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Is the bomb jump an intended, permanent mechanic?

Discussion in 'Knight' started by theBeaz, Jan 31, 2012.

  1. potatomcwhiskey

    potatomcwhiskey Undercover Griefer Donator Tester

    I'd imagine Luigi is in some way referring to powder kegs, which have been mentioned by the devs. I've forseen this coming that bombs will be antipersonel fragment style while the builder's powder keg is for smashing through towers and walls.

    Powder Keg jumping should be a thing.
    Boxpipe, Noburu, Rayne and 1 other person like this.
  2. Chrispin

    Chrispin KAG Guard Tester

    Bombs will no longer destroy the green, hard rocks after the update. You will need kegs for at least that. I'm thinking knights and archers will probably get to buy and use kegs too as it's one of those items you can carry.
    Redigit likes this.
  3. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    I want to bring down a wang castle by making fifteen keg explosions in a row.
    Chrispin likes this.
  4. Kyzak

    Kyzak Ballista Bolt Thrower Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Oh my god, don't make Knight boring to play, too. Combat with the other two classes take longer because they are a- not meant for combat (builder) or b- inherently flawed in such a way that a long, drawn-out process is encouraged (archer arrow spam from behind cover). Knights are definitely the most broken at combat-in both senses of the word: teleporting, hits not registering, having to shield well before anything hits you--, but they are at least fast-paced, and the only reason I play this game. I would be no more than a community drone if this game was all archers trading fire and builders building things; I hold fast to the belief that your ideas make the Knight much less fun to play, while not actually addressing what everyone has a problem with: negating any defensive effort from the opposing team with little effort yourself.

    Bombjumping is not balanced right now. Being able to completely trivialize enemy defenses is not balanced, even if you, yourself, are not put in much of a position to properly exploit it; far more often, it is a distraction that uses bad building-exposed workshops, exposed archer nests-- as a catalyst, drawing precious manpower away from the battlefield. I love that sort of gung-ho sacrifice for the team, but it's not very heroic if it's really easy to pull off. In my opinion, fort-to-fort boarding should be reserved for catapults-teamwork--, whereas bombjumping should be just that: using a bomb to augment your initial jump with momentum, instead of using it as a "double jump" that achieves ridiculous heights. It's also kind of bad that horizontal momentum doesn't cause impact damage, but it's not that relevant in most situations.

    But that, too, would be a fundamental change to the game, while not targeting the problem specifically; remove held bombjumping and everybody's satisfied, for the time being.
    Contrary, Chrispin, Worm and 2 others like this.
  5. Ershany

    Ershany Shipwright

    I agree with Kyzak its fun to bomb jump
  6. Chrispin

    Chrispin KAG Guard Tester

    It is a bit too effective. I would rather encourage bomb-jumping as more of a last resort for getting over walls, with catapults being the most effective way to travel horizontal distances. First of all I agree that you should have to let go of your bomb before it explodes in order to bomb jump, but that only adds a small nuisance. I almost never hold on to the bomb anyway and I get a lot of distance still.

    I don't remember who mentioned it, but something about the movement of the player while bomb-jumping/catapulting lets you accelerate to crazy speeds. There needs to be a lower velocity cap so you can't use height as exponential growth for your horizontal distance. I guess this should apply mainly to bomb-jumping and only slightly (or maybe the same) when catapulting.

    If this is too much of a nerf for you guys then there at least needs to be a stun effect after landing a bomb jump every time. Currently it's pretty common to be able to avoid the entirety of a stun even though you just shielded against a bomb explosion, by simply letting the bomb carry you away. This makes bombs have potentially no negative effects on enemy knights. In-fact, if they're smart they could almost always use the other team's bombs to their advantage for either retreating or advancing huge distances. The only exception is in narrow underground tunnels where you're sort of stuck and you actually get stunned by bombs most of the time, but it still makes me hesitate every time before throwing a bomb at any knight that knows how to play. Throwing lit bombs at the enemy often can be just as bad as throwing them unlit bombs.
  7. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    When I first suggested practical bomb-jumping I never wanted the horizontal distance to be so ridiculous. I think vertical distance should be buffed but horizontal distance VERY nerfed, as well as not being able to do held bomb-jumping. It would also be nice if you lost half a heart from shielding a bomb.
    Chrispin likes this.
  8. Chrispin

    Chrispin KAG Guard Tester

    Half a heart seems like a bit much, but it's certainly a solution.
  9. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    Why is it a bit much, do you think? :)
  10. Chrispin

    Chrispin KAG Guard Tester

    Well I thought Mr. Knight himself could tell me that one! JK
    It just makes getting within the proximity of bombs seem too futile. I would prefer a longer stun maybe.
    Redigit likes this.
  11. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    Well half a heart isn't very much health to lose. It wouldn't stack with extra explosions either.
  12. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Well yeah, it originally was great and not so unbalanced if I remember correctly, but then they implemented gliding which gives you a HUGE boost in horizontical moving. Without touching the bombjump capatibilities.

    So the crazy, crazy horizontical distance should be nerfed. Half a screen at max in flat ground would be a good amount imo.
    Chrispin likes this.
  13. Chrispin

    Chrispin KAG Guard Tester

    Yeah I think it was the glide feature that blew it out of proportion.
    Redigit likes this.
  14. Ershany

    Ershany Shipwright

    Ya but bomb jumping is what makes knights fun :(
  15. Miaow

    Miaow The Fanciest Pants always wins Donator Tester

    Shouldn't a bomb going off above you push you down, not up?
  16. Ershany

    Ershany Shipwright

    Hell no :P
  17. You can do it from ground (my way for using enemy's bombs) but throwing bomb in the air at around 20 and jumping then is quite better.