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Indie Games; post some of your favorites!

Discussion in 'Other games' started by thebonesauce, May 9, 2012.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. Cod is not an indie game.
    pokefrag likes this.
  2. ShadowFire2010

    ShadowFire2010 Haxor

    For me kag is really high up but i have to name Cobalt(http://playcobalt.com/) as a favorite it is being developed by oxeye games with help from jeb and i thought it might need mentioning has not got the recognition it deserves
  3. DrZaloski

    DrZaloski Shopkeep Stealer

    I think CoD is literally the opposite of and indie game, in fact, I think it might be the physical embodiment of what indie games arenot about.

    I've been looking at Cobalt and Project Zomboid, but I'm still hesitant. I sorta need eat. I'm happy to see Starbound is making it to Mac this time around too. I would begrudgingly used my old Dell, but I hate that computer and Microsoft so fucking much I wouldn't be as excited. Frankly, I don't even know if it could run it. Luckily, I'm pretty sure my laptop can (it could run Terraria via wrapper just fine).
    CheeseMeister, Reudh and Beef like this.
  4. PenultimatePanda

    PenultimatePanda Shipwright

    Is Cobalt truely that good? I find card based games can be really addicting but not neccecarly super great. I really hope Cobalt does well though since Mojang has something to do with it. Also Sowrd and Sorcery looked great but I didn't realize it was point and click which I'm not a huge fan of. I wish there was a good indie racing or kart racing game it would be interesting to see how that worked. I did really love Nimbus more for the look/feel/style I expected it to actually be you racing people not just time trialing I think actual racing would be great in that game.
    I'm also going to say Synso Arcade is a favorite of mine just so I can post this link to the Bag Full of Wrong to try and convince you to buy it. The games are great even if only for the fact that the dev behind them seems awesome.

    Also something probably only two of you have heard of: Vector Thrust. Its an arcade style Flight Sim in the style of Ace Combat but made by just one guy and done really well. Its in alpha but its fun and just unbelevably polished when you consider its just one guy's work it even has mod support. You could pick up used copies of Ace Combat games for the same price but this guy does deserve your money more than you do. [:
    Noburu likes this.
  5. Fate

    Fate Studying seashells

    Cobalt is not the card-based game. It's not even developed by Mojang, I think you are mixing it up with Scrolls.

    I recently bought "unepic", a metroidvania for pc, it's a pretty good timewaster.
    If you're into roguelikes, "Hack, Slash, Loot" is an appealing choice.
    xChapx likes this.
  6. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    Hack, Slash, Loot was disappointing. Much missed potential. :/
    Noburu likes this.

    Great zombie survival game.
  8. PenultimatePanda

    PenultimatePanda Shipwright

    Oops yeah I am.
  9. DrZaloski

    DrZaloski Shopkeep Stealer

    I didn't enter playing Hack, Slash, Loot with that many expectations or excitement, so I wasn't that disappointed. For what it was, it was okay. I thought it was slightly overpriced though, at seven dollars. It was much less then Dungeons of Dredmor (which I just realized I did NOT include in my list, and I am extremely disappointed with myself because of that, because it is great), which was only 5 dollars.

    Is Project Zomboid really that good? I'm still very hesitant with it. It looks like it can get very tedious very fast. I haven't put down any money on it because of this.
  10. Fate

    Fate Studying seashells

    You should wait until project Zomboid is in more advanced stages, it is still riddled by buggs and lack of features.
  11. goodyman8

    goodyman8 Bison Rider

    Its cheaper early on, also they have a demo.
    Zaloski go to their site and check it out and see if its what you expect or not.
  12. DrZaloski

    DrZaloski Shopkeep Stealer

    I got the demo, but have yet to play it (been busy):p.

    I just realized that I left out Gish. Another one of Edmund McMillen's games. That guy made so much great stuff. Super Meat Boy, Gish, that weird flash game Spewer (along with a lot of other flash games, including one just titled "Cunt", thanks Wikipedia), and Binding of Isaac. Also, re-installed Super Crate Box and Cave Story, can't wait until I get around to playing those again.

    I also finally got around to playing Spelunky for the first time. A lot of fun. I need to make more time to play it and Cave Story more.
  13. PenultimatePanda

    PenultimatePanda Shipwright

    I've had Gish for years now still havn't played it. The box art didn't look apitizing though. I've also had Super Crate Box downloaded for a supher long time and have yet to try it. I really do suck but yes McMillen is arguably the best I didn't realize quite how many great things he's done though.
    I really want to play Castle Crashers but I no has Xbox. :(
    Also Ski Runner is a great flash game. Me thinks I prefer the original mode over the new one not sure though.
    And while on flash games the endless war serise is great. I used to play a lot of Endless War 3 haven't tried the newer ones though.
  14. DrZaloski

    DrZaloski Shopkeep Stealer

    Castle Crashers was one of those games I never forgot that I can't play D:

    As for Gish and Super Crate Box (Super Crate Box nor Cave Story were not made by McMillen, sorry for the confusion), there a lot of fun. Gish is very weird, and can put people off at first because it kinda feels like a flash game. Although, if you have it, it's a fun physics based platformer. As for Super Crate Box, just what until you start. Oh god. Hours are simply too short.
  15. PenultimatePanda

    PenultimatePanda Shipwright

    Yeah I knew Crate Box and Cave Story weren't his work but you made me think Gish was which did surprise me a lot even though I haven't played it it doesn't look like something he would have done.

    And while righting the above I thought of a ton of other games I forgot...
    Another great game imo is Super Laser Racer I just really love the style/music tons. Its def not loved by many people and I've never heard it mentioned on a game site or anywhere else.

    Also some great flash ones
    Utter Insanity I don't quite know why but this is by far the best of the cow milking simulators I've tried.
    And OMG while finding a link to Utter Madness I found a link to Utter Madness I completely forgot how much fun Madness Interactive is. It definitely needs to be played in full screen though.
    A couple times I beat that game in one life. I wish that game was on the Wii it could be really fun with motion controls.

    Then there is Free Rider 2 or the Line Rider stuff.
    Then the Boxhead 2 The Room games or something like that not sure what the newest or best one is though.
    Black 2 was great as well.
    Also Bubble Tanks. There is a third one now not sure if I've played it.
    Also also Achilles.
    That's pretty much every flash game I could think of that I love.
    Wait also also also! the Falling Sands games.
    You should go play these. All of them! Right Meow!
    Wait again forgot Playing With Fire.
    And some more I forgot.
    Punkomatic dunno why I like this one its really not that great.
    Another seemingly bad one Gorillaz Final Drive but its so good. Also a game based on a music video that's pretty legit.
    And Storm the House.
    I think I'll leave it at that for now but there are more that I just keep thinking of now.
    Also COD possibly the greatest indie success story there is.
    DrZaloski likes this.
  16. CoCr

    CoCr Catapult Fodder

  17. Lord_bugg

    Lord_bugg Smashing Donator

    Kag is obviously my favorite but i think project zombiod is my second favorite. :)
  18. palmito

    palmito Shopkeep Stealer

    Lone Survivor, KAG is the best! :B):
  19. Drok

    Drok Shark Slayer

    Check this one, it was released a few days ago.
    Faster than light
    You know if you are playing a good game when you start to have your doubts about the reliability of your clock. "There is no way it can be 3 AM. I'm just getting started! :>:(:
    hierbo, Hella, Madoka and 5 others like this.
  20. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    Awesome game! :D
    Hope they make it moddable, as I want infinite content! :3
Mods: BlueLuigi