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King Arthur's Armory

Discussion in 'Modding [KAG]' started by Skinney, Aug 12, 2013.

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  1. Skinney

    Skinney THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator Tester

    As soon as possible, I will be releasing each weapon class individually with the spear being the first. Speaking of the spear, it is getting close to being ready for playtesting.
  2. Sirpixelot

    Sirpixelot Base Burner
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Bombjab...? o -o
    WHAT!? :O
  3. Skinney

    Skinney THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator Tester

    You can rebound bombs with properly timed/aimed jabs (like a pool cue). Things you could accomplish with bomb jab.
    1. Tossing a bomb vertically then jabbing it while mid air would "shoot" said bomb.
    2. Jabbing an incoming bomb to "rebound" it at your attacker
    Granted I cannot get a good feel for it until I can test it out myself, so this mechanic might not see the light of day for the spear.
  4. Hawxx

    Hawxx Haxor

    :') I love this, will there be alpha/beta testers for this mod? If then count me in ^.^
    SMASH1413 likes this.
  5. Sirpixelot

    Sirpixelot Base Burner
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Heh... make a separate mode called "Volleybomb" xD
    Just bounce a bomb back and forth with jabs in a certain time limit... if the bomb hits you or the ground.. it goes boom and you lose... or die (Kinda like hot potato... but instead its explosive potato) :D
    NinjaCell likes this.
  6. Skinney

    Skinney THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator Tester

    When I am ready for playtesting I will let you know.

    Could be interesting, would be lots of fun to make some game modes like spleef or murder ball. Not even going to think about it for the time being though.

    I have taken the liberty to record some gameplay at an appalling 8fps, below you can see some various jabs, lunges, movement, blocking and the helicopter.
  7. Sirpixelot

    Sirpixelot Base Burner
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Beautiful. Simply beautiful.
    Hawxx likes this.
  8. kilmanio

    kilmanio Arsonist

    Wouldn't every knight use this? helicopter moves, longer ranged stabbing and bomb poking.
    seems fun but I don't think that anyone wants to use the sword and shield if you can just have this epic thing!
    MadRaccoon likes this.
  9. NinjaCell

    NinjaCell Haxor

    • Could you make a bow with a longer charge time but more knockback?
    • Or maybe even one that at full power goes through enemies? (multikills here I come!)
    • A hanglider-type shield for knights?
    • Mini-boulders would be cool.
    • A cloak that fades the wearers colours?
    • Am I forever bound to speak in questions?
  10. crackwise

    crackwise Shipwright

    That spear stuff looks so cool!!! Wow, I want to play these things so bad : )
  11. kilmanio

    kilmanio Arsonist

    there is a glider in the game, just not used (might only be sprites)

    Trying to do something with mini-boulders, ill see the outcome of what I can do

    Made a mod
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2013
    NinjaCell likes this.
  12. SMASH1413

    SMASH1413 Bison Rider

    Skinny, this is truly brilliant, you must be an amazin coder and your sprites look great!!!

    I you do need testers I am available, lol!

    Keep up the good work cannot wait to see the end result!

    This in sandbox survival would be great!!! http://viridimilitis.com/
    In case you don't know about it, it is another KAG beta mod and intends to be the biggest one.

    This on their horses would e immense, I mean jousting matches FTW, I think that you should look into them!!!
    amgtree and NinjaCell like this.
  13. Skinney

    Skinney THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator Tester

    I could do these things, however when I work on archers I would like to make each role more defined and unique. For instance a long bow would have higher velocity, slightly more damage but a longer charge time. These changes along with a slew of additional mechanics to fill out a fresh new playstyle.

    Regarding piercing ammo, I could possibly see that being an attribute of crossbows at close range. However I am hesitant to making anything non siege pierce flesh.

    Basic knights already have enough movement potential with their kite shields and bomb jumping, a hang glider would push that potential over the edge. Not to mention the spear which trades bomb jumping for whirlwind flight. I think the next weapon for the knight would be less movement related. Possibilities include mace/tower shield, Broadaxe, or even a hal-bard(not to be mistaken with a halberd which only has a spear point and lacks the cannon attachment).

    Looks like someone beat me to the punch on mini-boulders, good job kilmanio.

    I was never a fan of how invisibility was implemented in modern games, perhaps one of the archers load outs could include a ghillie like cloak that mimics terrain patterns. This combined with a special weapon and archer prone could prove to be quite sneaky while not being entirely undetectable.

    I will keep you in mind for playtesting. Regarding Sandbox Survival, I would like to contribute in some way however the way they are implementing weapons is drastically different to how I am building each class. The sprite sheet would most likely be all they would be able to use and even then it would have to be chopped up to fit their implementation.
    BlueLuigi, SMASH1413 and NinjaCell like this.
  14. WolfgangPolska

    WolfgangPolska Shipwright

    Well i could be playtester too, have a lot of time at weekends.
  15. kilmanio

    kilmanio Arsonist

    Made my day.

    working on something a bit bigger this time
    Hawxx likes this.
  16. Skinney

    Skinney THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator Tester

    Quick update, finally got some sprites hobbled together that look halfway decent.

    Downward crescent slash

    A little information about spear combat as it stands

    LMB (left mouse button)
    Press & hold to charge, on release depending on direction and charge level you will perform different attacks.
    00 - 20 = Jabs in the following directions; up, mid up, mid, mid down and down.
    20 - 40 = Thrusts in the following directions; up, mid up, mid, mid down and down.
    40 - 60 = Arcing slashes from up to down and down to up as well as a middle lunge.
    60+ = Overcharging causes you to be knocked for a set duration

    Jabs = Basic attacks, deal 1 heart of damage (medium range).
    Thrusts = Intermediate attacks, dealing 1 heart of damage + a small burst of speed (medium range).
    Slashes = Advanced attack, dealing 1 heart of damage + stunning unblocked (short range arc).
    Lunge = Advanced attack, dealing 2 hearts of damage + a big burst of speed (long range).

    Special attacks

    Aerial upward thrust, will give you a small upwards boost.

    Aerial downward thrust, will give you a small downwards boost. If this attack connects with a fleshy character it will give you a little spring back into the air(similar to link from SSB).

    Upwards slash, stuns unblocked and adds significant upwards force (flinging).

    Downwards slash, stuns unblocked and adds significant downwards force (smashing).

    RMB (right mouse button)
    press & hold to charge, on release depending on direction and charge you will perform different moves.
    00 - 60 = Blocking
    20 - 60 = Helicopter if released in the upwards direction.
    *caps at 60, cannot overcharge

    Because the nature of the weapon, you can only block in one direction (directly in front of you, albeit at a longer range than a shield). On top of only being able to block in one direction your movement speed is slowed while blocking.

    Allows you to freely roam the sky for a brief period of time, duration is based on charge length. Touching ground, water, wall jumping or wall sliding cancels this state. The extended vertical movement is great for clearing small walls, horizontal gaps and setting up downward thrust chains.

    Feel free to air any questions or concerns, but note that these are current settings and are subject to change after play testing which will commence soon.

    On an unrelated note, I implore everyone who reads this to provide some much needed feedback on the maps currently in the default CTF mapcycle. You can do so here!
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2013
    hans_02, kaizokuroof, Hawxx and 6 others like this.
  17. SlyStalker

    SlyStalker Shopkeep Stealer

    Because the builder is like a peasant class, maybe an "Extended Scythe" or something would be appropriate.
  18. SMASH1413

    SMASH1413 Bison Rider

    Skinny, wow just wow!
    This will be huge, just to point out the obvious there! :D
  19. franek123

    franek123 The architect of the royal castle. Donator Tester

    CANT WAIT :)
  20. PussyDestroyer

    PussyDestroyer Bison Rider

    Yes we can't wait to play with this ;3
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