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Video KAG Clips

Discussion in 'KAG Media' started by Contrary, May 5, 2012.

  1. Contrary gets.
    Contrary likes this.
  2. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    @MCE: Thanks but I did mention that cost is an issue, though I wasn't super explicit about it. Though actually I switched from SCoM to the Bandicam demo, but it's hard to tell since I've been cutting the watermark off. Pretty happy with it and I might consider buying the full version in the future.

    Yeah I'm finding the catapult gameplay is getting sort of tedious as well. I'll try to do more swordplay, maybe pick up some good flag caps or maybe a nice end-game clutch.

    The thing about getting gameplay is that while it's not something you see all the time, I don't post every second of me playing. On average I'd say that if I'm not completely burnt out on KAG like right now two hours of playing yields maybe like 5 minutes of usable clips, which is equivalent to maybe one video after chopping and speeding things up.

    Beating 3-4 knights by yourself is commonplace, and 5-6 is more than doable, so 10 would be pretty hard but isn't out of the picture. It's just a question of how long I'd have to play before I end up with an opportunity for that and I don't fuck up.
  3. lukepop

    lukepop Arsonist


    I can see I inspired tons of luke this and luke that.
  4. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    contrary totally caught me qq'ing about my death in zombies mode, so here's a video of it

    Beo, WarrFork, Raron and 1 other person like this.
  5. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester


    So the story behind this video is Carver and ardifiadsjfsnfb something pulled off a pretty clutch turn around from like 0-20. The gameplay itself was kind of meh but I wanted to make a video anyways, push myself with trying new techniques and stuff.
    Rambo and SirSammy like this.
  6. FG

    FG Fran Donator

    i like the bit at the end when he is trying to bomb them and fails :p
  7. Gotta love my Tower design huh? (I was that knight bombing the hell out of them :D). And if i remember correctly i was also the one to die by that stupid suicide :D.

    Carver did awesome job winning the round.

    I have figured that team can not lose when they have that tower built...i have improved the design ofcourse and it works best on Beo's server since it doesn't have flags and you can buy bombs at 10 coins.

    Basically you make trapdoor tower, fill it with useful workshops...that way archers can't hit you because your tower is full of workshops and you can bomb anyone who tries to approach your tower.

    Design that was shown on video is very easily taken out by catapults, but i'll probably post a better design that is rather impossible to take out as long as you have money to buy stuff.
    Contrary and SirSammy like this.
  8. SirSammy

    SirSammy Shark Slayer

    Laughed at the title of the video :D - but it was entertaining and funny :)

    Also liked how you used spectator mode to film. Perhaps when you Carver,Adrivbsayfg(:D), and Contrary film again, you can both record your screens - and make it like some sort of dual-com/dual-video action o.O

    Like you split the screen in half. Carver gets the left half of the screen, you get the right? Idk - just ranting :D but I think it would be cool if something like this was made.
  9. Damn who was that stupid knight at the end? such a noob :rollseyes:
    Contrary likes this.
  10. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Hahaha so it was you; I was wondering who that was. Couldn't have been Ardivaba since that clip was from earlier in the game and he was around bombing people much later.

    Quick update: Been pretty busy working on some super not so secret official KAG business so don't have any good clips to upload right now :(. My editing software also broke, so I need to find something else. I will eventually get around to making more content, so don't forgot about me. ;)
    SirSammy and Rambo like this.
  11. SirSammy

    SirSammy Shark Slayer

    Impossible. We shall never forget about you Contrary :heart:

    Lol, how did your editing software break :( ? Can your next video be some Zombie dual-com with Carver + Yourself? :D
  12. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Carver is up for it, I'm still kinda iffy on commentary though.

    Monsteri and SirSammy like this.
  13. SirSammy

    SirSammy Shark Slayer

    Awww :( You can do it Contrary :heart: I haz faith in u!!!!!!
  14. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Honestly I'm getting a bit bored of montage-y videos. I can't think of any new ways to kill people. Would anyone be interested in a quick series of tips and tricks? Just to mix it up a little.

    Also I just downloaded the demo for Sony Vegas. I AM IN LOVE. <3 Expect amateurish colour filters and shit all over my videos from now on.

    edit: holy shit it also overheats the fuck out of my computer.
  15. UnnamedPlayer

    UnnamedPlayer Arsenist Administrator Global Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    Oh this remembers me of a song:
  16. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Yeah it's a reference to the song "If I Had a Hammer" popularized by Peter, Paul, and Mary.

    Still figuring out Sony Vegas, but here's a sort of preview of what my next video might look like:

    What do you think, too much?
    SirSammy likes this.
  17. i didn't like that song but man u and that cata and yeah have u ever thought of commentaing a game and no music it alotmore funny maybe get some people to chat in on a game with u i would love to be in that or just even see all the derping around
  18. FlameHaze3

    FlameHaze3 Shark Slayer

    Need your second videos song, perhaps put some quick credits for your song and such at the end?
  19. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Second video on my channel: Oxygen by Hadouken
    Second video on this thread: September by Earth, Wind, and Fire

    Go to the Youtube page and Youtube will generally tell you. If not then googling the lyrics will get you the song easily enough.

    Opinions on the filters in my last vid? Attractive yes/no?
    SirSammy likes this.
  20. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    I think the blur was too much, in all honesty, but the extra window was ok.
    FlameHaze3 likes this.