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How do you feel about the new mine update?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Vamist, Nov 2, 2015.


Do you feel the mine update is good

  1. I love it

    12 vote(s)
  2. Yes, its good

    14 vote(s)
  3. Its okay..

    23 vote(s)
  4. Its bad

    7 vote(s)
  5. I hate it

    2 vote(s)
  6. Remove it now

    21 vote(s)
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  1. jarrydthysse

    jarrydthysse Bison Rider
    1. Trueblue [TB]

    New mines are good, but an indication that they actually kill you no matter what should be stated somewhere for new players.
  2. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Lol. Maybe with the posse you play with, Fuzzle; but I've seen an awful lot of screen-grabs that have people responding positively to the question "do u liek teh new mines?".

    Maybe instead of being so passive aggressive you could stow the attitude and try your hand at cogently voicing what you want/desire from a mine (and, you know, why what you want is a good thing). As things currently stand you're adding nothing to the discussion but a snarky attitude and the potential for a flamewar.

    As you yourself said:
  3. toffie0

    toffie0 is sweeter than you <3 Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    If mines decay in water, would be a big help...

    Or maybe if mines exploded or broke over a time period of two minutes?
    jarrydthysse likes this.
  4. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    What would that add to the game? In water you can usually go under/around any object right?
    What does AG# have to do with fuzzle's complaining now?
    I mean from the few games ive played with fuzzle after this build he was the one abusing the very unfun parts of the mines. Raining them from towers(if they land on you it would instakilling if it didnt it would just land on the floor and be an obstacle) and even if someone managed to dodge the spam a teammate would hop on one and you'd be caught in the radius. So i think it's safe to say the people that fuzzle played with would be against mines because of him abusing them.
  5. toffie0

    toffie0 is sweeter than you <3 Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    Mines float etc.

    If you are trapped within a certain area breathing through a small hole an over you, with your only way out surrounded by mines on the right, so you would surely be dead. You're trapped

    Another example is when you are shield surfing along and come across the mine. Before you register it properly you're dead.

    Another one is where there is four blocks or less in a water supply, that runs as a lake, it's long.

    There are countless of situations where you cannot simply go under and be out of harms way.
  6. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    That being the case I can definitely see how Fuzzle would be hearing a lot of people complaining about mines... :rollseyes:

    Hilariously though, this only further weakens whatever justification Fuzzle (and those like him) might have in screaming for a revert. I mean, of course liberally abusing an unbalanced mechanic will cause more people to complain about it. Doing what he's been doing in-game, and then coming in here with his "erry1 h8s mines" is somewhat akin to running around shooting up shopping malls and then reporting a rise in people calling for tighter gun control. He's actively contributing to the problem he's reporting on and thus is reporting skewed/inflated numbers.

    Even leaving this aside though, the simple fact is that Fuzzle (and others) are ignoring that standard rule of thumb re: game balance which runs something like: only revert as a last resort. They're wanting to go back to a time/place where they were personally comfortable (which is fair enough) and it would seem they're willing to drag others back with them w/o bothering to discuss or investigate the matter fully (which is kinda completely unfair and lame). It's a shitty close-minded attitude that (whatever their protestations to the contrary) prefers to trade up the potential of a steaming bowl of tasty soup in the future for a lukewarm cup on insipid broth today.

    Quite frankly I'm tired of it and, as of this post, I will be deleting any/all posts demanding "revert" that don't make at least a half-decent attempt to explain why new mines are terrible/unsalvageable. Go ahead, make my day. :huh?:

    To be clear to all those crying out "badmin": I don't give a toasted rat's arse whether you disagree with me or not about mines. What I care about is people demanding a revert w/o bothering to give reasons. If you don't like the new mines that's fine, say so. But if you're going to demand your precious revert, then bloodly well make a case for it. Whining and bitching w/o substantive argumentation is a waste of everyone's time and childish to boot. Grow up or go home.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2015
  7. BarsukEughen555

    BarsukEughen555 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Time to try out
    I will probably post a wall of text down, noshit how it will go on tho
    On my view, the mines are pretty disbalanced, those 'r' almost completely unblockable on TDM without casualties. Just few examples:
    1) Knight just runs and explodes on mine (oldfag/newfag without knowledge)
    2)Knight disarms the mines, but archer shoots. -knight
    3) Few knights are runing in group. Even if only 1 will be nab enough to step/try to shield/fail at disarming, the hole group is dead.
    4)Knight disarms the mines, but enemy runs in and shields him in mine/ kills while he was busy / just repicks mine and refolds it on someone head's.
    Some statistics down tehre
    1)You can throw mien from tower, its at least a 1 quaranted kill. Its basically a keg drop with a little less radius, but even if ya missed it can be exploded with nabs, which allows to earn same (and even more money) as from kegs, while mines are 2x cheaper. Disbalanced, on my view.
    2) The mines now require high-class of teamwork, as the low-class teamwork archer would just shoot mines when allie knights are near, which will cause teamkills. Massive teamkilling in bound.
    3) 1 mine explosion on 1 person grants money on 2nd mine. = minespamconveyor is easily performed by just spamming mines in required places. (And lets be honest, the 60 coins required are just 2 kills for knight(including death of knight tho), 15 stone blocks, 15 wooden doors, same ammount of platforms/stone doors, so basically the coins are reliably-easily farmed,)
    On my point of view, mines were fine as if you dont see it its instadeath, while if you are accurate and are warned of anything, this will not harm you
    Including topper things, I suggest something from the next:
    1)Make a timer on the mine buying for the player/team.
    1+)Make no timers but limit on mines
    1++) Make the cost grow with each buying(and not in single shop, as it will only lead to shopspam)
    2)The cost of mine should be increased
    3)The radius of playerdamage should be descreased, as for 60 coins its offers keg poewr.
    3+)Mines would lost the penetrating thru shield partly, so if you shield it, you still loose some HP, but this will not kill you and won't harm teammates
    4) The suggestion that is pretty popular, mine should make the hitter getting stunned, which will kill him, while all who were shielding won't get harm
    Addition: +1 to Maltager ::P:
    @FuzzyBlueBaron I believe I done ur day :>
  8. Snake19

    Snake19 RIP Staff Alumni Donator
    1. [AG#] - Ancient Gear

    What did i said @Fuzzle !?

    oh thank you punk, finally someone who does not put the blame on AG, if one of these members did something wrong.

    For information, I warned my members one week ago to stop acting aggressively on the forum and ingame or to not start to act like this. (for them who do not do it for the moment)
    for now I just gave them a warning.
    But this warning may end in exclusion, if it happens too many times.
    FuzzyBlueBaron and Mazey like this.
  9. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    @Fuzzle and @Blue_Tiger, I've deleted your posts as off-topic. If you've concerns with how I'm moderating this thread then please either: a) report them using the report post function, or b) post on my profile, or c) send me or another admin a PM about it. Posting your upset in this thread will only serve to clog it further (not to mention it will earn you warning points).

    I don't agree with everything you've written, but you've gone and done what I asked which was give reasons for your malcontent. Thank you muchly, kind sir. :thumbs_up:

    Fwiw, @Snake19, I don't associate Fuzzle being an arse with the rest of AG#. I just take it that he's upset that those in the driver's seat aren't marching exactly how he wants them too and can't fathom the idea that some of us might like where things are going (and have good reasons to like it). ::):

    And now, ffs, let's have enough of this prattle and leave the thread to get back to what it was intended: asking people how they felt about the new mines. (Remembering that cranky old FBB now requires people who want a revert to at least say why they want a revert. Grr.)
    J-man2003 and Snake19 like this.
  10. mcrifel

    mcrifel Haxor Staff Alumni Tester
    1. MIST

    In my opinion mines shouldn't be reversed. It would cause to much confusion and is not needed. Old mines were under powered and in need of a buff. But now they need a nerf. Simply making the prices higher won't be a good fix. I propose we make it so if someone steps on a mine and explodes it that that person gets killed and every team mate around it gets stunned. This way there is still a bit of teamwork involved but stupid of archers in the back might not ruin your day anymore.
    J-man2003 likes this.
  11. Verrazano

    Verrazano Flat Chested Haggy Old Souless Witchy Witch Witch THD Team Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. Practitioners of War Extreme Revolution - POWER

    Geti isn' the one reverting or making these changes, he oversees what we do, but isn't implementing them only testing, checking off stuff we do.

    gregs are a timed event, if they are still on any servers at this point the server is buggered and needs to restart.

    Mines will see some changes for next patch for sure, I think the coins issue is one of the biggest. However I don't think increasing their cost will help to much, because it'll just delay when people start getting them by a minute or two. I think one of the main problems is that you get 60+ coins from one kill of a mine. That's due to how the coin system works which has since been addressed but not released.
    FuzzyBlueBaron, J-man2003 and Vamist like this.
  12. Blue_Tiger

    Blue_Tiger Haxor Tester

    I put the revert mines (as well as tramps and arrow collisions) on my server and after some playing, it does feel like old mines are pretty underwhelming, at least in comparison to their newer counterpart. The problem with the new mines is they require no skill and pretty much all kills are luck based. The problem with old mines is that any knight can see it and blow it up safely. The way I play with old mines (at least in TDM), is to throw them out beyond the enemy, and then slash them in the back while they shield it. The problem with that is it requires practice, and your enemy to not think about what's going on, you can also get yourself killed if you're not careful (and will definitely if the mines had the range of the new ones).

    I propose, having played a lot with both mines, for mines to have the following attributes:
    • Knights can shield them, archers can shoot them, builders can break them in one hit - having them all over the battlefield without a way for each class to safely disable them is just cancer.
    • Mines cannot be blown up by bombs and bomb arrows when not activated - really annoying when you pull out a mine, and then it just explodes in your hand -.-.
    • Mines have the damage radius of the new mine - it's a nice buff to their destructive capabilities which they didn't have pre-change.
    • Mines can collide with other blobs - not sure why this was changed, I assume the archer shield "glitch" which was my favourite use for mines.
    • Reduce the cost of mines - 60 coins isn't really worth an item that can be disarmed easily by all classes.
    • Mines do not deal damage to anyone (including the user) on its team.

    I think that last little thing will make for a big difference in the use of mines. It will mean you can use it as a support item: lay it down, and play around it. If the enemy comes in with a slash, back up and they explode. If they come with a shield against the mine, you can slash without fear of blowing up. And outside of combat, mines use is as a destructive weapon, which shield against doesn't really effect (in fact it helps it, as people shield against mines and blow their own base up, lol).
    Vamist, J-man2003 and PUNK123 like this.
  13. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    Wouldnt it be better to delete any comment that doesnt justify what they want for mines in the game. Seeing as how there is already a poll to get a consensus on people's feeling of mines. I dont think its fair to lump every person disliking the mine into any category because everyone's game experience is different. Anyway my continued issue with the mines is it is literally just a giant problem for 1 specific class. No one cared about mines being hard to break for knights because they were removable thru the shield but now that the main army class is literally forced to wait for support/builders to level the playing field it gets increasingly irritating to have to play games with useless players. Most people have an issue being stuck in a stalemate because a builder isnt gaining ground and now imagine the irritation when you cant battle for mid successfully(because of scattered mines that you cant feasibly remove from play). Almost every pub game has atleast 2 builder doing nothing of merit at the base and there usually already a lack of knights trying to push so it isnt always a viable option to go archer and clear the field(or go builder) and i personally dont find much fun in archer anyway.
    J-man2003, Fuzzle and Blue_Tiger like this.
  14. J-man2003

    J-man2003 Haxor

    Also like how this update made bushes even more useless than they already were. Bushes need a buff, and by that I don't mean they should be able to spit lit kegs at bypassing players and have 12 hearts as their HP.

    But in all seriousness I think mines just take 2 jabs to be defused and not get knockbacked when being jabbed, and should only take 1 pickaxe pick to be defused. Also I personally think arrows should defuse mines instead of making them explode, maybe it would take 3 arrows to defuse?
  15. Fuzzle

    Fuzzle Grand Grumbler

    'Kay, guess I'm back on earth. In this post I'll explain and fix.
    First and foremost, the collision-logic is lacking:
    bool doesCollideWithBlob(CBlob@ this, CBlob@ blob) {
    return blob.getShape().isStatic() && blob.isCollidable();

    They expected this to work? They've declared that mines should only collide with static blobs - eg. trap-blocks & platforms -, thus they won't collide with boats and other explosives, such as (lit) bombs or other mines. That's inconsistent. Also, shouldn't mines (esp. non-active) collide with shields?
    bool doesCollideWithBlob(CBlob@ this, CBlob@ blob) {
    return blob.hasTag("shielded")
    && blob.getTeamNum() != this.getTeamNum()
    && blockAttack(blob, blob.getPosition() - this.getPosition(), 0.0f);
    return true;

    That aside, I noticed that the bomb-script doesn't use blockAttack, which makes the bomb collide with the blob, not the shield.
    I've added the fixed script for that aswell.
    Now, I think it's completely wrong that mines act as mini-kegs and instantly executes everyone within a radius. Obviously, it has to do 4 hearts of damage to the person it touches (unless shielded?), but I think it should act more like a bomb. The damage it inflicts should depend on the distance to the explosion. To make the explosion shield-able I re-added Hitters::mine to isExplosionHitter. I decreased the damage from devastating 8.0f to 6.0f. As of this, in distance it can deal less than 4 hearts, yet not less than 3. It'll still be > 4 hearts in most cases.

    With this, mines would almost be back to their pre-update state. Thus comes the question: Should it be possible to shield the explosion? Currently, I think mines are far too overpowered. It's a huge obstacle - sometimes it almost seems easier to run into a mine, die and then respawn, than to wait for someone to disarm it / disarm it yourself, and then getting killed in the process. That it can't be shielded is not very intuitive. I think it should be possible to shield mines - to protect your teammates and to protect yourself at times where your teammates aren't aware about the mine. Also, I think it should be possible to disarm the mine - with the shield - with a lesser penalty than death. Therefore I've written some "shizz'", as I would've called it if this weren't a half-serious post:

    if(customData == Hitters::mine) {
    damage /= this.getDistanceTo(blob) / 6.0f;
    if(damage < 1.0f) damage = 0.0f;
    else if(this.getHealth() < damage) return damage;
    } else damage = 0.0f;

    This hack in ShieldHit.as makes it so the amount of health you'll lose (while shielded) is dependent on the distance to the mine. At most it'll deal 3.75 / 3.5 hearts, and it's also possible to run away without a scratch. Also, I added the Hitters::mine case to RunnerKnock.as, so in case you take damage from a mine you'll be knocked / stunned (same duration as with bombs).
    Currently, the owner is set onAttach which means a mine won't recieve an "owner" if its owner dies in combat and hasn't touched it. This is an issue that occured at this update. It's simple to fix:
    void onThisAddToInventory(CBlob@ this, CBlob@ blob) {
    if(blob !is null && blob.getPlayer())

    Another issue I would like to adress, is that it quite often happens that teammates take / steal mines, and place them at the exact same spot / move them, to recieve the coins from the kill. IMO if you move a mine it should only be to improve its placement to help your team advancing - not for selfish reasons. Therefore I would like to expand the solution:
    void onAttach(CBlob@ this, CBlob@ blob, AttachmentPoint@ AP) {
    if(this.getDamageOwnerPlayer() is null
    || this.getTeamNum() != blob.getTeamNum())) {

    if(blob.getPlayer() !is null)


    void onThisAddToInventory(CBlob@ this, CBlob@ blob) {

    if(blob !is null && blob.getPlayer() !is null
    && this.getDamageOwnerPlayer() is null)

    This is what I could do in ~an hour.
    I'll fix the rest tomorrow.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2015
  16. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    @Fuzzle: Can't pretend I know anything about code, but sure looks impressive. :thumbs_up:
    Could do, but seeing as the original nature of this thread was slanted towards gauging people's feels, that seemed too heavy handed. "But FBB" people cry "Y then r u so down on people asking for a revert? Isn't that legit expression of peoples' feels too?" This is true. But it also tends to be obnoxious and unconstructive. It's a funny thing, but people saying "I do/don't like this" tend to be 150% more polite than people screaming "change it back!"---something to do with the psychology of using an expressive "I feel X" rather than an imperative "do X". So no, people who're just expressing feels don't have to justify them (that'd be madness anyway--sometimes feels just are); but also, no, I don't lump all negative feedback in the same category (I only require "reasons" from people requesting/demanding something from the interns--both bc it helps cool the rancour as well as bc it gives Skinney & Verra useful info).

    More on-topic:
    It's funny, but an update to mines has lead to me wondering about bushes in a similar vein to J-man above. Would it be possible to have them regrowing and/or more damage resistant? I mean, I get that the luls from hiding a mine in a bush should probably give way to other things as matches progress; but, otoh, hiding mines and/or oneself behind bushes is kinda never getting old either--so why no have more of it? Plox yes? :X3:
    J-man2003 likes this.
  17. Snake19

    Snake19 RIP Staff Alumni Donator
    1. [AG#] - Ancient Gear

    Fuzzle is back as a good and not lazy boy ! ::D:

    Now let's finish my MLK website :X3:
  18. Blue_Tiger

    Blue_Tiger Haxor Tester

    Oh God, please no. Just remove bushes all together. Nothing more annoying than dying to something you can't see, or tip toeing around bushes because of the chance of there being a mine in it.
    bunnie likes this.
  19. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    What are you talking about? Watching people get all twitchy as they approach greenery is pretty much the highlight of any match outside of teabagging corpses. Particularly bc it then distracts them from my hiding in a tree lining up a spikedrop on their head. :rekt:

    And this is all with old mines. I can't wait to try this stuffs with the new ones! :mine::r_flex::rektlord::bird:
    makmoud98, EhRa and Vamist like this.
  20. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    hey its me ur mine
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