Hey my name is Mack. I am 21 years old in the US Marine corps. I am currently attending college for video game design. I know very basic c++ but next year will be learning the advanced c++ stuff. I work with 3d models on programs like Maya, unity and photoshop. The problem is I have never done 2d models but I imagine they are 1 million times easier than 3d models because they don't have to be as refined. I have a very broad set of skills and I can also record a cinematic for the game or an opener type deal. I have a youtube channel we can use and also a twitch.tv channel. I also have real life experience with working with a game development team and how things work as far as a team basis goes and how it should be organized and how things should be executed in order to ensure accuracy as well as efficiency.
Aphelion is free to help if he chooses to, and is welcome here till he does something to warrant otherwise. Do try to be kind to other modders here. Thanks.
That's not at all true. Not even what eragon said was true. I let him make a few sprites and they weren't quite what I wanted, I never said they were bad. Eventually I cancelled the project and that was that, I never kicked him out. Why am I not helping out with the KARPS revival? Mostly because of your negative attitude to me and my server.
Seeing that you're here, you have a chance to redeem yourself. Not all think of you like I do, and you're going to let down quite a lot of people by not contributing to a massive mod just because of one person?
The original KARPS was pretty darn horrible. I think we can all agree on this. But admins kept working at it and kept banning trouble makers until we had our wondrous home. Aphelion can do the same if he puts the effort in and gets some good help. Lets not crumble under the weight of infighting, let us work together to create.
Hello, I generally like music, and making creative maps, thought I am almost always busy(playing :P). I am anonymously unknown.
I'm much like you, exept I make Dubstep.. not what you make. Exept that I'll be properly producing music after my Exams.. <-<