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KAG-themed Role Playing Game [Complete]

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Noc, Dec 3, 2011.

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Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. dylanduran

    dylanduran A Most Extraordinary Gentleman Donator

    Well... that cleared one thing up, he wasn't a traitor, he was a messenger from Noc. Pity he didn't say it earlier, it might have stopped me from cleaving him in two. Let's see here.... "His Grand and most Fabulous Royal Highness Noc wishes to bear a burden upon your shoulders for the hefty sum of 250 gold".... is he SERIOUS? Only 250? Bah, I'll double the price later. "The task the most (manipulative) trustworthy Noc has bestowded on your shoulders is to investigate the dark, damp, and most frightfully awful caves under the Bridge of the Great Divide, due to the recent activity of people who were sent there fleeing for their life, apparently insane, screaming about stale milk.... and blue wizardry. Anyway, good luck"

    Right, now I'm tripling my fee.
  2. SirEndgame

    SirEndgame Shopkeep Stealer

    (WARNING: LOADS OF BACK STORY FOR MY CHARACTER HERE. Also, this is fairly long.)
    SirEndgame: I was going to engage the red ruffians in combat, but instead decided not to, for I wish to remain anonymous in public.

    The frightened waiter, who was brewing their rudely-ordered, drinks, allowed me to slip a paralysis capsule in. (Notice how I carry all this stuff around?). It'll teach them a lesson.

    After i skulked out with Erego, I asked him a question:

    "Ever been to the palace"?

    We made our way through the town, occasionally getting harassed by beggars. Those who do it tastefully, however, certainly get a donation. Those that cling on to me demanding money, however, do not.

    We made our way to the oak gate of the North's grand citadel, where i was gained entry by a young man who recognized me from my previous visit here a month earlier.

    I dropped Erego off with the guard captain so he can do a bit of training for when siege day arrived, as he was determined to help the North. I candidly slipped him a papyrus scroll.

    "What is this?" he whispered.
    "Blue prints. Don't mess with them or dshow them off. return them to me when we rendezvous."

    I had to main the tower, where a news squire came bearing news to all who dwell in the castle.

    "Revered axemn back! talking to King Arthur's nephew now!" he chimed again and again.

    I smiled. We needed all the help we could get for siege today, and Hella's return was certainly welcomed.

    I made my way up the grand, green carpeted stairs to King Arthur's antechamber. The guards let me in his quarters posthaste.

    As the grand, but decaying, ivory door swung open, a swirl of green steam came swirling off. In the oppostie in was a death bed, containing the ill King Arthur. His coughs echoed in the specious chamber.

    "hello, sire." I greeted him. he weakly got up and smiled.

    "G-g-g-g-ood to se-ee you, la- ah-ah-d." he spoke, his voice sounding awful.

    Next to his bed was 2 metal vats, each with some water and a flame at the bottom. I had poured in conconction of medicinal herbs and other exotic things about 2 weeks ago. It was a potent brew, and thus, the water served as a dilutant. The fire turned the brew to a medicinal steam, which i was trying to use to heal the king.

    I drained the vats and put in nothing but the brew, no dilutant.

    "No dilutant this time sir. It should be a lot stronger."

    "A thou-sa-sand thanks, Endgame." he spoke, his voice clearing.

    I looked across the room, as nostalgia flooded through me.

    "You're rembering that da-ay 22 years ago, aren't you?" he spoke.

    22 years ago. That day, it was bring your child to work day. my father, being a royal guard, let me play in the throne room of Arthur... This very room. Even then, I was making mischief. Paying at the foot of the king's throne is my favorite childhood memory.

    "Yes. I have a lot to thank you for, king. When me and my father, both refugees, were having trouble passing through the gate, you showed up. I was only 4... we camped out by the gate, in that grotto, for months on end... Then you came."

    "Yes. I saw the determination in you and your father that day, the day when the king personally cleans the immigration que. Most would have tuned around and headed back to the South. But you... you two were persiste-ent. I persoanlly let you through, and offered to give your father a job in the army."

    "He was a lot better than expected, wasn't he?"

    "He was magnificent, your father. he was the only one I have ever met who could incorporate juggling deadly baldes into his fighting style. he shot up through the ranks."

    He let out a laugh, then a a cough.

    I bid farewll to the king, unsure if the brew was going to have much effect besides clearing his voice.

    I met up with Erego, who was on the shooting range. turns out he was a crackshot among archers. He relayed me the blue prints, and went back to pining off targets faster than the royal archers.

    I headed up to trae's tower, ready to present the siege blue prints. i had the ammo, I just needed the workforce to build and man it... and his approval, of course.

    I swung open the doors, only to see he was in a meeting with his generals - and hella the axeman.

    I tipped my tophat at the respectable gentleman, and took an empty seat.
  3. dylanduran

    dylanduran A Most Extraordinary Gentleman Donator

    Ulric: Todays the day I saw the Red army, and I have to admit, I was impressed. While they had the fighting skill of a Uridian snail, there were so many of them that if worst came to worst, they could simply trample over the Blues. I went over to who appeared to be a commanding officer of this brigade.

    "OI! You! Where's the caves nearby?

    He ignored me. I knocked him out. Next!

    "What about you? Do you know where the caves are around here?"

    "You just knocked him out....." I drew my axe, he shut up "Ju-ust down th-he ro-oad" Better. I walked away, leaving a group of Knights staring at me like frightened rabbits, while trying to wake up the officer.

    I strode along the makeshift road, keeping an eye out the caves. Wait. Is that them up ahead..... and why can I smell stale milk?
  4. SirEndgame

    SirEndgame Shopkeep Stealer

    (For the record, I'm actually at the castle at the moment, so
    no reward for you. :D

    Also be careufl in there, thayts my house and some of the suf in there is defective, highly unstable, or both.)
  5. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    (shush, don't tell him that... He might drink the bat fluid that you distill from.. well.. elephants.)
  6. dylanduran

    dylanduran A Most Extraordinary Gentleman Donator

    (Thanks for that highly unsuspicious comment, now, if I had any common sense whatsoever, I would flee from this obvious trap.....CHARGE!!! Should I do it so you've put an enchantment of some kind on your home, so that only you can find the entrance.... but if someone were to hide and wait for you.... well.... who knows what could happen...)
  7. dylanduran

    dylanduran A Most Extraordinary Gentleman Donator

    (Bat fluid? Why would I drink such a thing.... hello there, what's that? Chocolate milk with a bat wing in it? Yum!)
  8. SirEndgame

    SirEndgame Shopkeep Stealer

    (I kinda actually did an experiment once, trying to convert bird droppings to a drink. It's still there to this day, marked "delicious".

    That experiment was a failure.

    Anyway, hella, please continue the war-room scenario that you and i are both currently in :3)
  9. dylanduran

    dylanduran A Most Extraordinary Gentleman Donator

    Ulric: Curse these caves, I've been wondering around the whole system, following the smell of stale milk, but when the odou is at its strongest, it's beside a bare patch of wall. Wait, what are these markings in the stone? It can't be... I've found it, these are enchantments! No wonder I couldn't find the entrance, it's right here! But how do I open it? Damn it! I knew i shouldn't have skipped deenchantment class at the Barbarian College of Blood! Looks like I'll just have to wait until someone opens it for me.
  10. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    I need to do a ton of work right now, and even writing this means I am probably due a detention tomorrow... only 44 philosophy questions to go. -.-

    I'll be sure to sort it out tomorrow morning if I get the chance, if not the early afternoon.
  11. Trae

    Trae Shopkeep Stealer

    Trae: i look at hella, considering his words.
    'true, we need to train our men. Recruitment, however, will be hard. The men that is not as of now being drilled, probably have other functions'
    Just as i finish, something resembling a raving lunatic bursts into the room. (you people love interrupting meetings)
    Garan whispers to me, identifying him as our genius siege builder. While he seats himself, i ask how progress has been going.
  12. SirEndgame

    SirEndgame Shopkeep Stealer

    SirEndgame: I took out a scroll, rolling it out on the table.

    "it has been going exceedingly well" i spoke, laying gesturing the blue prints.

    "the design is finalized, and I have most of the materials in my workshop, conviently placed under the birdge of the dvide. We can bild it and store it there, and then quickly dispatch it via the brdige".

    "It'll take roughly 25 men to man, however, it is a weapon of utter destruction. it's main attack is a battery ram, tipped with a barrel of hot wax. the battery ram crashes into defense, doing a great amount of damage, and the hot wax splatter will damage men on the other side of the fortification and eat through wooden structures like termites."

    I pointed to the midsection. " this area has several latches for crackshot archers, who will be able to destroy anything that comes, trying to damage it."

    "The top has reinforced catapults, perfect for chucking in groups of soldiers... or powder kegs at mobs of reds."

    "The bottom-middle has spikes, which three men in side can retract and foce out at will, plowing through enemies and busting down weak structures already damaged by the other 3 methods of attack."

    I rolled up the scroll, and slid it back into one of my many pockets.

    "Approved, sir?" i asked.
  13. dylanduran

    dylanduran A Most Extraordinary Gentleman Donator

    (o.O please don't use that on me, I don't want to die screaming being painfully dissolved by hot wax, with the smell of stale milk haunting me to hell and back. Yeah, not ideal)
  14. SirEndgame

    SirEndgame Shopkeep Stealer

    (I wouldn't worry - You can also get archer'd, imapeld, and exploded by the siege machine too. and there is always the possibility of getting punted off the bridge into the great divide by a knight! :D Atleast if you get hit with a powder keg, you'll smell fire instead of stale milk.)
  15. dylanduran

    dylanduran A Most Extraordinary Gentleman Donator

    Oh good, I feel much better now, it wasn't death that scared me, it was the fact that I now have an irrational fear of stale milk.
  16. dylanduran

    dylanduran A Most Extraordinary Gentleman Donator

    I've been hiding in this god forsaken cave for hours now, and no one has come in or out! But I've got something here and I'm not giving up on it just yet.
  17. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Hella: "Laddie, sheer numbers alone will not win us this war. We shall not receive reinforcements before the battle for this fortress begins, and we cannot yield it in order to collect recruits in a tactical retreat. Look at our compliment; they are mostly simple farming lads, brought here on dreams of glory! A bare few are true fighting men, disciplined and strong on the field of battle. I have heard rumours that we have a single month before the Reds arrive at our gates. We must train them. Morale is low, but they must be willing to die for you, Lord Trae, if not honoured to die alongside us. We must make no mistake, the gods do not favour us, yet we must try."
  18. SirEndgame

    SirEndgame Shopkeep Stealer

    SirEndgame: "Indeed. A mere month is hardly enough to prepare for war, but we may be able to manage if we have a secret weapon along with tthe hotwax-smashy-seige-doomsday-tank."

    I pulled out a few vials of my Sense-dsiabling brews: Disorientation vial, sleep vial, Vial of the blind, Audio curse vial, vial of slumber.

    "These just need to make contact and will instantly disable the sense they are labled. I daresay that fighting blind, deaf, and paralyzed men will be quite a bit easier. And it wouldn't take a genius to chuck a glass bottle then shove a sword through someone."

    "We may need to rally the morale of the farmers to help us. with the vials, they'd be key units, and wouldn't need too much combat training".
  19. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Hella: "A clean death is preferable to the toture of ones senses; use them cautiously, for it would be folly to give them to those we do not trust. Begin to organise your chemical warfare, if you wish to arm them such, once we have distinguished the strong hearted from those who may forget themselves in the heat of battle."
  20. SirEndgame

    SirEndgame Shopkeep Stealer

    Sirendgame: "Of course. they would hardly be potent doses - A half an hour to an hour, maximum. I will begin the brewing process, but my cavern is not welll ventilated enough to be able to mass brew that amoutn of toxins in such a little time - the fumes would get trappe dinside, and i'd give myself a incredibly powerful overdoes of all the compounds mixed together. It'd be suicidal. is there a galley in this castle? I'd request use of it for a day or two, if Lord Trae would approve.

    In the meantime, I'd be happy to let you fellows use my apartment as a makeshift kitchen - I used to live inside the castle walls, but later moved to the grotto as it was ideal for hiding my inventions. the apartment remains vacant, I saw."
Mods: BlueLuigi
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