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International Team Doubles Tournament [CASH PRIZES!!!]

Discussion in 'Old Events/Giveaways/Contests' started by kaizokuroof, Apr 24, 2013.

  1. Beaster for best wall of text lawyer 2013
  2. Infiniterising

    Infiniterising Amorous Duelist Donator

    Still pissed off. :p
  3. Vaine

    Vaine Horde Gibber

    Who was he playing against?
  4. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    After a long and hard struggle, over the course of several mornings, mostly involving sleep and other such ailments, a conclusion to the epic faceoff between Some About Frogs* and Bow Masters was reached. The titanic effort involved in such a clash of really amazing people leaves me somewhat tired, so shall make this brief.
    After much penetration of breasts with my blade, and extensive rupturing of butts on both teams, a grave outcome was attained. TF.MIFT.IDK.SAFM?FFT? has, for the first time in it's existence, gained a moral victory. How it came to pass, nobody can really say, but it can most definitely be known that it is blamable on one thing. The Atlantic ocean.

    Why, I hear you ask? Well, have you ever considered why it just sits there, brooding, in between Eurasia and the Americas? Clearly, it's up to something, conspiring to make inspirational combinations of fellows fail in their plights, no matter how trivial in the grand scheme of things. It is a vile body of incestuous liquid, and, when you get down to it, nobody likes liquid, right? Least of all, water. Gah. I feel disgusted just thinking about it.

    All in all, well done to our Russian opponents, and good luck in your continued plight against that goddamned ocean.

    *Full name: ToadFace. Maybe it's FaceToad. I don't know. Something about frogs maybe? FrogFaceToad?
    Henceforth TF.MIFT.IDK.SAFM?FFT?
  5. jack-o-saurus

    jack-o-saurus Shipwright

    I enjoyed reading this but still have no fucking idea what it says :3
  6. It means he lost.
    CrystalClear likes this.
  7. jack-o-saurus

    jack-o-saurus Shipwright

    Ahh danke
  8. WanderMark

    WanderMark :) Donator

    Aye, Hella and I fought bravely!

    Bravely wasn't enough.
    Stevedog, kaizokuroof, Lieber and 5 others like this.
  9. Pony vs Undead and Fabolous. 5 - 0 Thanks for great play Ladyhawk and Froghead. Jack-o-Nub so bad :3 CC and Justbad were there for judging or just watching that silly fight.
  10. LadyHawk

    LadyHawk Ballista Bolt Thrower
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    That was the worst match of my KAG life ;-;
    CrystalClear and WanderMark like this.
  11. I am sorry for that LadyHawk. You can't really blame the server or the ping, I had same ping with you and Froggy. And Snure is just crazy.
  12. LadyHawk

    LadyHawk Ballista Bolt Thrower
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Yeah i know...

    My excuse is that i am used to BETA combat :<
    Kovett and Karpovich like this.
  13. Amg Team Pony so OP
  14. Snore and Karpa are cocky mothafuckas.
  15. They deserve to be cause
    1. OP as fuck
    2. They're from POWER. We all know POWER people are cocky.
  16. Sier

    Sier Arsonist

    We all know POWER are fagz :p
    Bammboo, Kovett, Stevedog and 3 others like this.
  17. jack-o-saurus

    jack-o-saurus Shipwright

    Im so fucking modest i deserve a shitting trophy bro!
  18. Especially Ruleral
    Kovett, Stevedog, XyellowX and 4 others like this.
  19. Stop being nice
    Kovett, jack-o-saurus and Beepo like this.
  20. kaizokuroof

    kaizokuroof Agkubuk|'Kaizokuroof' Cilobakil, Roofpointy Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    Hey guys,

    Match listing has been updated, please check out the link in OP and tell your friends. We're ready to start round 2 matches (for some of the players) so those that are in the 2nd round and now have opponents, please start organising (this is bonus time) once the 20th has come round and all the matches "completed" then we'll officially start the second round.
