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Is the bomb jump an intended, permanent mechanic?

Discussion in 'Knight' started by theBeaz, Jan 31, 2012.

  1. theBeaz

    theBeaz Shopkeep Stealer

    By default build time is going to be pretty short for 2v2. It increases dramatically as more people join.
  2. Darksteel

    Darksteel The see me Boulderin', they hatin'. Donator
    1. Australians United Stand Strong - AUSS - (Invite Only)

    Yeah I know that, but when you have two skilled bomb jumpers destroying your base, you want more than 16 seconds to prepare for it.
  3. theBeaz

    theBeaz Shopkeep Stealer

    True. That's why I think damage of some sort should be applied to a bomb jumper (or at least make it a server option). This would prevent abuse of the bomb jump.
  4. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    I personally like held bombjumps, but will agree that they are a little too easy to do.
    I think it should take more skill to pull off.
  5. sj67

    sj67 Greg hunter

    I think that at first bomb jumping wasn't intended, but they kept it since it was used. As in it was popular and made a whole new feature of KAG.
    Just wanted to put that out there.

    And I honestly think bomb jumping is good as it is right now. ^-^
  6. One

    One I got 99 problems and my name is One Donator Tester

    You cant bomb jump out or you will drop the flag.
  7. You have to drop the bomb before you take the flag.

    Newbies are so adorable.
  8. theBeaz

    theBeaz Shopkeep Stealer

    It's good that the bomb is dropped, it just seems weird to take 0 damage from it. At least the balance exists for flag capping.
  9. premiumcontent

    premiumcontent Catapult Fodder

    I believe bomb jumping is an imbalance to the current game features. It overpowers the knights and should be completely removed, at the very least cost 1.5 hearts, or destroy their shield. If the knights want to jump walls they should get a builder to build ladders or build a catapult as that seems to clearly be what was intended with the catapult having the option of throwing people.

    If the creators of the game actually created the bombs with the intention of knights being able to bomb jump while taking zero damage so be it, but I really can't imagine they thought that would occur in this form, but idk.

    I am fine either way but those are my thoughts on the balance of bomb jumping.
  10. I disagree. I know how frustrating can be having no good builder in a team and losing with some nooby PUBs. Then bombjumping is the only hope of competent players to actually do any damage.
    Beef, Contrary and DUZ like this.
  11. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Bomb jumping is a feature, not a bug.
  12. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    itt: people who dont know how to bomb jump complaining about it

    Against competent players bomb jumping is a joke. Unless the people you are playing are scrubby pubbies you will lose due to the fact that you'll be all alone in enemy territory.

    Ej is right, bomb jumping is one of the few things that actually rewards skill in this game.
  13. theBeaz

    theBeaz Shopkeep Stealer

    Just to respond to your assumption - I was curious about its inclusion and future. It does not appear to be a hard skill and I hardly ever play as a knight. I just thought it was a funny mechanic to be able to fly through the air without damage when it kind of defeats the purpose of other in-game mechanics. That being said, again, it doesn't ruin my enjoyment of the game and I just wanted clarification.
  14. Beef

    Beef ก็็็็็็็็็็็็็ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ ก้้้้้้้้้้้ Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    Oh, you take damage. If you go too fast or too far, you die. If the bomb isn't angled right when you jump, you die. If your finger slips at any point, you die. If you land into, shall we say, "unfavorable terrain" you die horribly.

    I'm sure you've already worked out designs of your own to prevent it, but there's plenty more in the Builder subforum as well.

    @Darkstell That's my boy! Moles! Ha ha! Represent, yo.
  15. Strathos

    Strathos KAG Guard Tester

    Bombjumping is a feature. I'm not so sure about held bomjumping.

    Bombjumping as it is now it's too much. This is because of two things.
    1. When gliding was introduced, no adjustments were made to bombjumping (I think). Currently you can make, with ease, survivable bombjumps over 60 blocks long (3/4 of screen zoomed out), peaking at 16 blocks high.
    2. There's a glitch where the fall resets when you collide with an vertical surface. If you hit a wall when falling and bounce back stunned, you usually get minimum fall damage. When bombjumping into the enemy's base, you usually end up against a wall.
    Here's a video of an extreme case:

    Lastly: players are starting to use this held bombjumping as an attack move. They run in to the mob and just do the jump. This, IMO, is no good.

    What I suggest: reduce the vertical horizontal acceleration when bombjumping, thus reducing the vertical horizontal reach (I think 30 blocks should be enough).
    Fix the fall bug.
    Do something about held bombjumping, it's imba.

    Edit: this is how I think true Knights do their bombjumps.
  16. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    Can you even DO held bomb-jumps anymore? Every time I've tried of late, I just blow myself up! :/
    Also: 1. STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT PEOPLE USING IT AGAINST YOU! This is how games WORK! If someone uses a tactic, and it works, you learn to COUNTER it, and you learn to USE it. If not, then how the hell did you manage to stay alive long enough to meet the enemy? o.O
    2. IT DOES NOT MAKE KNIGHTS OVER-POWERED! A flying knight is the easiest target in the world. It's like duck hunting but the ducks are flying TOWARDS you! :D
    Same reason why I never had much trouble with the flying glitch: I don't even have to shoot to kill, just knock em out of the air and gravity does the rest.
    Worm, FuzzyBlueBaron, Rayne and 3 others like this.
  17. Strathos

    Strathos KAG Guard Tester

    @ Wonkyth
    You can do held bombjumps. Most do.
    I've heard that before.. "it's a game feature, so deal with it". Games have tactics and counters, but those need to be balanced. In this case, the counter to bombjumping is building a High (really high, because of the glitch) wall. Those are expensive and you usually end up with a 1 block thick wall. Catapults get rid of these easily.
    You do play builder, right?
    Bombjumpers that get behind your main wall usually have two bombs left. They wreak havoc: kill builders, archers and destroy workshops... And most knights don't bombjump. When they start to do this in groups, it's gonna be annoying as hell.
    I think bombjumping should be nerfed, but not much.
    Wonkyth likes this.
  18. nerdpride

    nerdpride Shopkeep Stealer

    I usually play on the POWER server (~20 players, limited team lives) these days, so some of what I'm saying might not apply to all. Most of the walls I see there would require a double bomb jump to surmount, or at least a good glide from the center hill or a fort there.

    Holding onto bombs is easy, just shield upward. I don't know how else you might do it. The double bomb jump is executed by having a held bomb explode a number of seconds after one on the ground does, so you have a bit of time to move your shield into the right position for each bomb. I'm guessing that shielding upwards might save you from a bomb literally inside your sprite (a little lower than the chest, for example), but no idea how to test that. I'm also guessing that shielding upward while falling would always save you from ANY bombs (I think that's how the triple bomb jump works). I've read about "cooking" the bomb, or holding F so that your bomb will explode sooner, but AFAIK, it's no different from just waiting. Shame, sounds like it would have been great.

    I'm able to bombjump to the double level and usually I don't. I'm not merely scared of doing it wrong (I couldn't finish the JUMP platforming map due to poor aim and/or landing, it's tough!), also there's usually considerable resistance on the other side. The enemy has knights behind their lines more often than you'd think, archers may plink at you from either direction, and many areas may be inaccessible. It isn't too hard to put a rear door on your archer nest, and it doesn't need many features to allow firing on knights within (access via team bridge is common). Getting only one knight across enemy lines isn't very impressive to me, and you spend 20-40 gold to have a chance at it and I've rarely seen their K/D for that go high. That gold is precious! I'd rather have five or so bombs for other problems.

    Bombs are chaotic (and cause panic, or at the very least stun) and IMHO, you should have a definite edge over even a controlled knight without bombs. You should be able to place a bomb on either side of the enemy even. But it's difficult to do this on the near side without using the shield up move. Shielding upwards is much easier than trying to throw the bomb at the last second.

    The real problem with bombs is lag. You should notice when the enemy is holding onto that bomb for far too long. But most feel like deaths due to bombs are unfair for plenty examples, and therefore it's a killer regardless of skill.
    Melan and Contrary like this.
  19. And I agree with Strathos. Held bombjumping should be removed. It favors noobs who make a bombjump to your base and spam "5" after every kill there.
    Neat likes this.
  20. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    No need to nerf bombjumping overall, just get rid of held bombjumps. A lot of people onlyknow how to do this kind, now that's not saying that this will raise the minimum skill level to bombjump, all of them are pretty fucking easy to do (single bomb jumps), and hell the good ol superhero will still be possible if you do it as intended.

    The thing with changing bombjump stuff around though is that 'sticky bombs' would have to be the hell out of here. I still rarely have them but with even just a little bit of lag (like 133/166 ping) I run into the sticky bomb phenomena too often.