Did you figure out the mac thing, i tryed evrything and it didn't work, hope you can help me :). gedr
Created a new British Revolutionary Infantryman,will next be working on the captains and the builders To:gedr I honestly tried to look up stuff for it but no avail. I think the new update will be supporting mac users so you'll have to wait for its release which i believe is this weekend.
for pirates it be awsome if u did a pirates of the caribbean :D swagger nuts cool name :D and btw do u play runescape?? //EDIT by Furai: stop that double posting....
I have finaly got it to work! If anyone else needs help on how to do it on a Mac, just ask me ;). To turtle: I <3 THE MUSKET CLASS ;)
I recommend posting up a thread with instructions on how to do the MAC sprite switch and stuff so everyone will see it.