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Discussion in 'Old Events/Giveaways/Contests' started by Cruxiat, Oct 26, 2016.

  1. Cruxiat

    Cruxiat Haxor Tester
    1. Gather Oceania
    2. KAG World Cup 2018

    Hey everyone! Due to the sheer amount of team admissions we've received, we'll need to move the deadline for admission a tad sooner. Team admissions now close on the 15th of November, a week from now. If you have any mates who aren't entered in the tourney yet, get em to submit one ASAP. thanks for making this possible lads!
    epsilon likes this.
  2. MeAtItzFinest

    MeAtItzFinest Horde Gibber

    Players: MoonKnight, Scythor, Pondoz, HelloHuman3
    Team Name: Filler
  3. meoman8

    meoman8 Base Burner

    Our team needs a sub, so if anyone would like to join, we'll be happy.
  4. Pura47

    Pura47 Shipwright

    Team RaZoR: Pura,Pineapple, Pumpkin, Lambda and Monkey. I might not able to make it so moneky can replace me
    joshua12131415 likes this.
  5. toffie0

    toffie0 is sweeter than you <3 Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    butterscotch and epsilon like this.
  6. Cruxiat

    Cruxiat Haxor Tester
    1. Gather Oceania
    2. KAG World Cup 2018

    Tournament bracket is up! We are currently organising matches on the tourney discord so if you haven't already, join using the link on the forum page. Thanks for participating in the tourney! Also, just a quick reminder that if you do not arrive on time to your match, it shall be treated as a loss, and if you do not organise your match at all, you will be disqualified from the tourney. Let's hope it doesn't happen and waste everyone's time.
  7. meoman8

    meoman8 Base Burner

  8. Cruxiat

    Cruxiat Haxor Tester
    1. Gather Oceania
    2. KAG World Cup 2018

    Thanks to everyone who's participating! Tournament entries are currently closed.
    epsilon likes this.
  9. cincoscuencas

    cincoscuencas Ballista Bolt Thrower Staff Alumni
    1. Angels of Death - [AoD]

  10. Achillios

    Achillios Pilgrim
    1. Gather Oceania

    logo coming soon. Btw I don't expect to go well, its just for some banter..
  11. epsilon

    epsilon Assonist THD Team Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    There's really no need for a logo anymore.
    cincoscuencas likes this.
  12. Achillios

    Achillios Pilgrim
    1. Gather Oceania

    Lenny logo number uno (more on the way)
    lenny good.png
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 28, 2016
  13. Cruxiat

    Cruxiat Haxor Tester
    1. Gather Oceania
    2. KAG World Cup 2018

    Both winner's and loser's brackets are up. If you haven't already, join the discord on the front page to keep up with all news relating to the tournament. Thanks!
  14. epsilon

    epsilon Assonist THD Team Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Congratulations to Team Paradigm for winning 2:0 against Team Lenny.
    @Potatoman01 had to sub in for Team Lenny because @AjaxZaith couldn't make it, therefore Ajax will not be receiving a prize.
    Each member of Team Lenny (plus Potatoman, excluding Ajax) will receive a free game for participating in the tournament.
    Team Paradigm will be moving forward into round two and will continue to play for the final prizes.
    The bets placed on this match can be found here. Good luck to the other teams!
    Winners bracket intermission slide.png Losers bracket intermission slide.png
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2016
    Cruxiat likes this.
  15. Atheon

    Atheon Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    Congratulations to both teams Paradigm and Lenny for putting in tremendous effort in today's match !
    Team Lenny your prizes will be PMed to you shortly.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2016
    epsilon and Cruxiat like this.
  16. epsilon

    epsilon Assonist THD Team Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Congratulations to Team Scrub for winning 2:0 against Team Prime.
    Unfortunately @SuperSoldier98 and @funkyclownkillr couldn't make it so the match was a 3v3. Therefore, Avada and funkyclownkillr will not be receiving a prize.
    Each member of Team Prime (excluding funkyclownkillr) will receive a free game for participating in the tournament.
    Team Scrub will be moving forward into round two and will continue to play for the final prizes.
    The bets placed on this match can be found here. Good luck to the other teams!
    Winners bracket intermission slide.png Losers bracket intermission slide.png
    --- Double Post Merged, Dec 4, 2016, Original Post Date: Dec 4, 2016 ---
    Congratulations to Team TOXIC for winning against Team Luftwaffe by forfeit.
    Unfortunately @Returded_Hipo @Exerotris from Team Luftwaffe didn't show up, therefore they will not be receiving a prize.
    Each member of Team Luftwaffe (excluding Hipo and Exerotris) will receive a free game for participating in the tournament.
    Team TOXIC will be moving forward into round two and will continue to play for the final prizes.
    The bets placed on this match can be found here. Good luck to the other teams!
    Winners bracket intermission slide.png Losers bracket intermission slide.png
  17. dabby1331

    dabby1331 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Since i was away for 6 months and wasent able to enter will their be a second one, or any plans for a second one?
  18. Yes there will be one in the future, we plan to do this at least every 6 months or a year.
  19. epsilon

    epsilon Assonist THD Team Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    I'm pretty sure teams are lacking members and are looking for subs to fill in. If you join the Discord server you can ask around.
  20. Atheon

    Atheon Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    Well done to both teams Scrub/Prime and Toxic/Luftwaffe !
    Teams Prime/Luftwaffe your prizes will be delivered to you.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2016