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KAG's Dying Competitive Scene

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ShamWow-SuperRag, Jun 8, 2015.

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  1. Snake19

    Snake19 RIP Staff Alumni Donator
    1. [AG#] - Ancient Gear

    Thank you L'oiseauPatate :D
    I would say more that it's a sort of goal / achievement I'd like to see my clan reach.
    more competitive

    more social

    But a clan can have the both :)
  2. Leo

    Leo Haxor

    Sorry man but nobody using east coast server.
    Darknighte9 likes this.
  3. CowboyDan

    CowboyDan Haxor Staff Alumni Donator Tester

    Trust me, nearly every competitive us and canada player is east coast. People in US wont wont to play competitive on a west server.
    Tern likes this.
  4. Tern

    Tern Quickfish Donator Official Server Admin
    1. Zen - [Zen] - (Invite Only)

    It's different for competitive. Back when MLK servers were up, we used the east coast server all the time, and we only used west coast server when we had Aussies playing with us. I guarantee a private east coast server would get more use than a private west coast one. If worst comes to worst we'll just have @makmoud98 host an east coast server and the west coast one will go unused.
  5. Leo

    Leo Haxor

    West server is being used by the aussies too. Anyway I'll make an eu and west and someone else can make an east one.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 12, 2015, Original Post Date: Jun 12, 2015 ---
  6. Snake19

    Snake19 RIP Staff Alumni Donator
    1. [AG#] - Ancient Gear

    i can help mak for pay the US east server if necessary.
    Tern likes this.
  7. Tern

    Tern Quickfish Donator Official Server Admin
    1. Zen - [Zen] - (Invite Only)

    He already pays arcrave to host one, but he may appreciate help. It's super generous of you to offer. :3
    Snake19 likes this.
  8. Yagger

    Yagger Kouji's bitch 5eva Staff Alumni Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]


    Add a U.S. central server for U.S. farmers and rednecks :rekt:
    Tern likes this.
  9. ShamWow-SuperRag

    ShamWow-SuperRag zamn Donator Tester

    Hey guys, I'll be making a poll in General Discussion about whether we do ELO or whatever Snake suggested. We've gone off topic some much, I didn't really learn about what we're doing. I think bigger and better clans are fine, and they represent more of a challenge. Like someone said, pub matches are for playing to have fun, and cws are for playing to win. Leo and Yagger, great job.

    Back to the intended purpose of this thread, all we need is an active league with active clans. All the CWs I played that were with EU guys were fine. I've never experienced extreme tping in a CW or scrimmage.
    Also, I am willing to contribute in anyway to the league. As stated, I'll make a poll about what system we do for the league. I personally think the rewards of winning should be customized clan tags and a custom head.
  10. Darknighte9

    Darknighte9 Haxor Staff Alumni
    1. KAG Competitive League

    West coast, best coast. I am in US (western) and always play on a west coast server when I have the chance. More people have been on Black Death West lately anyways, I can't say the same for East when it was up because half the time it seemed dead.

    I think what Swine is trying to say in layman's terms (maybe I'm wrong) is that the reality of the competitive scene is that KAG can't afford to have large clans almost entirely controlling the flow of competitive play. And yeah, sure, Nova has around 20-25 members now, but I would say more than half of those are social players who just want to be in a group of people who all like to play KAG. And like Chukka said that in a perfect world, to really have variety in the competitive scene, clans would need to be smaller and more balanced. In the state that KAG is in now, I think a lot of people can agree that would be near impossible. With that being said, I think the community needs to decide what kind of sacrifices need to be make to make the next era of competitive the best it can be. I think that its great for clans to want to be the best but we need to be realistic, we aren't some MOBA with a large community that can keep pumping in new players into the game.
    Psiklaw and TheDirtySwine like this.
  11. ShamWow-SuperRag

    ShamWow-SuperRag zamn Donator Tester

    But who can say that small clans can't rise up against the bigger and better ones? That is at the heart of competition. Rising up, beating people against all odds, becoming better and better until you're the best. Many will try, but few will actually be successful. That's just the natural flow of competition.
  12. TheDirtySwine

    TheDirtySwine Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    Everyone is so butthurt if they lose a match. The real reason competitive is shit rn is because people don't want to have a loss on their record. I don't see what the big deal I'd really... I don't really relate to it anyways so I'll never understand why it's that big of a deal to be undefeated.
    Blue_Tiger likes this.
  13. Colargolator

    Colargolator Horde Gibber
    1. KAG Competitive League

    100% agreement. Although competitive requires that every clan tries to be good, we should not be as offended to lose as we were during the mlk period and just play the damn game.
    Snake19 and Blue_Tiger like this.
  14. Snake19

    Snake19 RIP Staff Alumni Donator
    1. [AG#] - Ancient Gear

    Stop you'll make me blush :oops:
    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 12, 2015, Original Post Date: Jun 12, 2015 ---
    Many clan do not understand that a defeat could make them stronger.
    Because of a loss you can learn from your mistakes, learn from the opposing team (hence the interest to play against stronger clans as ours), develop new strategy, towers, to fight your upcoming opponent!

    Do you know before the AG was a small French clan?
    we trained us to go to the competitive scene of Kag, we did some training against the Zen @kedram and the former clan of @Kingdom the -FS-.

    Of course at that time we lost against the Zen! We do not have clearly the level, but against all odds we won our training against the -FS-

    We learned from Zen and -FS- who knew more things than us.

    Gift, here's a short video of our victory against the FS :
    Be carefull has your ears during the video :')
    and please at that time some of my members were young, do not be hard on their voices.
  15. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    I'd just like to cut in here and say im 99% sure no one is afraid of a loss. The real reason smaller clans want to fight clans, of their own speed, is to get better. If clan gets completely owned by AG#, Zen, or someone else that won't help them get better(as it would be completely one-sided and i do not see them learning anything)
  16. makmoud98

    makmoud98 You are already DEAD Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester

    Actually, I stopped helping arcrave's thing. I just cut it off and did my own thing. I pay ~40 bucks every 6 months
    Tern likes this.
  17. ShamWow-SuperRag

    ShamWow-SuperRag zamn Donator Tester

    There is no initiative. Small clans just get discouraged and/or lazy. Sometimes by repeated losses against bigger clans, or general inactivity with the clan members even though other members are active. They need to know that its not all about losing multiple times, and the clan that I'm in has dealt with that... a lot... but we've learned, we've improved. Losses = More experience, learning your opponent. Losses aren't supposed to tell you that your clan sucks at the game and that you should give up, it tells you to improve.

    Back on topic... I suggest sub divisions in MLK with an ELO system (WAPOOOOWWW. ikr, when I was reading this post over I noticed how bad of a transition it was. don't judge)

    I know this doesn't solve all problems but I think its fair to say that it helps. Even if there are only 2-3 clans in a "Starter divison" and the same in a "Pro divison" there will still be a barrier between levels of skill. Therefore the clan that becomes better than its peer clans in the Starter d it will move to the Pro divison. If a clan gets rekt in the Pro division, it moves down to the Starter divison.

    Furthermore, we could have "Deciding matches". Lets put it this way... A Pro D (D stands for divison, aight?) clan is at the bottom of that league, and they're dreading the end of season match (and that match is required) against the highest ranking clan in the Starter D. The Pro D clan fully realizes that if they lose that very important match, they will be relegated from the Pro D to the Starter D, and that clan that they lost against will be promoted to the Pro D. Ehhhhhhhhh? Ehhhhhh? I think that is an awesome scenario, and it would be awesome if we actually did it.
  18. Potatobird

    Potatobird Haxor Forum Moderator Mapping Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    Well I think with Elo we wouldn't need to make the divisions, the Elo system will sort the clans out by itself.
    Blue_Tiger, CowboyDan and PUNK123 like this.
  19. Snake19

    Snake19 RIP Staff Alumni Donator
    1. [AG#] - Ancient Gear

    So the "Throne" tournament with the ELO system ? or the MLK season 2 with the ELO system ? Or another tournement ?
  20. Potatobird

    Potatobird Haxor Forum Moderator Mapping Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    I kind of like the Throne thing. It doesn't really matter what we call if so I prefer the throne :^)

    I'm picturing a throne made out of flags rather than swords. Not sure if that would look goofy or cool. Any artists want to give it a try? ;)
    Snake19 likes this.
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