera Online, if it is a possibility.

    To go back on topic, I am aiming for mesmer, necromancer, elementalist or any magic classes. I might even try engineering in that game. At least most of the classes are not locked onto racial aspects. However, quite frankly it seems that my appeal for the game is not based on the gameplay but the artistic value of the game. The developers left it like a rustic canvas without the need of it being any realistic. I find that most games that try to aim for realism do not exactly bring out the life. I also played games like borderlands and darkness because the art is just way too fantastic for anyone to miss. Any game developer that is loyal to the aspect of fantasy and artistic concepts surely deserve a million kudos.
  13. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    Guys, I'm tired of any conversation where TB, Yogscast, etc are mentioned turning into a wall-of-text war. It is off topic, and as such needs it's OWN topic.
    Go on, the first one of you to make a "game journalist discussion" thread gets a like from me.

    As far as Guild Wars 2 goes, it unfortunately goes with the rest of the MMO basket, that being the one that I'll never have time to enjoy, because I do most of my gaming on the bus without an internet connection.
    Foxodi likes this.
  14. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

    One lengthy post equals a war? :huh?:

    TotalBiscuit has a ton of unreleased beta footage from his staffers that he hasn't gotten to yet because he was overseas during the event. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iQ6BJilW1I#t=02m04s

    Also he doesn't review games.
  15. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    No, MANY posts scattered across MANY threads = stfu already!
    Seriously, if you want to discuss TB/Yogscast, START A NEW THREAD! /impatience.
  16. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

    Are you aware of the irony here? A moderator derailing the thread with his vendetta, that is.

    So what is this, three posts now? I can't post ontopic information a day apart without getting a double post warning but you are free to do whatever?

  17. Spoolooni

    Spoolooni Shark Slayer


    Also anyone anticipating the KODANS?
  18. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

    Those are the polar bear guys allied with the Norn, right?

    I'm pretty excited for the exploration in this game. I wasted a lot of time in previous MMOs climbing mountains and trying to reach secret areas (although these were usually just undeveloped areas that were finally released years later) and places I shouldn't have been
  19. Spoolooni

    Spoolooni Shark Slayer

    Wow with traps too? DAMN
  20. Inexorable

    Inexorable The おっぱい lovin' nipple wizard. Donator

    Does anyone have any deetz on what rewards you can get your previous accounts on GW1?
Mods: BlueLuigi