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King Arthur's Gold Rant

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Fernegulus, Oct 26, 2014.

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  1. Fernegulus

    Fernegulus Bison Rider

    The first thing: feel free to shit on my face in this thread, but don't expect me to defend. I'm sick of those fucking flame wars, to which point every discussion on this forum eventually comes.

    This will be a post full of hate.

    I just came from a match of KAG Beta. It's been usual. Regular KAG stuff. Papershields. Animation bugs (forever stuns, 2 heart jabs). Longswords. Arrows hitting me in the air. Arrows hitting clientside but not dealing damage. 33-66 ping = practically 133-200 ping. Bombs not dealing terrain damage. Bombs blowing up 5 seconds after blowing up.

    And that is the biggest problem. Bugs and lags. Both of them, so fucking mashed up you don't even know if it's a raycast bugging away or just ping. This is what makes this game so unplayable, so fucking rage-inducing. What makes this game so unfair towards everybody. Your reflexes don't matter. Your luck with bugs and lags does.

    Now if that's not fucking enough, there's mechanics issues. You made a completly different game, basically remade a game that didn't need a remake. And made it hugely unbalanced. In attempts to fix the unbalance, you make both combat classes OP and practically the same while forgetting about the builder. Fucking examples, well how the fuck are arrows different from bombs in the terms of throwing mechanics? Bombs are just like expensive, buffed arrows for knight. They fly the same distance with the same speed. Archer, who was always supposed to be a support class, is now sometimes over half of your team. I have nothing against the number of archers, just if they weren't so fucking spammy. Fucking shotgun shot. Really? Yeah, so we make a triple shot, but it's hard to stand there for 3 seconds to fire the arrows, so let's make a spray of them, and let the 2 disappear, so it's even more fucking close ranged. Why is archer effective against a knight in close range? Is that the fucking way to balance? Make everything the same? Well I see it's the easy way, but it's so fucking way better when the classes are different from each other while being equally powerful. And again, it wouldn't be such a big issue if only the game worked.

    This game is so fucking broken and bad. The mechanics are fairly bad and they don't work. Everything is buggy. You broke a game.

    Stop reworking the code mechanics wise. Fix the bugs and optimize it first.
    That's the only fucking way.

    Fuck you.
    Sincerely, fucking Ferne.

    EDIT: And no, I won't just quit it. I won't stop playing. I'm not a shitter who ragequits because the game got bad. If everyone who thinks a game is bad quits, you'll never fix it. Really, please, KAG was so much fun in Classic.
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