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how to kill exid

Discussion in 'Spamcan' started by chickennugget22, Apr 24, 2012.

  1. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    pics or gtfo.
  2. Just want to let you know that Exid knows about this and says the best way to kill him is when he has a lag spike.
  3. I've never played with Exid (dang time zones) and only heard of him once before this lol I'm sure if he played on an american server you could take him :p yay lag
  4. knightl

    knightl Base Burner

    Do you live in a cave with no internet?

    He is THE chuck norris of kag
    The_Khan likes this.
  5. Maverick

    Maverick Haxor

    Lol or you could lagkill him. I went on an australian server with 200+ ping and killed him.
    inactive_account likes this.
  6. MrJinkies

    MrJinkies Horde Gibber

    Ok folks lets settle this. I hear maverick is one of the best american knights correct me if i'm wrong i destroyed (by this i mean i just beat him more then he did me) him the other day of course he said it was cuase of my ping (my ping - 133 his -66) now if maverick is one of your best and Exid makes me look like the biggest noob on earth. This leads me to one deduction Exid = God king of kag. Those who have to fight him = Your F#@ked.

    Also lag kills arent accepted deal with it. Whenever someone kills exid on an aussie server and its from lag we tell him to go f himself!
    GHOZT and BeasterDenBeast like this.
  7. Maverick

    Maverick Haxor

    :huh?: I never said that, and you never destroyed me either.

    EDIT: I actually only remember you killing me once :/ With a bomb.
  8. Killing Exid is one thing, killing Exid consecutively and fairly is another. It is true that anyone is killable, and lag would make some difference, but assuming Exid has a sufficient internet connection at the time, the difference would be miniscule, I think.
    Exid is to KAG as Junior Dos Santos is to proffessional fighting.
    Exid is to KAG as Shakespeare was to theatre.
    Exid is to KAG like shrimp to a barby.
    Long live the Australia champ. In case it isn't obvious, I believe Exid is the best knight in Australia and possibly KAG. May he reign with utter omnipotence.
    The_Khan and MrJinkies like this.
  9. <---- mole

    So yes a cave. But no I have only heard of Exid once and haven't had the *apparent* honor of fighting him. Lol
  10. Am I the only person who thinks that this Australian groupie thread is super pathetic?
  11. MrJinkies

    MrJinkies Horde Gibber

    [10:47:19 PM] Mister Jinkies: [21:30:30] <MrJinkies> maverick that is low
    [21:30:31] <Arche prokoksu123> omg 1 hit
    [21:30:34] <[!] Maverick> Lol
    [21:30:42] <[!] Maverick> spawn camps ftw
    [21:30:46] <bernlack> arche
    [21:30:46] <[!] Maverick> cant shieldbash meh

    found teh lag think was u denying my 1v1 (still killed u btw) cause of lag but this i remembered u first kill on me cause u spawn camped -.-
    BeasterDenBeast likes this.
  12. Maverick

    Maverick Haxor

    ....what is that quote supposed to show? I was referring to how you become a ghost near the spawn camp.... There's no where that states me saying that you won because of lag. The kills you got on me were: Bomb (dunno even how that happened) and slashing me while you were in the shadow. I wasn't even focusing on you, though I know that in the team deathmatch that you were deliberately trying to chase me and kill me -_- And I wasn't spawn camping, in team deathmatch you don't even spawn. We were merely fighting and ended up at the tent.
  13. MrJinkies

    MrJinkies Horde Gibber

    lol man i was takingback teh lag issue was tired after work ok :p and that is meant to showyou spawn killing (intentionally cause that is unbecoming of a knight) also reading through the logs the only time i can prove i killed u was when were bomb killed with how the hell did that kill me last but not least

    Why wouldnt i focus you. go ahead and go and kill all the bad players on my team hope that makes u feel good i would rather fight someone worth my time.
    BeasterDenBeast likes this.
  14. @Maverick: Exid would've been focused. Exid would've ruined Jinkies' face. Jinkies knows this. Excuses, true or not, prove nothing. Not taking a shot at you, I am stating fact.

    @EJ: Also, its not a "goupie" thread. Realising that someone is better than you at something doesn't make you pathetic. We merely acknowledge that he is better at this particular game, if anyone thinks they are better and hasn't proved it, that's pathetic.
    GHOZT and MrJinkies like this.
  15. Maverick

    Maverick Haxor

    .... I don't know what's up with you and spawn killing. We were just fighting and we ended up at the tent, and when you tried to shield bash me (of course I just went through the shieldbash) and twisted around and jabbed. And it was team deathmatch, so I hope no one thinks that I was literally just camping at their tent. And yes that bomb death was quite confusing, as I did shield :S The bomb was like warping. If you want, I can duel you but later on :/
  16. MrJinkies

    MrJinkies Horde Gibber

    CHALLENGE ACCEPTED! and as i recall that spawn kill came from u running from me cause u ahd 1 heart left then u killed an afk sorry for chasing ur arse but i cant resist a runner :3

    Also how about an american vs Aussie's ALLSTARS HARDCORE CTF TO THE DEATH!
    GHOZT likes this.
  17. Bunnyboy

    Bunnyboy Haxor

    I thought you wanted a fair fight? Your not going to get it if your playing against people in Ameriaca and they are acting like bloody ninjas becuase everyones ping is above 800.
  18. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    While I might not be privy to the ways you kill Exid, I know a thing or two about killing pointless discussions. Thread locked.
  19. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Re-opened now that its in the spamcan :)
  20. Hoj

    Hoj Builder Stabber

    The real reason why Shad re-opened the thread is beacuse Exid is at his home now with a sword to his head. In Soviet Russia, thread opens YOU!
    GHOZT and Stevedog like this.