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Heart Arrows

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Auburn, Oct 11, 2013.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    Why can't you just strap anything you want to an arrow. They already have bomb arrows and water bomb arrows. I think adding something like a sticky arrow to the game would be a better idea. If you are able to strap any supplies to an arrow and send it to a team mate would be great support. Drills, Kegs, Crates, Burgers, etc would be nice. Theres no point in limiting it to only hearts.
  2. SamuraiCupcake

    SamuraiCupcake Builder Stabber

    Hehehe! Shooting the luuuuuuuv :3. I say why not make this a thing? could even be available at the archer shop?
  3. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    resurrecting this thread after discussing heart arrows in the archer changes thread....
    I still feel that this is a good idea because knights can't use food instantaneously if they have a bomb in their inventory. Also, the majority of archers shoot from behind their knight buddies, so if heart arrows go past friendly knights after losing the heart, it will hit an enemy knight. It's win-win. friendly knights get healed while enemies take arrows to unpleasant places.
  4. Crabmaster

    Crabmaster Bison Rider
    1. Zen Laboratories

    Continuing on from what I was gonna say in that thread, I am also quite positive on heart arrows.

    As a Knight there are a LOT of points in battle where I am in need of health but have nothing to heal with(I need to get better at this...), plus I am not a burger spamming kinda person...would rather have bombs...Also between fights or going toward fights is a good time to have openings for both healing and healing/hurting enemies.

    Plus the heart arrows are similar to the water arrows in a few ways, they require the right timing and are only useful for 1-2 jobs...So you can't really complain about arrow charge up or actually finding times to use them if you can find times to use water arrows.

    Plus it would help builders on the front lines a LOT!
    Auburn likes this.
  5. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    Heart arrows encourage teamwork between archers and the other classes. If an archer is supporting a builder on the front-lines, the builder instantly becomes less squishy, because he's being fed hearts, so he can actually build on the front lines without being killed too quickly. (still can't do too much without knight support though)
    Crabmaster likes this.
  6. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    I got a good idea.

    Why not have the heart arrows work like a explosive healing effect that only works on teammates.

    That way you don't have to hit your target directly and it can heal more than 1 person! ::D:
  7. H3llO

    H3llO Shopkeep Stealer

    Shoot Enemies with Heart Arrows to convert them into your team, like the priests in AgeofEmpire 1 xD
  8. SamuraiCupcake

    SamuraiCupcake Builder Stabber

    Like, with sparkles? That would be cute, but would negate skill. No matter how skilled the opposing knight is, all the archers have to do is spam health arrows. That is, unless they were very expensive.

    That would be more interesting and less annoying then the forced team-switch, I'll admit.
  9. kilmanio

    kilmanio Arsonist

    woloNO that would simply be retarded.
  10. H3llO

    H3llO Shopkeep Stealer

    yeah i guess, weh should suggest the Priestes as a new class instead.
  11. Fucu

    Fucu Ballista Bolt Thrower

    New classes have been suggested constantly, but there are currently no plans to add any new classes as far as I know. The shops, current classes, and mods make up for these suggestions and it would be entirely silly to add a new class that would, not only be unnecessary, but require the classes to be balanced in order to make room for the newer class.

    On another note, I still support the idea of heart arrows. To reiterate my previous argument, it would add a whole new dimension to archer combat. Adding to that, heart arrows would, from my perspective, replace the idea of adding a new class for the most part. I already love the utility of archers and this would strengthen the symbiotic relationship between the archer and the knight.
  12. H3llO

    H3llO Shopkeep Stealer

    that was just a joke. A class that does nothing except converting enemies to your Team would be ridiculous balance devastating and funny
  13. KingMufasa

    KingMufasa Catapult Fodder

    Heart arrows / burger arrows would be awesome, no joke. It's a great idea and does add support. I think the way to balance it would be you actually would have to hit your team mate. If the arrow hits the ground then it would disapear. And you could also use it as bait.... Shoot an arrow into the air with a burger and watch the enemy knights all try to grab it while your team sneaks past.

    I can see it working. It's funny and would completely fit into KAG. I just found out yesterday you could get in boxes.. When a box started talking to me.. Told me to pick him up and carry him to the other side.. He ended up getting thier Hall because the other teams worker brought him inside.

    Why aren't there heart/burger arrows again?
  14. RogueCupcake

    RogueCupcake Haxor Official Server Admin

    I like the idea of heart/burger arrows. It would add something new to the game and yes, have a better support/medic class.
  15. Nighthawk

    Nighthawk gaurenteed shitter

    As I said before, I would prefer it if heart arrows were really expensive and had a greater effect, because honestly, the chances of hitting a friendly Knight with a healing arrow from a distance before they get murdered by a double slash is... almost nil.

    If anything, a healing arrow should either
    A) Cost a lot more, and affect multiple teammates in an AOE
    B) Be able to Overheal the target (give temporary extra hearts, think the Medic in TF2)

    If they didn't have either of those abilities, they would descend into uselessness pretty fast.
  16. RogueCupcake

    RogueCupcake Haxor Official Server Admin

    That is a good idea. Maybe a splash heart?
Mods: Rainbows